2017-06-23 18 views


branch.name AS branch, 
SUM(appointment.status = 'completed') AS `Completed`, 
SUM(appointment.status = 'cancelled') AS `Cancelled`, 
SUM(appointment.status = 'not completed') AS `Not Completed`, 
SUM(appointment.status != 'rescheduled') AS `Total` 
FROM rep 
JOIN customer ON rep.id = customer.rep_id 
JOIN office ON rep.office_id = office.id 
JOIN appointment ON customer.id = appointment.customer_id 
JOIN branch ON office.branch_id = branch.id 
WHERE rep.active= 1 
AND rep.group IN (1,2,3) 
AND rep.deleted = 0 
AND customer.saved = 0 
AND (customer.rep_id != appointment.closed_by OR appointment.closed_by IS NULL) 
AND customer.rep_id != 0 
AND customer.deleted = 0 
AND office.visible = 1 
AND office.deleted = 0 
AND appointment.date >= '2016-12-01' 
AND appointment.date < '2017-11-30' 
AND appointment.current = 1 
GROUP BY branch.id 
ORDER BY Completed 


id: 1 
select_type: simple 
table: office 
type: ref 
possible_keys: PRIMARY, deleted_branchID_name, deleted_visible 
key: deleted_visible 
key_len: 5 
ref: const,const 
rows: 73 
Extra: Using index condition; Using temporary; Using filesort 

id: 1 
select_type: simple 
table: branch 
type: eq_ref 
possible_keys: PRIMARY 
key_len: 4 
ref: office.branch_id 
rows: 1 
Extra: NULL 

id: 1 
select_type: simple 
table: rep 
type: ref 
possible_keys: PRIMARY, group_id, office_id, active_deleted 
key: office_id 
key_len: 5 
ref: office.id 
rows: 57 
Extra: Using index condition; Using where 

id: 1 
select_type: simple 
table: customer 
type: ref 
possible_keys: PRIMARY, rep_id 
key: rep_id 
key_len: 4 
ref: rep.id 
rows: 61 
Extra: Using where 

id: 1 
select_type: simple 
table: appointment 
type: ref 
possible_keys: date, customer_id, closedByID_date, isCurrent_date 
key: customer_id 
key_len: 4 
ref: customer.id 
rows: 1 
Extra: Using where 

に周り)(役に立たないと削除、クエリが示唆します索引 'オフィス(削除された、目に見える、branch_id)'。しかし、この表にはほんの一握りの行が含まれているように見えるため、この索引は多分役立たないでしょう。より良い戦略を選択するには、強力なフィルタを特定することができます。たとえば99%のデータに 'customer.saved = 1'または' appointment.current!= 1'がある場合は、これを使ってクエリを最適化することができますが、データに依存します。また、明確にするためには、最後の 'left join'を' join'で置き換えるべきです( 'office.branch_id'が' not null'でもある場合は最後のものも置き換えてください) – Solarflare





LEFT JOIN customer ON rep.id = customer.rep_id 
    LEFT JOIN office ON rep.office_id = office.id 
    LEFT JOIN appointment ON customer.id = appointment.customer_id 
    LEFT JOIN branch ON office.branch_id = branch.id