Sub Runtable()
Sheets("RateTable").Cells(1, "A") = "ID"
Sheets("RateTable").Cells(1, "B") = "Section"
Sheets("RateTable").Cells(1, "C") = "Gender"
Sheets("RateTable").Cells(1, "D") = "Age"
LastID = Sheets("Input").Cells(2, 22)
For ID = 0 To LastID
LastSet = Sheets("Input").Cells(2, 19)
For myRow = 2 To LastSet
Sheets("RateTable").Cells(ID * (LastSet - 1) + myRow, 1) = Sheets("Input").Cells(ID + 2, 1)
Next myRow
Next ID
Dim myMyRow As Long
Dim OutputMyRow As Long
OutputMyRow = 2
LastID = Sheets("Input").Cells(2, 22)
LastSection = Sheets("Input").Cells(2, 21)
LastAge = Sheets("Input").Cells(2, 20)
For ID = 0 To LastID
For Section = 0 To LastSection
For myMyRow = 2 To LastAge
Sheets("RateTable").Cells(OutputMyRow, 2).Value = Sheets("Input").Cells(Section - FirstID + 2, "N").Value
OutputMyRow = OutputMyRow + 1
Next myMyRow
Next Section
Next ID
EndGenderLoop = Sheets("Input").Cells(2, 23)
For myRow = 2 To EndGenderLoop
Sheets("RateTable").Cells(myRow, 3) = Sheets("Input").Cells(2, 17)
Next myRow
EndAgeLoop = Sheets("Input").Cells(2, 24)
For AgeCurve = 0 To EndAgeLoop
For myRow = 2 To 52
Sheets("RateTable").Cells(AgeCurve * 51 + myRow, 4) = Sheets("Input").Cells(myRow, 10)
Next myRow
Next AgeCurve
End Sub
最初はイベントや画面の更新を無効にしてください。最後にすべてをオンに戻してください。 –