2012-01-08 11 views

最近、私はJS/HTML5ゲームエンジンで作業しています。今度はDimSumが完全な食事ではないため、私はそれをDimSumJsと呼んでいます。私のフレームワークはまだゆっくり実行されて完全なゲームを作っています(それは減速する前に約250個のオブジェクトしか動かすことができません。 300個のオブジェクト)。 iframe内でdivを使用します。Javascriptゲームエンジンのスピードアップ方法


//DimSumJS - Open Source Game Engine 
//DimSumJS (C) Ruochen Tang 
//Can be used commerically, but please give credit 
var RIGHTKEY = 37; 
var UPKEY = 38; 
var LEFTKEY = 39; 
var DOWNKEY = 40; 
var SPACEKEY = 32; 
var MASTER_WIDTH = 480; 
var MASTER_HEIGHT = 600; 

var Game = window.frames[0].document.body; 
Game.setAttribute("width",MASTER_WIDTH + "px"); 
Game.setAttribute("height",MASTER_HEIGHT + "px"); 
var gl = setInterval("gameLoop();",15); 

//Global Vars 
var keyDown = new Array(); 
for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++){ 
    keyDown[i] = false; 
var gameState = 1; 

Game.style.backgroundColor = "#000"; 

processKeyEvent = function(event){ 
     // MSIE hack 
     if (window.event) 
      event = window.event; 

     keyDown[event.keyCode] = true;  

releaseKey = function(event){ 
    // MSIE hack 
     if (window.event) 
      event = window.event; 

    keyDown[event.keyCode] = false; 
Game.onkeydown = processKeyEvent; 
Game.onkeyup = releaseKey; 

var GameObjects = new Array(); 

function GameObject(xx, yy, w, h, i, inc, gs, name, img){ 


    this.width = w; 
    this.height = h; 
    this.index = i; 
    this.currIndex = 0; 
    this.increment = inc; 
    this.currInc = 0; 
    this.x = xx; 
    this.y = yy; 
    this.depth = 0; 
    this.objType = name; 
    this.image = img; 
    this.xScale = 1; 
    this.yScale = 1; 
    this.scaleString = "scale(" + this.xScale + "," + this.yScale + ")"; 
    this.speed = 0; 
    this.direction = 0; 
    this.gravity = 0; 
    this.gravityDirection = 0; 
    this.active = true; 
    this.visible = true; 
    this.bindToRoom = false; 
    this.text = ""; 
    this.color = "#FFF"; 
    this.gameState = gs; 

    this.div = document.createElement("div"); 
    this.div.style.left= this.x + "px"; 
    this.div.style.top= this.y + "px"; 
    this.div.style.width= this.width + "px";  
    this.div.style.height= this.height + "px"; 
    this.div.style.backgroundImage = "url(images/" + this.image + ")"; 

    this.div.style[getTransformProperty(this.div)] = this.scaleString; 

    this.isDiv = true; 
    this.classChanged = false; 

    this.move = move; 
    this.anim = anim; 
    this.setScale = setScale; 
    this.checkCollisionAt = checkCollisionAt; 
    this.objectAt = objectAt; 
    this.objectTypeAt = objectTypeAt; 
    this.toggleActive = toggleActive; 
    this.extend = extend; 
    this.unextend = unextend; 
    this.isType = isType; 
    this.update = update; 

    function move(xx,yy){ 
     this.x += xx; 
     this.y += yy; 

    function anim(){ 
     this.currInc += 1; 
     if (this.currInc >= this.increment){ 
      this.currInc -= this.increment; 
      this.currIndex += 1; 
      if (this.currIndex >= this.index){ 
       this.currIndex -= this.index; 


    function extend(type) { 
     this.objType += " " + type; 
     this.classChanged = true; 

    function unextend(type) { 
     this.objType = this.objType.replace(/(?:^|\s)type(?!\S)/ , ''); 
     this.classChanged = true; 

    function isType(type) { 
      return ((' ' + this.objType + ' ').indexOf(' ' + type + ' ') > -1); 

    function setScale(xx,yy){ 
     this.xScale = xx; 
     this.yScale = yy; 
     this.scaleString = "scale(" + this.xScale + "," + this.yScale + ")";  

    function checkCollisionAt(xx,yy,other){ 
     //Check For Collision 
     xx += this.x; 
     yy += this.y; 

     if ((xx + this.width > other.x) && (xx < other.x + other.width) && (yy + this.height > other.y) && (yy < other.y + other.height)){ 
      return true; 
      return false; 

    function objectAt(xx,yy,solid){ 
     //Loop All Objects 
     for (var i = 0; i < GameObjects.length; i++){ 
      if (GameObjects[i] != this && this.isDiv){ 
       if (this.checkCollisionAt(xx,yy,GameObjects[i])){ 
        return true; 
     return false; 

    function objectTypeAt(xx,yy,type){ 
     //Loop All Objects 
     for (var i = 0; i < GameObjects.length; i++){ 
      if (GameObjects[i] != this && GameObjects[i].isType(type) && this.isDiv){ 
       if (this.checkCollisionAt(xx,yy,GameObjects[i])){ 
        return true; 
     return false; 

    function toggleActive(a){ 
     this.visible = a; 
     this.active = a; 

    function update(){  
     if ((this.active == false || this.gameState != gameState) && this.isDiv){ 
      this.isDiv = false; 
     else if(!this.isDiv){ 
      this.isDiv = true; 

     this.div.style.display = "inline"; 

     if (this.speed != 0){ 
      this.x += this.speed*Math.cos(this.direction*Math.PI/180); 
      this.y += this.speed*Math.sin(this.direction*Math.PI/180); 

     if (this.bindToRoom == true){ 
      if (this.x < 0){ 
       this.x = 0; 

      if (this.y < 0){ 
       this.y = 0; 

      if (this.x > MASTER_WIDTH-this.width){ 
       this.x = MASTER_WIDTH-this.width; 

      if (this.y > MASTER_HEIGHT-this.height){ 
       this.y = MASTER_HEIGHT-this.height; 

     if (!this.visible && this.isDiv){ 
      this.isDiv = false; 
     if (this.classChanged){ 
      this.div.className = this.objType; 

     this.div.style.zIndex = this.depth; 

     this.div.style.color = this.color; 
     this.div.innerHTML = this.text; 

     this.div.style.left= this.x + "px"; 
     this.div.style.top= this.y + "px"; 

     this.div.style[getTransformProperty(this.div)] = this.scaleString; 
     this.div.style.backgroundPosition = this.currIndex * this.width +"px 0"; 

function getTransformProperty(element) { 

    // Note that in some versions of IE9 it is critical that 
    // msTransform appear in this list before MozTransform 
    // By ZachAstronaut 

    var properties = [ 
    var p; 
    while (p = properties.shift()) { 
     if (typeof element.style[p] != 'undefined') { 
      return p; 
    return false; 


