2011-01-27 9 views







私はFirebugのがを指すCSSはそれから来ていることを示すリンクをクリックすると - 彼らは非常に最近の時間を持っていると、上の日付などがあるファイルは、CSSのキャッシュのように見えます。


Firebug 2







/* $Id: style.css,v 2010/07/02 22:11:04 sociotech Exp $ */ 

/* Margin, Padding, Border Resets 

-------------------------------------------------------------- */ 

html, body, div, span, p, 

dl, dt, dd, ul, ol, li, 

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, 

form, fieldset, input, textarea { 

    margin: 0; 

    padding: 0; 


img, abbr, acronym { 

    border: 0; 


/* HTML Elements 

-------------------------------------------------------------- */ 

p { 

    margin: 1em 0; 


h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { 

    margin: 0 0 0.5em 0; 


ul, ol, dd { 

    margin-bottom: 1.5em; 

    margin-left: 2em; /* LTR */ 


li ul, li ol { 

    margin-bottom: 0; 


ul { 

    list-style-type: disc; 


ol { 

    list-style-type: decimal; 


a { 

    margin: 0; 

    padding: 0; 

    text-decoration: none; 



a:visited { 




a:active { 

    text-decoration: underline; 


blockquote { 


hr { 

    height: 1px; 

    border: 1px solid gray; 


/* tables */ 

table { 

    border-spacing: 0; 

    width: 100%; 


caption { 

    text-align: left; 


th { 

    margin: 0; 

    padding: 0 10px 0 0; 


th.active img { 

    display: inline; 


thead th { 

    padding-right: 10px; 


td { 

    margin: 0; 

    padding: 3px; 


/* Remove grid block styles from Drupal's table ".block" class */ 

td.block { 

    border: none; 

    float: none; 

    margin: 0; 


/* Maintain light background/dark text on dragged table rows */ 

tr.drag td, 

tr.drag-previous td { 

    background: #FFFFDD; 

    color: #000; 


/* Accessibility 

/-------------------------------------------------------------- */ 

/* skip-link to main content, hide offscreen */ 

#skip a, 

#skip a:hover, 

#skip a:visited { 

    height: 1px; 

    left: 0px; 

    overflow: hidden; 

    position: absolute; 

    top: -500px; 

    width: 1px; 


/* make skip link visible when selected */ 

#skip a:active, 

#skip a:focus { 

    background-color: #fff; 

    color: #000; 

    height: auto; 

    padding: 5px 10px; 

    position: absolute; 

    top: 0; 

    width: auto; 

    z-index: 99; 


#skip a:hover { 

    text-decoration: none; 


/* Helper Classes 

/-------------------------------------------------------------- */ 

.hide { 

    display: none; 

    visibility: hidden; 


.left { 

    float: left; 


.right { 

    float: right; 


.clear { 

    clear: both; 


/* clear floats after an element */ 

/* (also in ie6-fixes.css, ie7-fixes.css) */ 


.clearfix .inner:after { 

    clear: both; 

    content: "."; 

    display: block; 

    font-size: 0; 

    height: 0; 

    line-height: 0; 

    overflow: auto; 

    visibility: hidden; 


/* Grid Layout Basics (specifics in 'gridnn_x.css') 

-------------------------------------------------------------- */ 

/* center page and full rows: override this for left-aligned page */ 


.row { 

    margin: 0 auto; 


/* fix layout/background display on floated elements */ 



.block { 

    overflow: hidden; 


/* full-width row wrapper */ 

div.full-width { 

    width: 100%; 


/* float, un-center & expand nested rows */ 

.nested { 

    float: left; /* LTR */ 

    margin: 0; 

    width: 100%; 


/* allow Superfish menus to overflow */ 



div.superfish { 

    overflow: visible; 


/* sidebar layouts */ 

.sidebars-both-first .content-group { 

    float: right; /* LTR */ 


.sidebars-both-last .sidebar-first { 

    float: right; /* LTR */ 


/* Grid Mask Overlay 

-------------------------------------------------------------- */ 

#grid-mask-overlay { 

    display: none; 

    left: 0; 

    opacity: 0.75; 

    position: absolute; 

    top: 0; 

    width: 100%; 

    z-index: 997; 


#grid-mask-overlay .row { 

    margin: 0 auto; 


#grid-mask-overlay .block .inner { 

    background-color: #e3fffc; 

    outline: none; 


.grid-mask #grid-mask-overlay { 

    display: block; 


.grid-mask .block { 

    overflow: visible; 


.grid-mask .block .inner { 

    outline: #f00 dashed 1px; 


#grid-mask-toggle { 

    background-color: #777; 

    border: 2px outset #fff; 

    color: #fff; 

    cursor: pointer; 

    font-variant: small-caps; 

    font-weight: normal; 

    left: 0; 

    -moz-border-radius: 5px; 

    padding: 0 5px 2px 5px; 

    position: absolute; 

    text-align: center; 

    top: 22px; 

    -webkit-border-radius: 5px; 

    z-index: 998; 


#grid-mask-toggle.grid-on { 

    border-style: inset; 

    font-weight: bold; 


/* Site Info 

-------------------------------------------------------------- */ 

#header-site-info { 

    width: auto; 


#site-name-wrapper { 

    float: left; /* LTR */ 



#slogan { 

    display: block; 


#site-name a:link, 

#site-name a:visited, 

#site-name a:hover, 

#site-name a:active { 

    text-decoration: none; 


#site-name a { 

    outline: 0; 


/* Regions 

-------------------------------------------------------------- */ 

/* Header Regions 

-------------------------------------------------------------- */ 

#header-group { 

    overflow: visible; 


/* Content Regions (Main) 

-------------------------------------------------------------- */ 

.node-bottom { 

    margin: 1.5em 0 0 0; 


/* Clear floats on regions 

-------------------------------------------------------------- */ 












#footer-message-wrapper { 

    clear: both; 


/* Drupal Core 

/-------------------------------------------------------------- */ 

/* Lists 

/-------------------------------------------------------------- */ 

.item-list ul li { 

    margin: 0; 


.block ul, 

.block ol { 

    margin-left: 2em; /* LTR */ 

    padding: 0; 


.content-inner ul, 

.content-inner ol { 

    margin-bottom: 1.5em; 


.content-inner li ul, 

.content-inner li ol { 

    margin-bottom: 0; 


.block ul.links { 

    margin-left: 0; /* LTR */ 


/* Menus 

/-------------------------------------------------------------- */ 

ul.menu li, 

ul.links li { 

    margin: 0; 

    padding: 0; 


/* Primary Menu 

/-------------------------------------------------------------- */ 

/* use ID to override overflow: hidden for .block, dropdowns should always be visible */ 

#primary-menu { 

    overflow: visible; 


/* remove left margin from primary menu list */ 

#primary-menu.block ul { 

    margin-left: 0; /* LTR */ 


/* remove bullets, float left */ 

.primary-menu ul li { 

    float: left; /* LTR */ 

    list-style: none; 

    position: relative; 


/* style links, and unlinked parent items (via Special Menu Items module) */ 

.primary-menu ul li a, 

.primary-menu ul li .nolink { 

    display: block; 

    padding: 0.75em 1em; 

    text-decoration: none; 


/* Add cursor style for unlinked parent menu items */ 

.primary-menu ul li .nolink { 

    cursor: default; 


/* remove outline */ 

.primary-menu ul li:hover, 

.primary-menu ul li.sfHover, 

.primary-menu ul a:focus, 

.primary-menu ul a:hover, 

.primary-menu ul a:active { 

    outline: 0; 


/* Secondary Menu 

/-------------------------------------------------------------- */ 

.secondary-menu-inner ul.links { 

    margin-left: 0; /* LTR */ 


/* Skinr styles 

/-------------------------------------------------------------- */ 

/* Skinr selectable helper classes */ 

.fusion-clear { 

    clear: both; 


div.fusion-right { 

    float: right; /* LTR */ 


div.fusion-center { 

    float: none; 

    margin-left: auto; 

    margin-right: auto; 


.fusion-center-content .inner { 

    text-align: center; 


.fusion-center-content .inner ul.menu { 

    display: inline-block; 

    text-align: center; 


/* required to override drupal core */ 

.fusion-center-content #user-login-form { 

    text-align: center; 


.fusion-right-content .inner { 

    text-align: right; /* LTR */ 


/* required to override drupal core */ 

.fusion-right-content #user-login-form { 

    text-align: right; /* LTR */ 


/* Large, bold callout text style */ 

.fusion-callout .inner { 

    font-weight: bold; 


/* Extra padding on block */ 

.fusion-padding .inner { 

    padding: 30px; 


/* Adds 1px border and padding */ 

.fusion-border .inner { 

    border-width: 1px; 

    border-style: solid; 

    padding: 10px; 


/* Single line menu with separators */ 

.fusion-inline-menu .inner ul.menu { 

    margin-left: 0; /* LTR */ 


.fusion-inline-menu .inner ul.menu li { 

    border-right-style: solid; 

    border-right-width: 1px; 

    display: inline; 

    margin: 0; 

    padding: 0; 

    white-space: nowrap; 


.fusion-inline-menu .inner ul.menu li a { 

    padding: 0 8px 0 5px; /* LTR */ 


.fusion-inline-menu .inner ul li.last { 

    border: none; 


/* Hide second level (and beyond) menu items */ 

.fusion-inline-menu .inner ul li.expanded ul { 

    display: none; 


/* Multi-column menu style with bolded top level menu items */ 

.fusion-multicol-menu .inner ul { 

    margin-left: 0; /* LTR */ 

    text-align: left; /* LTR */ 


.fusion-multicol-menu .inner ul li { 

    border-right: none; 

    display: block; 

    font-weight: bold; 


.fusion-multicol-menu .inner ul li.last { 

    border-right: none; 


.fusion-multicol-menu .inner ul li.last a { 

    padding-right: 0; /* LTR */ 


.fusion-multicol-menu .inner ul li.expanded, 

.fusion-multicol-menu .inner ul li.leaf { 

    float: left; /* LTR */ 

    list-style-image: none; 

    margin-left: 50px; /* LTR */ 


.fusion-multicol-menu .inner ul.menu li.first { 

    margin-left: 0; /* LTR */ 


.fusion-multicol-menu .inner ul li.expanded li.leaf { 

    float: none; 

    margin-left: 0; /* LTR */ 


.fusion-multicol-menu .inner ul li.expanded ul { 

    display: block; 

    margin-left: 0; /* LTR */ 


.fusion-multicol-menu .inner ul li.expanded ul li { 

    border: none; 

    margin-left: 0; /* LTR */ 

    text-align: left; /* LTR */ 


.fusion-multicol-menu .inner ul.menu li ul.menu li { 

    font-weight: normal; 


/* Split list across multiple columns */ 

.fusion-2-col-list .inner .item-list ul li, 

.fusion-2-col-list .inner ul.menu li { 

    float: left; /* LTR */ 

    width: 50%; 


.fusion-3-col-list .inner .item-list ul li, 

.fusion-3-col-list .inner ul.menu li { 

    float: left; /* LTR */ 

    width: 33%; 


.fusion-2-col-list .inner .item-list ul.pager li, 

.fusion-3-col-list .inner .item-list ul.pager li { 

    float: none; 

    width: auto; 


/* List with bottom border 

    Fixes a common issue when list items have bottom borders and appear to be 

    doubled when nested lists end and begin. This removes the extra border-bottom 


.fusion-list-bottom-border .inner ul li { 

    list-style: none; 

    list-style-type: none; 

    list-style-image: none; 


.fusion-list-bottom-border .inner ul li, 

.fusion-list-bottom-border .view-content div.views-row { 

    padding: 0 0 0 10px; /* LTR */ 

    border-bottom-style: solid; 

    border-bottom-width: 1px; 

    line-height: 216.7%; /* 26px */ 


.fusion-list-bottom-border .inner ul { 

    margin: 0; 


.fusion-list-bottom-border .inner ul li ul { 

    border-bottom-style: solid; 

    border-bottom-width: 1px; 


.fusion-list-bottom-border .inner ul li ul li.last { 

    border-bottom-style: solid; 

    border-bottom-width: 1px; 

    margin-bottom: -1px; 

    margin-top: -1px; 




#views_slideshow_singleframe_pager_slideshow-page_2 .pager-item { 



#views_slideshow_singleframe_pager_slideshow-page_2 { 





#header-group-wrapper { 



#main-wrapper { 




background-attachment: fixed; 

width: auto; 


/.front { 




/background-attachment: fixed; 

/width: auto; 


#views_slideshow_singleframe_pager_slideshow-page_2 div a img { 








width: 720px; 





/* List with no bullet and extra padding 

    This is a common style for menus, which removes the bullet and adds more 

    vertical padding for a simple list style 


.fusion-list-vertical-spacing .inner ul, 

.fusion-list-vertical-spacing div.views-row-first { 

    margin-left: 0; 

    margin-top: 10px; 


.fusion-list-vertical-spacing .inner ul li, 

.fusion-list-vertical-spacing div.views-row { 

    line-height: 133.3%; /* 16px/12px */ 

    margin-bottom: 10px; 

    padding: 0; 


.fusion-list-vertical-spacing .inner ul li { 

    list-style: none; 

    list-style-image: none; 

    list-style-type: none; 


.fusion-list-vertical-spacing .inner ul li ul { 

    margin-left: 10px; /* LTR */ 


/* Bold all links */ 

.fusion-bold-links .inner a { 

    font-weight: bold; 


/* Float imagefield images left and add margin */ 

.fusion-float-imagefield-left .field-type-filefield, 

.fusion-float-imagefield-left .image-insert, 

.fusion-float-imagefield-left .imagecache { 

    float: left; /* LTR */ 

    margin: 0 15px 15px 0; /* LTR */ 


/* Clear float on new Views item so each row drops to a new line */ 

.fusion-float-imagefield-left .views-row { 

    clear: left; /* LTR */ 


/* Float imagefield images right and add margin */ 

.fusion-float-imagefield-right .field-type-filefield, 

.fusion-float-imagefield-right .image-insert 

.fusion-float-imagefield-right .imagecache { 

    float: right; /* LTR */ 

    margin: 0 0 15px 15px; /* LTR */ 


/* Clear float on new Views item so each row drops to a new line */ 

.fusion-float-imagefield-right .views-row { 

    clear: right; /* LTR */ 


/* Superfish: all menus */ 

.sf-menu li { 

    list-style: none; 

    list-style-image: none; 

    list-style-type: none; 


/* Superfish: vertical menus */ 

.superfish-vertical { 

    position: relative; 

    z-index: 9; 


ul.sf-vertical { 

    background: #fafafa; 

    margin: 0; 

    width: 100%; 


ul.sf-vertical li { 

    border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; 

    font-weight: bold; 

    line-height: 200%; /* 24px */ 

    padding: 0; 

    width: 100%; 


ul.sf-vertical li a:link, 

ul.sf-vertical li a:visited, 

ul.sf-vertical li .nolink { 

    margin-left: 10px; 

    padding: 2px; 


ul.sf-vertical li a:hover, 

ul.sf-vertical li a.active { 

    text-decoration: underline; 


ul.sf-vertical li ul { 

    background: #fafafa; 

    border-top: 1px solid #ccc; 

    margin-left: 0; 

    width: 150px; 


ul.sf-vertical li ul li.last { 

    border-top: 1px solid #ccc; 

    margin-bottom: -1px; 

    margin-top: -1px; 


ul.sf-vertical li ul { 

    border-top: none; 

    padding: 4px 0; 


ul.sf-vertical li ul li { 

    border-bottom: none; 

    line-height: 150%; /* 24px */ 


ul.sf-vertical li ul li.last { 

    border-top: none; 


ul.sf-vertical li ul li ul { 

    margin-top: -4px; 


/* Pagers 

-------------------------------------------------------------- */ 

ul.pager { 

    margin: 20px 0; 


ul.pager li { 

    margin: 0; 

    white-space: nowrap; 


ul.pager a, 

ul.pager li.pager-current { 

    border-style: solid; 

    border-width: 1px; 

    padding: 3px 6px 2px 6px; 

    text-decoration: none; 


ul.pager a:link, 

ul.pager a:visited { 

    color: inherit; 


ul.pager a:hover, 

ul.pager a:active, 

ul.pager a:focus { 

    border-style: solid; 

    border-width: 1px; 


ul.pager span.pager-ellipsis { 

    padding: 0 4px; 


.item-list .pager li { 

    padding: 0; 


/* Forms 

/-------------------------------------------------------------- */ 

/* defaults for all text fields */ 

.form-text { 

    padding: 2px; 


/* defaults for all form buttons */ 

form input.form-submit { 

    cursor: pointer; 

    font-weight: bold; 

    margin: 2px; 

    padding: 3px 5px; 


form input.form-submit:hover { 

    cursor: pointer; 


fieldset { 

    margin: 15px 0; 

    padding: 10px; 


html.js fieldset.collapsed { 

    margin-bottom: 15px; 


/* limit width of form inputs */ 


.form-item input, 

.form-item select, 

#content-region input.form-text { 

    max-width: 95%; 


html.js textarea { 

    max-width: 100%; 


/* adjust for collapsible fieldset differences */ 

fieldset.collapsible .resizable-textarea textarea { 

    max-width: 101.5%; 


fieldset.collapsible .resizable-textarea .grippie { 

    width: 101%; 


/* keep admin pages visible */ 

.page-admin #main-content-inner .nested, 

.page-admin #content-group, 

.page-admin #content-region, 

.page-admin #content-inner { 

    margin-bottom: 1.5em; 

    overflow: visible; 


/* keep admin form elements on top */ 

.page-admin .content-inner-inner { 

    z-index: 10; 


/* theme settings form field width limit */ 

form#system-theme-settings select, 

form#system-theme-settings input.form-text { 

    max-width: 95%; 


/* keep theme select form visible */ 

#system-themes-form { 

    position: relative; 

    z-index: 1; 


/* keep theme switcher visible */ 

.form-item select#edit-theme { 

    max-width: none; 


/* keep admin columns from dropping under */ 

div.admin .left, 

div.admin .right { 

    margin-left: 1%; 

    margin-right: 1%; 


/* region labels on block admin page */ 

.block-region { 

    background-color: #F3F3F3; 

    border: 3px dashed #CCCCCC; 

    color: #555555; 

    font-weight: bold; 

    margin: 1px; 

    padding: 3px; 

    text-align: center; 

    text-shadow: 1px 1px #FDFDFD; 

    text-transform: uppercase; 

    -moz-border-radius: 5px; 

    -webkit-border-radius: 5px; 


/* User Login Form 

/-------------------------------------------------------------- */ 

/* remove centering on login form */ 

#user-login-form { 

    text-align: left; /* LTR */ 


#user-login-form .item-list { 

    margin-top: 1em; 


#user-login-form .item-list ul { 

    margin-left: 0; /* LTR */ 


/* remove list styling on login form */ 

#user-login-form div.item-list ul li { 

    list-style-type: none; 

    margin: 0; 


/* adjust openid link (display set in openid.js) */ 

#user-login-form li.openid-link a, 

#user-login li.openid-link a { 

    background-position: 0 0; 

    padding: 0 0 0 20px; 


/* User Login Form - Horizontal (Skinr selectable) 

/-------------------------------------------------------------- */ 

.fusion-horiz-login#block-user-0 { 

    float: right; 

    margin: 20px 0 10px 0; 

    position: relative; 


html.js .fusion-horiz-login#block-user-0 { 

    margin-top: 10px; 


.fusion-horiz-login#block-user-0 h2.title { 

    display: none; 


.fusion-horiz-login#block-user-0 #user-login-form div.form-item, 

.fusion-horiz-login#block-user-0 #user-login-form input.form-submit, 

.fusion-horiz-login#block-user-0 .item-list { 

    float: left; 

    margin: 0 10px 0 0; 

    text-align: left; 


--- chopped 

@Andrew質問を編集してCSS全体を削除し、 'even'または' odd'クラスと 'category'クラスのスタイルについての部分を追加するだけなら、非常に便利です。現時点では、スタイルシート全体に従うのは非常に難しいです。また、背景色を白または透明にしますか? – sarcastyx


@Andrew:私はあなたの質問を編集して、意図したレイアウトのいくつかを復元しました。エディタとMarkdownに慣れ親しむ時間を取ってください。 – Orbling


@sarcastyx:CSSファイルは些細なものですが、FireBugにはファイルとクラスの宣言が必要です。 _that_行と変更のために_that_ファイルを調べる必要があります(それはカスケードの最後のものです)。 –




drupal_Folder /テーマ/ the_theme_name_I_am_using/CSS/style.cssに


css_f4 .... "という項目が表示されます。


