私は浅い水モデルをシミュレートするためにPythonコードをデバッグする時間を無駄に過ごしました。私は "Rossby"波を再現しているようではありません。コードは実行できますが、正しい結果が得られません。コードは以下の通りで、python
を使用して実行する必要があります。ポップアップウィンドウに結果が表示されます。以下は不正確な結果のイメージです。モデルは回転のために "タワー"の左側の色が薄くなります。今、斜めに見えますが、rotU
の結果が正しいグリッドではなく更新されていると思います。まあ Pythonを使用した浅い水モデル
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as tkr
import math
ncol = 10 # grid size (number of cells)
nrow = ncol
nSlices = 10000 # maximum number of frames to show in the plot
ntAnim = 1 # number of time steps for each frame
horizontalWrap = True # determines whether the flow wraps around, connecting
# the left and right-hand sides of the grid, or whether
# there's a wall there.
rotationScheme = "PlusMinus"
initialPerturbation = "Tower"
textOutput = False
plotOutput = True
arrowScale = 30
dT = 600 # seconds
G = 9.8e-4 # m/s2, hacked (low-G) to make it run faster
HBackground = 4000 # meters
dX = 10.E3 # meters, small enough to respond quickly. This is a very small ocean
# on a very small, low-G planet.
flowConst = G # 1/s2
dragConst = 1.E-6 # about 10 days decay time
rotConst = []
for irow in range(0,nrow):
rotationScheme is "PlusMinus":
rotConst.append(-3.5e-5 * (1. - 0.8 * (irow - (nrow-1)/2)/nrow)) # rot 50% +-
itGlobal = 0
U = numpy.zeros((nrow, ncol+1))
V = numpy.zeros((nrow+1, ncol))
H = numpy.zeros((nrow, ncol+1))
dUdT = numpy.zeros((nrow, ncol))
dVdT = numpy.zeros((nrow, ncol))
dHdT = numpy.zeros((nrow, ncol))
dHdX = numpy.zeros((nrow, ncol+1))
dHdY = numpy.zeros((nrow, ncol))
dUdX = numpy.zeros((nrow, ncol))
dVdY = numpy.zeros((nrow, ncol))
rotV = numpy.zeros((nrow,ncol)) # interpolated to u locations
rotU = numpy.zeros((nrow,ncol)) # to v
midCell = int(ncol/2)
if initialPerturbation is "Tower":
H[midCell,midCell] = 1
def animStep():
global stepDump, itGlobal
for time in range(0,ntAnim):
#### Longitudinal derivative ##########################
# Calculate dHdX
for ix in range(0, nrow-1):
for iy in range(0, ncol-1):
# Calculate the slope for X
dHdX[ix,iy+1] = (H[ix,iy+1] - H[ix,iy])/dX
# Update the boundary cells
if horizontalWrap is True: # Wrapping around
U[:,ncol] = U[:,0]
H[:,ncol] = H[:,0]
else: # Bounded by walls on the left and right
U[:,0] = 0 # U at the left-hand side is zero
U[:,ncol-1] = 0 # U at the right-had side is zero
# Calculate dUdX
for ix in range(0, nrow):
for iy in range(0, ncol):
# Calculate the difference in U
dUdX[ix,iy] = (U[ix,iy+1] - U[ix,iy])/dX
#### Latitudinal derivative ############################
# Calculate dHdY
dHdY[0,:] = 0 # The top boundary gradient dHdY set to zero
for ix in range(0, nrow-1): # NOTE: the top row is zero
for iy in range(0, ncol):
# Calculate the slope for Y
dHdY[ix+1,iy] = (H[ix+1,iy] - H[ix, iy])/dX
# Calculate dVdY
V[0,:] = 0 # North wall is zero
V[nrow,:] = 0 # South wall is zero
for ix in range(0, nrow):
for iy in range(0, ncol):
# Calculate the difference in V
dVdY[ix,iy] = (V[ix+1,iy] - V[ix,iy])/dX
#### Rotational terms ###################################
for ix in range(0, nrow):
for iy in range(0, ncol):
rotU[ix,iy] = rotConst[ix] * U[ix,iy] # Interpolated to U
rotV[ix,iy] = rotConst[ix] * V[ix,iy] # Interpolated to V
#### Time derivatives ####################################
## dUdT
for ix in range(0, nrow):
for iy in range(0, ncol):
dUdT[ix,iy] = (rotV[ix,iy]) - (flowConst * dHdX[ix,iy]) - (dragConst * U[ix,iy]) + windU[ix]
## dVdT
for ix in range(0, nrow):
for iy in range(0, ncol):
dVdT[ix,iy] = (-rotU[ix,iy]) - (flowConst * dHdY[ix,iy]) - (dragConst * V[ix,iy])
## dHdT
for ix in range(0, nrow):
for iy in range(0, ncol):
dHdT[ix,iy] = -(dUdX[ix,iy] + dVdY[ix,iy]) * (HBackground/dX)
# Step Forward One Time Step
for ix in range(0,nrow):
for iy in range(0,ncol):
U[ix,iy] = U[ix,iy] + (dUdT[ix,iy] * dT)
for ix in range(0,nrow):
for iy in range(0,ncol):
V[ix,iy] = V[ix,iy] + (dVdT[ix,iy] * dT)
for ix in range(0,nrow):
for iy in range(0,ncol):
H[ix,iy] = H[ix,iy] + (dHdT[ix,iy] * dT)
#### Maintain the ghost cells #############################
# North wall velocity zero
V[0,:] = 0
# Horizontal wrapping
if horizontalWrap is True:
U[:,ncol] = U[:,0]
H[:,ncol] = H[:,0]
U[:,0] = 0
U[:,ncol] = 0
itGlobal = itGlobal + ntAnim
def firstFrame():
global fig, ax, hPlot
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
hh = H[:,0:ncol]
loc = tkr.IndexLocator(base=1, offset=1)
grid = ax.grid(which='major', axis='both', linestyle='-')
hPlot = ax.imshow(hh, interpolation='nearest', clim=(-0.5,0.5))
def plotArrows():
global quiv, quiv2
xx = []
yy = []
uu = []
vv = []
for irow in range(0, nrow):
for icol in range(0, ncol):
xx.append(icol - 0.5)
uu.append(U[irow,icol] * arrowScale)
quiv = ax.quiver(xx, yy, uu, vv, color='white', scale=1)
for irow in range(0, nrow):
for icol in range(0, ncol):
yy.append(irow - 0.5)
vv.append(-V[irow,icol] * arrowScale)
quiv2 = ax.quiver(xx, yy, uu, vv, color='white', scale=1)
def updateFrame():
global fig, ax, hPlot, quiv, quiv2
hh = H[:,0:ncol]
print("Time: ", math.floor(itGlobal * dT/86400.*10)/10, "days")
print("H: ", H[1,1])
def textDump():
#print("time step ", itGlobal)
#print("H", H)
if textOutput is True:
if plotOutput is True:
for i_anim_step in range(0,nSlices):
if textOutput is True:
if plotOutput is True:
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質問を編集しました。 – Yusri