あなたが探しているのは、セット理論の用語の「補体」です。 Wikipediaを参照してください。このは、両方の範囲内のすべてのセルをループせずに実行できますが(セルが多い範囲ではオーバーヘッドが大きくなります)、範囲内の各領域をループする必要があります。そのループは迅速かつ効率的です。ここで、コードは次のとおりです。次のように
Public Function NotIntersect(Range1 As Range, Range2 As Range) As Range
Dim NewRange As Range, CurrentArea As Range, CurrentNewArea(1 To 4) As Range, r As Range
Dim c%, a%
Dim TopLeftCell(1 To 2) As Range, BottomRightCell(1 To 2) As Range
Dim NewRanges() As Range, ColNewRanges() As New Collection
Const N% = 2
Const U% = 1
If Range1 Is Nothing And Range2 Is Nothing Then
Set NotIntersect = Nothing
ElseIf Range1.Address = Range2.Address Then
Set NotIntersect = Nothing
ElseIf Range1 Is Nothing Then
Set NotIntersect = Range2
ElseIf Range1 Is Nothing Then
Set NotIntersect = Range1
Set TopLeftCell(U) = Range1.Cells(1, 1)
Set BottomRightCell(U) = Range1.Cells(Range1.Rows.Count, Range1.Columns.Count)
c = Range2.Areas.Count
ReDim ColNewRanges(1 To c)
ReDim NewRanges(1 To c)
For a = 1 To c
Set CurrentArea = Range2.Areas(a)
Set TopLeftCell(N) = CurrentArea.Cells(1, 1)
Set BottomRightCell(N) = CurrentArea.Cells(CurrentArea.Rows.Count, CurrentArea.Columns.Count)
On Error Resume Next
Set ColNewRanges(a) = New Collection
ColNewRanges(a).Add Range(TopLeftCell(U), Cells(TopLeftCell(N).Row - 1, BottomRightCell(U).Column))
ColNewRanges(a).Add Range(Cells(TopLeftCell(N).Row, TopLeftCell(U).Column), Cells(BottomRightCell(N).Row, TopLeftCell(N).Column - 1))
ColNewRanges(a).Add Range(Cells(TopLeftCell(N).Row, BottomRightCell(N).Column + 1), Cells(BottomRightCell(N).Row, BottomRightCell(U).Column))
ColNewRanges(a).Add Range(Cells(BottomRightCell(N).Row + 1, TopLeftCell(U).Column), BottomRightCell(U))
On Error GoTo 0
For Each r In ColNewRanges(a)
If NewRanges(a) Is Nothing Then
Set NewRanges(a) = r
Set NewRanges(a) = Union(NewRanges(a), r)
End If
Next r
Next a
For a = 1 To c
If NewRange Is Nothing Then
Set NewRange = NewRanges(a)
Set NewRange = Intersect(NewRange, NewRanges(a))
End If
Next a
Set NotIntersect = Intersect(Range1, NewRange) 'intersect required in case it's on the bottom or right line, so a part of range will go beyond the line...
End If
End Function
Sub Test1()
NotIntersect(Range("$A$1:$N$24"), Range("$G$3:$H$12,$C$4:$D$7,$A$13:$A$15")).Select
End Sub
あなたは 'A1の後にある:a9'またはすべてが、' a10'? – glh
@glh私はa1を望んでいます:a9 – Santosh