あなたは、Visual Studio 2010を使用していると仮定すると、最も可能性の高いスタートを私の右のドキュメントやサンプルをアドバイスしてください-に。 VSTOとVisual Studioの詳細については、hereを参照してください。
- BeforeFolderSwitch
- FolderSwitch
private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, EventArgs e)
var explorer = this.Application.ActiveExplorer();
explorer.BeforeFolderSwitch += new ExplorerEvents_10_BeforeFolderSwitchEventHandler(explorer_BeforeFolderSwitch);
explorer.FolderSwitch += new ExplorerEvents_10_FolderSwitchEventHandler(explorer_FolderSwitch);
/// <summary>
/// Handler for Outlook's "BeforeFolderSwitch" event. This event fires before the explorer goes to
/// a new folder, either as a result of user action or through program code.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="NewlySelectedFolderAsObject">
/// The new folder to which navigation is taking place. If, for example, the user moves from "Inbox"
/// to "MyMailFolder", the new current folder is a reference to the "MyMailFolder" folder.
/// </param>
/// <param name="Cancel">
/// A Boolean describing whether or not the operation should be canceled.
/// </param>
void explorer_BeforeFolderSwitch(object NewlySelectedFolderAsObject, ref bool Cancel)
if (NewlySelectedFolderAsObject == null)
var newlySelectedFolderAsMapiFolder = NewlySelectedFolderAsObject as MAPIFolder;
void explorer_FolderSwitch()