をに渡して実装していますので、アプリケーションのニーズに応じて現在のデバイスに最適な設定を選択できます。HTC DesireのEGLConfigでデバイスをハングアップする
01-30 18:57:04.424: VERBOSE/EGLConfigChooser(1093): Chosen EGLConfig:
01-30 18:57:04.424: VERBOSE/EGLConfigChooser(1093): EGL_RED_SIZE = 8
01-30 18:57:04.424: VERBOSE/EGLConfigChooser(1093): EGL_BLUE_SIZE = 8
01-30 18:57:04.424: VERBOSE/EGLConfigChooser(1093): EGL_GREEN_SIZE = 8
01-30 18:57:04.424: VERBOSE/EGLConfigChooser(1093): EGL_ALPHA_SIZE = 8
01-30 18:57:04.424: VERBOSE/EGLConfigChooser(1093): EGL_DEPTH_SIZE = 24
01-30 18:57:04.424: VERBOSE/EGLConfigChooser(1093): EGL_ALPHA_FORMAT = 24
01-30 18:57:04.424: VERBOSE/EGLConfigChooser(1093): EGL_ALPHA_MASK_SIZE = 0
01-30 18:57:04.424: VERBOSE/EGLConfigChooser(1093): EGL_STENCIL_SIZE = 8
public EGLConfig chooseConfig(EGL10 egl, EGLDisplay display)
//Querying number of configurations
int[] num_conf = new int[1];
egl.eglGetConfigs(display, null, 0, num_conf); //if configuration array is null it still returns the number of configurations
int configurations = num_conf[0];
//Querying actual configurations
EGLConfig[] conf = new EGLConfig[configurations];
egl.eglGetConfigs(display, conf, configurations, num_conf);
EGLConfig result = null;
for(int i = 0; i < configurations; i++)
Log.v("EGLConfigChooser", "Configuration #" + i);
print(egl, display, conf[i]);
result = better(result, conf[i], egl, display);
Log.v("EGLConfigChooser", "Chosen EGLConfig:");
print(egl, display, result);
return result;
* Returns the best of the two EGLConfig passed according to depth and colours
* @param a The first candidate
* @param b The second candidate
* @return The chosen candidate
private EGLConfig better(EGLConfig a, EGLConfig b, EGL10 egl, EGLDisplay display)
if(a == null) return b;
EGLConfig result = null;
int[] value = new int[1];
egl.eglGetConfigAttrib(display, a, EGL10.EGL_DEPTH_SIZE, value);
int depthA = value[0];
egl.eglGetConfigAttrib(display, b, EGL10.EGL_DEPTH_SIZE, value);
int depthB = value[0];
if(depthA > depthB)
result = a;
else if(depthA < depthB)
result = b;
else //if depthA == depthB
egl.eglGetConfigAttrib(display, a, EGL10.EGL_RED_SIZE, value);
int redA = value[0];
egl.eglGetConfigAttrib(display, b, EGL10.EGL_RED_SIZE, value);
int redB = value[0];
if(redA > redB)
result = a;
else if(redA < redB)
result = b;
else //if redA == redB
//Don't care
result = a;
return result;
リンクprint()メソッドが壊れています。ここはウェイバックマシンからです: – kurtzmarc