2016-05-10 10 views

JSFiddleにインタラクティブなGoogleマップの作業用テンプレートを作成しましたが、私のサイト上に1つの作業ファイルを作成する際に地図部分をロードしていません。JSFiddle to HTMLファイル

私はこれを聞いて愚かではあるが、私は非常にアマチュアです - このサイトをまとめてjsfiddleの外で機能させるには、どのような順序/ヘッダーなどが必要ですか?ここ





<!DOCTYPE html> 

<style type="text/css"> 
#map-canvas { 
    width: 700px; 
    height: 500px; 

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/jsapi"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=true"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript"> 

[javascript stuff] 
[html div portion] 

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<style type="text/css"> 
#map-canvas { 
    width: 700px; 
    height: 500px; 

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/jsapi"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=true"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript"> 

var gmarkers1 = []; 
var markers1 = []; 
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ 
    content: '' 

// Our markers 
markers1 = [ 
    ['0', 'Cascade Park - 130 Lynn Dr, Hudson, OH 44236', 41.234830, -81.453479], //updated with guesses 
    ['1', 'Solon Community Park - 33955 Sherbrook Park Dr, Solon, OH 44139', 41.402313, -81.437936], //updated with guesses 
    ['2', 'Middleton Park - 1708 Middleton Rd, Hudson, OH 44236', 41.268963, -81.450649], //updated with guesses 
    ['3', 'Silver Springs Park - 5027 Stow Rd Stow, OH 44224', 41.196766, -81.417072], //updated with guesses 
    ['4', 'Liberty Park - 9385 Liberty Rd Twinsburg, OH 44087', 41.317218, -81.419225], //updated with guesses 
    ['5', 'Sunny Lake Park - 885 E Mennonite Rd Aurora, OH 44202', 41.290323, -81.318730], //updated with guesses 
    ['6', 'Aurora Premium Outlets - 549 S Chillicothe Rd, Aurora, OH 44202', 41.301904, -81.341941] //updated with guesses 

var items = [ 

//[0] show marker 
//[1] has playground 
//[2] has baby swing 
//[3] has belt swing 
//[4] has handicap swing 
//[5] toddler friendly 
//[6] RF ground 
//[7] WC ground 
//[8] Pavillion 
//[9] Grill 
//[10] ramps 
//[11] restrooms 
//[12] close restrooms 
//[13] nursing station 
//[14] changing table 
//[15] stroller friendly 
//[16] walking trails 

* Function to init map 

function initialize() { 
    var center = new google.maps.LatLng(41.334830, -81.453479); 
    var mapOptions = { 
     zoom: 10, 
     center: center, 
     mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN 

    map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas'), mapOptions); 
    for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

* Function to add marker to map 

function addMarker(marker) { 
    var title = marker[1]; 
    var pos = new google.maps.LatLng(marker[2], marker[3]); 
    var content = marker[1]; 

    marker1 = new google.maps.Marker({ 
     title: title, 
     position: pos, 
     map: map 


    // Marker click listener 
    google.maps.event.addListener(marker1, 'click', (function (marker1, content) { 
     return function() { 
      console.log('Gmarker 1 gets pushed'); 
      infowindow.open(map, marker1); 
    })(marker1, content)); 

* Function to filter markers by category 

filterMarkersPG = function (categorypg) { 

     //set all to view 
     for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 
     items[i][0] = 1; 
     marker = gmarkers1[i]; 
     //window.alert("setting all to yes"); 

     //import checkbox values 
     var PlaygroundCheck = document.getElementById("playground").checked; 
    var BabySwingCheck = document.getElementById("babyswing").checked; 
    var BeltSwingCheck = document.getElementById("beltswing").checked; 
    var HandicapSwingCheck = document.getElementById("handicapswing").checked; 
    var ToddlerFriendlyCheck = document.getElementById("toddlerfriendly").checked; 
    var RFGroundCheck = document.getElementById("rfground").checked; 
    var WCGroundCheck = document.getElementById("wcground").checked; 
    var PavillionCheck = document.getElementById("pavillion").checked; 
    var GrillCheck = document.getElementById("grill").checked; 
    var RampsCheck = document.getElementById("ramps").checked; 
    var RestroomsCheck = document.getElementById("restrooms").checked; 
    var CloseRestroomsCheck = document.getElementById("closerestrooms").checked; 
    var NursingStationCheck = document.getElementById("nursingstation").checked; 
    var ChangingTableCheck = document.getElementById("changingtable").checked; 
    var StrollerFriendlyCheck = document.getElementById("strollerfriendly").checked; 
    var WalkingTrailsCheck = document.getElementById("walkingtrails").checked; 

    //test that it still works 

    //test if playground checkbox is checked 
    if (PlaygroundCheck == true) {  

      //for all sites, loop through playground marker 
      for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

      //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
      if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

      //get playground binary 
      HasPlayground = items[i][1]; 
      marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

         //test if it has a playground 
      if (HasPlayground == 1){ 
        //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
      else { 
        //set the marker to false 

       //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
       items[i][0] = 0; 




    } //end of playground check 

    //test if babyswing checkbox is checked 
    if (BabySwingCheck == true) {  

      //for all sites, loop through babyswing marker 
      for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

      //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
      if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

      //get babyswing binary 
      HasBabySwing = items[i][2]; 
      marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

         //test if it has a babyswing 
      if (HasBabySwing == 1){ 
        //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
      else { 
        //set the marker to false 

       //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
       items[i][0] = 0; 




    } //end of baby swing test 

    //test if beltswing checkbox is checked 
    if (BeltSwingCheck == true) {  

      //for all sites, loop through babyswing marker 
      for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

      //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
      if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

      //get beltswing binary 
      HasBeltSwing = items[i][3]; 
      marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

         //test if it has a beltswing 
      if (HasBeltSwing == 1){ 
        //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
      else { 
        //set the marker to false 

       //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
       items[i][0] = 0; 




    } //end of belt swing test 

    //test if handicapswing checkbox is checked 
    if (HandicapSwingCheck == true) {  

      //for all sites, loop through babyswing marker 
      for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

      //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
      if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

      //get handicapswing binary 
      HasHandicapSwing = items[i][4]; 
      marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

         //test if it has a handicapswing 
      if (HasHandicapSwing == 1){ 
        //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
      else { 
        //set the marker to false 

       //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
       items[i][0] = 0; 




    } //end of handicap swing test 

    //test if toddlerfriendly checkbox is checked 
    if (ToddlerFriendlyCheck == true) {  

      //for all sites, loop through babyswing marker 
      for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

      //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
      if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

      //get handicapswing binary 
      HasToddlerFriendly = items[i][5]; 
      marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

         //test if it has a handicapswing 
      if (HasToddlerFriendly == 1){ 
        //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
      else { 
        //set the marker to false 

       //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
       items[i][0] = 0; 




    } //end of ToddlerFriendly swing test 

    //test if rf ground checkbox is checked 
    if (RFGroundCheck == true) {  

      //for all sites, loop through marker 
      for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

      //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
      if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

      //get binary 
      HasRFGround = items[i][6]; 
      marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

         //test if it has it 
      if (HasRFGround == 1){ 
        //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
      else { 
        //set the marker to false 

       //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
       items[i][0] = 0; 




    } //end of RFGround test 

    //test if wc ground checkbox is checked 
    if (WCGroundCheck == true) {  

      //for all sites, loop through marker 
      for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

      //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
      if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

      //get binary 
      HasWCGround = items[i][7]; 
      marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

         //test if it has it 
      if (HasWCGround == 1){ 
        //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
      else { 
        //set the marker to false 

       //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
       items[i][0] = 0; 




    } //end of WCGround test 

    //test if pavillion checkbox is checked 
    if (PavillionCheck == true) {  

      //for all sites, loop through marker 
      for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

      //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
      if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

      //get binary 
      HasPavillion = items[i][8]; 
      marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

         //test if it has it 
      if (HasPavillion == 1){ 
        //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
      else { 
        //set the marker to false 

       //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
       items[i][0] = 0; 




    } //end of pavillion test 

    //test if grill checkbox is checked 
    if (GrillCheck == true) {  

      //for all sites, loop through marker 
      for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

      //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
      if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

      //get binary 
      HasGrill = items[i][9]; 
      marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

         //test if it has it 
      if (HasGrill == 1){ 
        //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
      else { 
        //set the marker to false 

       //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
       items[i][0] = 0; 




    } //end of grill test 

    //test if ramp checkbox is checked 
    if (RampsCheck == true) {  

      //for all sites, loop through marker 
      for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

      //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
      if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

      //get binary 
      HasRamps = items[i][10]; 
      marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

         //test if it has it 
      if (HasRamps == 1){ 
        //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
      else { 
        //set the marker to false 

       //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
       items[i][0] = 0; 




    } //end of ramps test 

    //test if restrooms checkbox is checked 
    if (RestroomsCheck == true) {  

      //for all sites, loop through marker 
      for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

      //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
      if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

      //get binary 
      HasRestrooms = items[i][11]; 
      marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

         //test if it has it 
      if (HasRestrooms == 1){ 
        //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
      else { 
        //set the marker to false 

       //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
       items[i][0] = 0; 




    } //end of restrooms test 

    //test if close restrooms checkbox is checked 
    if (CloseRestroomsCheck == true) {  

      //for all sites, loop through marker 
      for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

      //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
      if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

      //get binary 
      HasCloseRestrooms = items[i][12]; 
      marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

         //test if it has it 
      if (HasCloseRestrooms == 1){ 
        //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
      else { 
        //set the marker to false 

       //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
       items[i][0] = 0; 




    } //end of close restrooms test 

    //test if nursingstation checkbox is checked 
    if (NursingStationCheck == true) {  

      //for all sites, loop through marker 
      for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

      //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
      if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

      //get binary 
      HasRamps = items[i][13]; 
      marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

         //test if it has it 
      if (HasRamps == 1){ 
        //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
      else { 
        //set the marker to false 

       //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
       items[i][0] = 0; 




    } //end of ramps test 

    //test if changing table checkbox is checked 
    if (ChangingTableCheck == true) {  

      //for all sites, loop through marker 
      for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

      //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
      if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

      //get binary 
      HasChangingTable = items[i][14]; 
      marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

         //test if it has it 
      if (HasChangingTable == 1){ 
        //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
      else { 
        //set the marker to false 

       //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
       items[i][0] = 0; 




    } //end of changing table test 

    //test if stroller friendly checkbox is checked 
    if (StrollerFriendlyCheck == true) {  

      //for all sites, loop through marker 
      for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

      //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
      if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

      //get binary 
      HasStrollerFriendly = items[i][15]; 
      marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

         //test if it has it 
      if (HasStrollerFriendly == 1){ 
        //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
      else { 
        //set the marker to false 

       //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
       items[i][0] = 0; 




    } //end of changing table test 

    //test if walking trails checkbox is checked 
    if (WalkingTrailsCheck == true) {  

      //for all sites, loop through marker 
      for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

      //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
      if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

      //get binary 
      HasWalkingTrails = items[i][16]; 
      marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

         //test if it has it 
      if (HasWalkingTrails == 1){ 
        //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
      else { 
        //set the marker to false 

       //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
       items[i][0] = 0; 




    } //end of walking Trails test 


// Init map 

<div id="map-canvas"></div> 

<tr><u>Required Items (Select All That Apply):</u></tr><br> 

<td><input type='checkbox' id='playground' onclick="filterMarkersPG(this.value);">Has Playground</td> 
<td><input type='checkbox' id='toddlerfriendly' onclick="filterMarkersPG(this.value);">Toddler Friendly</td> 
<td><input type='checkbox' id='grill' onclick="filterMarkersPG(this.value);">Has Grill</td> 
<td><input type='checkbox' id='nursingstation' onclick="filterMarkersPG(this.value);">Has Nursing Station</td> 

<td><input type='checkbox' id='babyswing' onclick="filterMarkersPG(this.value);">Has Baby Swings</td> 
<td><input type='checkbox' id='rfground' onclick="filterMarkersPG(this.value);">Rubber Flooring</td> 
<td><input type='checkbox' id='ramps' onclick="filterMarkersPG(this.value);">Has Ramps</td> 
<td><input type='checkbox' id='changingtable' onclick="filterMarkersPG(this.value);">Has Changing Table</td> 

<td><input type='checkbox' id='beltswing' onclick="filterMarkersPG(this.value);">Has Belt Swings</td> 
<td><input type='checkbox' id='wcground' onclick="filterMarkersPG(this.value);">Wood Chips Flooring</td> 
<td><input type='checkbox' id='restrooms' onclick="filterMarkersPG(this.value);">Has Restrooms</td> 
<td><input type='checkbox' id='strollerfriendly' onclick="filterMarkersPG(this.value);">Stroller Friendly</td> 

<td><input type='checkbox' id='handicapswing' onclick="filterMarkersPG(this.value);">Has Handicap Swings</td> 
<td><input type='checkbox' id='pavillion' onclick="filterMarkersPG(this.value);">Has Pavillion</td> 
<td><input type='checkbox' id='closerestrooms' onclick="filterMarkersPG(this.value);">Has Close Restrooms</td> 
<td><input type='checkbox' id='walkingtrails' onclick="filterMarkersPG(this.value);">Has Walking Trails</td> 



お返事ありがとうございます。私はまだ苦労しています。私がまだ間違っていることについて助言してもらえますか?これは、私はまた、bodyタグで試してみましたが、私は物事 [jsのもの] [HTMLのもの] kamelkid2


を配置しているためですが、それはまだロードされていません。 (私の他のすべての試行と同じように)チェックボックスはロードされますが、マップはありません – kamelkid2


あなたの初期設定項目を 'window.onload = function(){/ * init stuff here * /}'通常はカスタムJavaScriptの上に表示されます。 jsFiddleはデフォルトでこのハンドラの中にjavascriptを挿入します。 – michaPau




<!DOCTYPE html> 
     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> 
     <title>Google Maps Multiple Markers</title> 
     <script src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false" 
     <div id="map" style="width: 700px; height: 500px;"></div> 

     <script type="text/javascript"> 

     var markers1 = [ 
      ['Cascade Park - 130 Lynn Dr, Hudson, OH 44236', 41.234830, -81.453479, 1], 
      ['Solon Community Park - 33955 Sherbrook Park Dr, Solon, OH 44139', 41.402313, -81.437936, 2], 
      ['Middleton Park - 1708 Middleton Rd, Hudson, OH 44236', 41.268963, -81.450649, 3], 
      ['Silver Springs Park - 5027 Stow Rd Stow, OH 44224', 41.196766, -81.417072, 4], 
      ['Liberty Park - 9385 Liberty Rd Twinsburg, OH 44087', 41.317218, -81.419225, 5], 
      ['Sunny Lake Park - 885 E Mennonite Rd Aurora, OH 44202', 41.290323, -81.318730, 6], 
      ['Aurora Premium Outlets - 549 S Chillicothe Rd, Aurora, OH 44202', 41.301904, -81.341941, 7] 

     var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), { 
      zoom: 10, 
      center: new google.maps.LatLng(41.334830, -81.453479), 
      mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN 

     var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); 

     var marker, i; 
     var gmarkers1 = []; 

     for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 
      marker = new google.maps.Marker({ 
      position: new google.maps.LatLng(markers1[i][1], markers1[i][2]), 
      map: map 


      google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', (function(marker, i) { 
      return function() { 
       infowindow.open(map, marker); 
      })(marker, i)); 

     var items = [ 

     //[0] show marker 
     //[1] has playground 
     //[2] has baby swing 
     //[3] has belt swing 
     //[4] has handicap swing 
     //[5] toddler friendly 
     //[6] RF ground 
     //[7] WC ground 
     //[8] Pavillion 
     //[9] Grill 
     //[10] ramps 
     //[11] restrooms 
     //[12] close restrooms 
     //[13] nursing station 
     //[14] changing table 
     //[15] stroller friendly 
     //[16] walking trails 

     function ToggleMarker(a){ 

      //set all to view 
      for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 
       items[i][0] = 1; 
       marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

      //import checkbox values 
      var PlaygroundCheck = document.getElementById("playground").checked; 
      var BabySwingCheck = document.getElementById("babyswing").checked; 
      var BeltSwingCheck = document.getElementById("beltswing").checked; 
      var HandicapSwingCheck = document.getElementById("handicapswing").checked; 
      var ToddlerFriendlyCheck = document.getElementById("toddlerfriendly").checked; 
      var RFGroundCheck = document.getElementById("rfground").checked; 
      var WCGroundCheck = document.getElementById("wcground").checked; 
      var PavillionCheck = document.getElementById("pavillion").checked; 
      var GrillCheck = document.getElementById("grill").checked; 
      var RampsCheck = document.getElementById("ramps").checked; 
      var RestroomsCheck = document.getElementById("restrooms").checked; 
      var CloseRestroomsCheck = document.getElementById("closerestrooms").checked; 
      var NursingStationCheck = document.getElementById("nursingstation").checked; 
      var ChangingTableCheck = document.getElementById("changingtable").checked; 
      var StrollerFriendlyCheck = document.getElementById("strollerfriendly").checked; 
      var WalkingTrailsCheck = document.getElementById("walkingtrails").checked; 

      //test that it still works 

      //test if playground checkbox is checked 
      if (PlaygroundCheck == true) {  

       //for all sites, loop through playground marker 
       for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

        //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
        if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

         //get playground binary 
         HasPlayground = items[i][1]; 
         marker = gmarkers1[i]; 
         //test if it has a playground 

         if (HasPlayground == 1){ 
          //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
         else { 
          //set the marker to false 

          //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
          items[i][0] = 0; 




      } //end of playground check 

      //test if babyswing checkbox is checked 
      if (BabySwingCheck == true) {  

       //for all sites, loop through babyswing marker 
       for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

        //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
        if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

         //get babyswing binary 
         HasBabySwing = items[i][2]; 
         marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

         //test if it has a babyswing 
         if (HasBabySwing == 1){ 
          //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
         else { 
           //set the marker to false 

          //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
          items[i][0] = 0; 




      } //end of baby swing test 

     //test if beltswing checkbox is checked 
     if (BeltSwingCheck == true) {  

       //for all sites, loop through babyswing marker 
       for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

       //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
       if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

       //get beltswing binary 
       HasBeltSwing = items[i][3]; 
       marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

          //test if it has a beltswing 
       if (HasBeltSwing == 1){ 
         //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
       else { 
         //set the marker to false 

        //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
        items[i][0] = 0; 




     } //end of belt swing test 

     //test if handicapswing checkbox is checked 
     if (HandicapSwingCheck == true) {  

       //for all sites, loop through babyswing marker 
       for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

       //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
       if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

       //get handicapswing binary 
       HasHandicapSwing = items[i][4]; 
       marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

          //test if it has a handicapswing 
       if (HasHandicapSwing == 1){ 
         //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
       else { 
         //set the marker to false 

        //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
        items[i][0] = 0; 




     } //end of handicap swing test 

     //test if toddlerfriendly checkbox is checked 
     if (ToddlerFriendlyCheck == true) {  

       //for all sites, loop through babyswing marker 
       for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

       //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
       if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

       //get handicapswing binary 
       HasToddlerFriendly = items[i][5]; 
       marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

          //test if it has a handicapswing 
       if (HasToddlerFriendly == 1){ 
         //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
       else { 
         //set the marker to false 

        //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
        items[i][0] = 0; 




     } //end of ToddlerFriendly swing test 

     //test if rf ground checkbox is checked 
     if (RFGroundCheck == true) {  

       //for all sites, loop through marker 
       for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

       //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
       if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

       //get binary 
       HasRFGround = items[i][6]; 
       marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

          //test if it has it 
       if (HasRFGround == 1){ 
         //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
       else { 
         //set the marker to false 

        //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
        items[i][0] = 0; 




     } //end of RFGround test 

     //test if wc ground checkbox is checked 
     if (WCGroundCheck == true) {  

       //for all sites, loop through marker 
       for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

       //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
       if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

       //get binary 
       HasWCGround = items[i][7]; 
       marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

          //test if it has it 
       if (HasWCGround == 1){ 
         //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
       else { 
         //set the marker to false 

        //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
        items[i][0] = 0; 




     } //end of WCGround test 

     //test if pavillion checkbox is checked 
     if (PavillionCheck == true) {  

       //for all sites, loop through marker 
       for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

       //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
       if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

       //get binary 
       HasPavillion = items[i][8]; 
       marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

          //test if it has it 
       if (HasPavillion == 1){ 
         //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
       else { 
         //set the marker to false 

        //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
        items[i][0] = 0; 




     } //end of pavillion test 

     //test if grill checkbox is checked 
     if (GrillCheck == true) {  

       //for all sites, loop through marker 
       for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

       //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
       if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

       //get binary 
       HasGrill = items[i][9]; 
       marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

          //test if it has it 
       if (HasGrill == 1){ 
         //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
       else { 
         //set the marker to false 

        //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
        items[i][0] = 0; 




     } //end of grill test 

     //test if ramp checkbox is checked 
     if (RampsCheck == true) {  

       //for all sites, loop through marker 
       for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

       //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
       if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

       //get binary 
       HasRamps = items[i][10]; 
       marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

          //test if it has it 
       if (HasRamps == 1){ 
         //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
       else { 
         //set the marker to false 

        //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
        items[i][0] = 0; 




     } //end of ramps test 

     //test if restrooms checkbox is checked 
     if (RestroomsCheck == true) {  

       //for all sites, loop through marker 
       for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

       //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
       if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

       //get binary 
       HasRestrooms = items[i][11]; 
       marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

          //test if it has it 
       if (HasRestrooms == 1){ 
         //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
       else { 
         //set the marker to false 

        //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
        items[i][0] = 0; 




     } //end of restrooms test 

     //test if close restrooms checkbox is checked 
     if (CloseRestroomsCheck == true) {  

       //for all sites, loop through marker 
       for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

       //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
       if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

       //get binary 
       HasCloseRestrooms = items[i][12]; 
       marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

          //test if it has it 
       if (HasCloseRestrooms == 1){ 
         //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
       else { 
         //set the marker to false 

        //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
        items[i][0] = 0; 




     } //end of close restrooms test 

     //test if nursingstation checkbox is checked 
     if (NursingStationCheck == true) {  

       //for all sites, loop through marker 
       for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

       //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
       if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

       //get binary 
       HasRamps = items[i][13]; 
       marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

          //test if it has it 
       if (HasRamps == 1){ 
         //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
       else { 
         //set the marker to false 

        //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
        items[i][0] = 0; 




     } //end of ramps test 

     //test if changing table checkbox is checked 
     if (ChangingTableCheck == true) {  

       //for all sites, loop through marker 
       for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

       //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
       if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

       //get binary 
       HasChangingTable = items[i][14]; 
       marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

          //test if it has it 
       if (HasChangingTable == 1){ 
         //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
       else { 
         //set the marker to false 

        //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
        items[i][0] = 0; 




     } //end of changing table test 

     //test if stroller friendly checkbox is checked 
     if (StrollerFriendlyCheck == true) {  

       //for all sites, loop through marker 
       for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

       //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
       if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

       //get binary 
       HasStrollerFriendly = items[i][15]; 
       marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

          //test if it has it 
       if (HasStrollerFriendly == 1){ 
         //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
       else { 
         //set the marker to false 

        //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
        items[i][0] = 0; 




     } //end of changing table test 

     //test if walking trails checkbox is checked 
     if (WalkingTrailsCheck == true) {  

       //for all sites, loop through marker 
       for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) { 

       //if it is still enabled (we dont want to reenable a previously disabled) 
       if (items[i][0] == 1){ 

       //get binary 
       HasWalkingTrails = items[i][16]; 
       marker = gmarkers1[i]; 

          //test if it has it 
       if (HasWalkingTrails == 1){ 
         //set the marker to true (probably redundant) 
       else { 
         //set the marker to false 

        //prevent it from being viewed again in the loop 
        items[i][0] = 0; 




     } //end of walking Trails test 



    <tr><u>Required Items (Select All That Apply):</u></tr><br> 

    <td><input type='checkbox' id='playground' onclick="ToggleMarker(this.value);">Has Playground</td> 
    <td><input type='checkbox' id='toddlerfriendly' onclick="ToggleMarker(this.value);">Toddler Friendly</td> 
    <td><input type='checkbox' id='grill' onclick="ToggleMarker(this.value);">Has Grill</td> 
    <td><input type='checkbox' id='nursingstation' onclick="ToggleMarker(this.value);">Has Nursing Station</td> 

    <td><input type='checkbox' id='babyswing' onclick="ToggleMarker(this.value);">Has Baby Swings</td> 
    <td><input type='checkbox' id='rfground' onclick="ToggleMarker(this.value);">Rubber Flooring</td> 
    <td><input type='checkbox' id='ramps' onclick="ToggleMarker(this.value);">Has Ramps</td> 
    <td><input type='checkbox' id='changingtable' onclick="ToggleMarker(this.value);">Has Changing Table</td> 

    <td><input type='checkbox' id='beltswing' onclick="ToggleMarker(this.value);">Has Belt Swings</td> 
    <td><input type='checkbox' id='wcground' onclick="ToggleMarker(this.value);">Wood Chips Flooring</td> 
    <td><input type='checkbox' id='restrooms' onclick="ToggleMarker(this.value);">Has Restrooms</td> 
    <td><input type='checkbox' id='strollerfriendly' onclick="ToggleMarker(this.value);">Stroller Friendly</td> 

    <td><input type='checkbox' id='handicapswing' onclick="ToggleMarker(this.value);">Has Handicap Swings</td> 
    <td><input type='checkbox' id='pavillion' onclick="ToggleMarker(this.value);">Has Pavillion</td> 
    <td><input type='checkbox' id='closerestrooms' onclick="ToggleMarker(this.value);">Has Close Restrooms</td> 
    <td><input type='checkbox' id='walkingtrails' onclick="ToggleMarker(this.value);">Has Walking Trails</td> 
