("MSFT.OQ", ["MSFT.OQ"; "Microsoft"; "Nasdaq"]) ;
("GOOG.OQ", ["GOOG.OQ"; "Google"; "Nasdaq"]);
MSFT.OQ Microsoft Nasdaq
GOOG.OQ Google Nasdaq
["MSFT.OQ"; "Microsoft"; "Nasdaq"] ["MSFT.OQ"; "Microsoft"; "Nasdaq"] ["MSFT.OQ"; "Microsoft"; "Nasdaq"]
["GOOG.OQ"; "Google"; "Nasdaq"] ["GOOG.OQ"; "Google"; "Nasdaq"] ["GOOG.OQ"; "Google"; "Nasdaq"]
type SearchResult = (string * string list)
type Template() as this =
inherit Page
val mutable acbTickerSearch : AutoCompleteBox
this.acbTickerSearch = this ? acbTickerSearch
this.display Some(this.getSampleResults())
member private this.getSampleResults() =
("MSFT.OQ", ["MSFT.OQ"; "Microsoft"; "Nasdaq"]) ;
("GOOG.OQ", ["GOOG.OQ"; "Google"; "Nasdaq"]);
("IBM", ["IBM"; "International Business Machines"; "NYSE"]);
("AKAM.OQ", ["AKAM.OQ"; "Akamai"; "Nasdaq"]);
member this.display (results: SearchResult list option) =
let build(result: SearchResult) =
// if we haven't built the bindings yet lets do so
if this.tickerSearchDataGrid = null then
// create a grid
this.tickerSearchDataGrid <- new DataGrid()
this.tickerSearchDataGrid.AutoGenerateColumns <- false
let addColumn i (item: string) =
let col = new DataGridTextColumn()
let binding = System.Windows.Data.Binding()
// LOOK HERE: attempting to bind to an indexer... not working so well,,
binding.Path <- PropertyPath([i])
col.Binding <- binding
i + 1
// the second portion of the tuple, is a list that
// needs to be displayed, wach item in its own column
|> snd
// should probably be List.iteri
|> List.fold addColumn 0
// don't need this with List.iteri
|> ignore
let displayResults (resultLst: SearchResult list) =
// create a list of lists, throwing away the "key" portion of the tuple
// potentially a bug I need toget around...
let lst =
|> List.map (fun (r: SearchResult) -> snd r)
// bind to the data source
this.tickerSearchDataGrid.ItemsSource <- lst
this.tickerSearchDataGrid.HeadersVisibility <- DataGridHeadersVisibility.None
this.acbTickerSearch.ItemsSource <- [this.tickerSearchDataGrid]
this.acbTickerSearch.IsDropDownOpen <- true
match results with
| None ->()
| Some r ->
// set the number of columns based on the results,
// assume all tuples will have an equal number of values,
// we only need the head to determine the columns then
build <| List.head r
// bind the results
displayResults r
私にはあまり意味をしていないbinding.Path <- PropertyPath([])
binding.Path <- PropertyPath("")
binding.Path <- PropertyPath([0].[0])
残念ながら、うまくいきませんでした。私はそのページを昨日早く読んで、似たようなことをしました(私は列車に乗るためにあなたのポストを詳細に見ていませんでした)。それは四分の一の大きさについて3×4の小さなグリッドを表示します。そこにはテキストはありません。そのクラス(プロパティパス)のドキュメントやソースがあれば良いですが、それはうまくいくでしょうが、少なくともF#とDataGridバインディングのIndexersへのバインディングではうまくいかないようです。 – akaphenom