2016-05-13 4 views

それぞれのテストケースにあるpysystest.xmlファイルのすべてのデータセットを読みたいと思います。以下は、このようなファイルの例です。PySys。 pysystest.xmlからのデータの読み込みについて(+ 0.9.2)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> 
    <pysystest state="runnable" type="auto"> 
      <title>My testcase title</title> 
      <purpose><![CDATA[My testcase description is this]]> 
      <class module="run" name="PySysTest"></class> 







C:\pysys.py print -h 

PySys System Test Framework (version 1.1.0): Console print test helper 

Usage: pysys.py print [option]* [tests]* 
    where options include; 
     -h | --help     print this message 
     -f | --full     print full information 
     -g | --groups    print test groups defined 
     -d | --modes    print test modes defined 
     -r | --requirements   print test requirements covered 
     -m | --mode  STRING  print tests that run in user defined mode 
     -a | --type  STRING  print tests of supplied type (auto or manual, default all) 
     -t | --trace  STRING  print tests which cover requirement id 
     -i | --include STRING  print tests in included group (can be specified multiple times) 
     -e | --exclude STRING  do not print tests in excluded group (can be specified multiple times) 

    and where [tests] describes a set of tests to be printed to the console. Note that multiple test 
    sets can be specified, and where none are given all available tests will be run. If an include 
    group is given, only tests that belong to that group will be printed. If an exclude group is given, 
    tests in the group will not be run. The following syntax is used to select a test set; 

     test1 - a single testcase with id test1 
     :test2 - upto testcase with id test2 
     test1: - from testcase with id test1 onwards 
     id1:id2 - all tests between tests with ids test1 and test2 

     pysys.py -i group1 -e group2 --full test1:test3 



ありがとうございます、もう一度、あなたの助けになりました! – ESRISM
