私はiPhone用とiPad用の2つのアプリケーションを構築しました。彼らは両方とも完璧に構築され、シミュレータ内で実行されます。また、Xcode 4.3.2にアップデートする前にデバイス上で正常に動作しました。
Please ensure your device is connected...
Connected to: Steve’s iPad
Initializing file service...
Uploading application
Finalizing file service...
Installing application
Installation failed: AMDeviceInstallApplication returned: 0xe8008017
The application was terminated by a signal: SIGHUP
Apr 4 10:22:22 unknown installd[819] <Error>: libMobileGestalt loadBasebandMobileEquipmentInfo: CommCenter error: 1:45
Apr 4 10:22:22 unknown installd[819] <Error>: libMobileGestalt copyInternationalMobileEquipmentIdentity: Could not get mobile equipment info dictionary
Apr 4 10:22:22 unknown com.apple.mobile.lockdown[17] <Notice>: Could not receive size of message
Apr 4 10:22:22 unknown lockdownd[17] <Error>: 010f4000 handle_connection: Could not receive USB message #6 from Xcode. Killing connection
Apr 4 10:22:23 unknown installd[819] <Error>: 2ffa4000 verify_signer_identity: Could not copy validate signature: -402620393
Apr 4 10:22:23 unknown installd[819] <Error>: 2ffa4000 preflight_application_install: Could not verify executable at /var/tmp/install_staging.5kF0E7/EastmaniPad.app
Apr 4 10:22:23 unknown installd[819] <Error>: 2ffa4000 install_application: Could not preflight application install
Apr 4 10:22:23 unknown mobile_installation_proxy[818] <Error>: handle_install: Installation failed
Apr 4 10:22:23 unknown com.apple.mobile.lockdown[17] <Notice>: Could not receive size of messageCould not receive size of message
Apr 4 10:22:23 unknown lockdownd[17] <Error>: 2fff5000 handle_connection: Could not receive USB message #7 from mtouch. Killing connection
Apr 4 10:22:23 unknown lockdownd[17] <Error>: 2fef1000 handle_connection: Could not receive USB message #14 from mtouch. Killing connection
Apr 4 10:22:23 unknown installd[819] <Error>: 2ffa4000 handle_install: API failed
Apr 4 10:22:23 unknown installd[819] <Error>: 2ffa4000 send_message: failed to send mach message of 71 bytes: 10000003
Apr 4 10:22:23 unknown installd[819] <Error>: 2ffa4000 send_error: Could not send error response to client