typedef struct{
char* symbol;
void* datapointer;
void* nextstruct;
void main(){
int sizeHint = 10000; //size of array
Entry** arrayOfPointers = malloc(sizeHint * sizeof(Entry*));
//For the sake of keeping this simple, say I stored something
//in a bunch of indexes in the array but NOT at 5
if(arrayOfPointers[5] != NULL){
//this is where my error comes, as it reads
//conditional jump or move depends on uninitilised value
//my goal is to be able to determine if something is stored at an index, and
//do something if its not stored
代わりに 'calloc()'を使うべきです:乗算を行い、オーバーフローをチェックし、メモリをゼロに初期化します。 –
@ JonathonReinhart:現在のC標準は、すべての '0 'のビットパターンがポインタ変数をヌルポインタと等しくすることを強制しません:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/42471057/malloc-array-conditional -jump-on-uninitialized-values/42471123#comment72082868_42471123 – alk