2016-10-27 6 views


マイワーキングプロジェクトのディレクトリ構造は次のようになります。 アプリ - >コンポーネント - >ボタン - > __test - > test.jsx


問題のディレクトリ構造は次のようになります。 アプリ - >コンポーネント - >リスト - > LISTHEADER - > __test - 彼らはサブディレクトリ内に存在する場合> test.jsx




const webpack = require('webpack') 
const argv = require('yargs').argv 
const path = require('path') 

const aliases = require('./webpack/alias') 
const config = require('./webpack/settings') 
const loaders = require('./webpack/loaders') 
const preloaders = require('./webpack/preloaders') 

const karmaConfig = (config) => { 
    // only use PhantomJS for our 'test' browser 
    browsers: ['PhantomJS'], 

    // just run once by default unless --watch flag is passed 
    singleRun: !argv.watch, 

    // Enable or disable colors in the output (reporters and logs) 
    colors: true, 

    // which karma frameworks do we want integrated 
    frameworks: ['mocha', 'chai', 'sinon'], 

    // displays tests in a nice readable format 
    reporters: ['spec'], 

    // include some polyfills for babel and phantomjs 
    files: [ 
     './app/**/**/__test/test.jsx', // specify files to watch for tests 
     './app/**/**/__test/test.js', // specify files to watch for tests 
     './app/**/**/**/__test/test.jsx', // specify files to watch for tests 
     './app/**/**/**/__test/test.js' // specify files to watch for tests 
    preprocessors: { 
     // these files we want to be precompiled with webpack 
     // also run tests throug sourcemap for easier debugging 
     ['./app/**/**/__test/*']: ['webpack', 'sourcemap'] 
    // A lot of people will reuse the same webpack config that they use 
    // in development for karma but remove any production plugins like UglifyJS etc. 
    // I chose to just re-write the config so readers can see what it needs to have 
    webpack: { 
     devtool: 'inline-source-map', 
     resolve: { 
     // allow us to import components in tests like: 
     // import Example from 'components/Example'; 
     root: path.resolve(__dirname, './app'), 

     // allow us to avoid including extension name 
     extensions: ['', '.js', '.jsx'], 

     // required for enzyme to work properly 
     alias: aliases 

     module: { 
     // don't run babel-loader through the sinon module 
     noParse: [ 
     // run babel loader for our tests 
     // preLoaders: preloaders, 
     loaders: loaders, 
     // required for enzyme to work properly 
     externals: { 
     'jsdom': 'window', 
     'cheerio': 'window', 
     'react-dom/server': 'window', 
     'text-encoding': 'window', 
     'react/addons': true, 
     'react/lib/ExecutionEnvironment': true, 
     'react/lib/ReactContext': 'window' 
    webpackMiddleware: { 
     noInfo: true, 
     stats: { 
     colors: true, 
     chunks: false 
    // tell karma all the plugins we're going to be using to prevent warnings 
    plugins: [ 

    autoWatch: true 

module.exports = karmaConfig 




最後に主な原因は、私は二重のアスタリスク(* /)に含まkarma.configのglobパターンを使用した場合ように見えました2番目のレベルより深く進んだフォルダに保存します。




const glob = require('glob'); 
const jsdom = require('jsdom'); 
const chai = require('chai'); 

global.document = jsdom.jsdom(); 
global.window = document.defaultView; 

global.navigator = window.navigator || {}; 
global.Node = window.Node; 
global.addEventListener = window.addEventListener; 
global.MouseEvent = window.MouseEvent; 
global.KeyboardEvent = window.KeyboardEvent; 
global.Event = window.Event; 
global.btoa = window.btoa; 
global.FormData = window.FormData; 
global.FileReader = window.FileReader; 
global.File = window.File; 

window.beforeEach = global.beforeEach; 
window.afterEach = global.afterEach; 
window.before = global.before; 
window.after = global.after; 
window.mocha = true; 

