2012-01-16 10 views

あなたがすべて助けてくれることを願っていますので、私は単純な預金口座と当座預金口座の古きよきテストで言語を学びたいと思っています。継承。Java - 単純な(私以外の誰もが)メソッド - 継承



public class BankAccount 
     protected String CustomerName; 
     protected String AccountNumber; 
     protected float Balance; 

//Constructor Methods 

public BankAccount(String CustomerNameIn, String AccountNumberIn, float BalanceIn) 
      CustomerName = CustomerNameIn; 
      AccountNumber = AccountNumberIn; 
      Balance = BalanceIn; 


     // Get name 
     public String getCustomerName() 
      return (CustomerName); 

     // Get account number 
     public String getAccountNumber() 
      return (AccountNumber); 

     public float getBalance() 
      return (Balance); 

     public void Withdraw(float WithdrawAmountIn) 
      if(WithdrawAmountIn < 0) 
       System.out.println("Sorry, you can not withdraw a negative amount, if you wish to withdraw money please use the withdraw method"); 
       Balance = Balance - WithdrawAmountIn; 

     public void Deposit(float DepositAmountIn) 
      if(DepositAmountIn < 0) 
       System.out.println("Sorry, you can not deposit a negative amount, if you wish to withdraw money please use the withdraw method"); 
      Balance = Balance + DepositAmountIn; 

    } // End Class BankDetails 


public class SavingsAccount extends BankAccount 

     private float Interest; 

     public SavingsAccount(String CustomerNameIn, String AccountNumberIn, float InterestIn, float BalanceIn) 
      super (CustomerNameIn, AccountNumberIn, BalanceIn); 
      Interest = InterestIn; 

     public float getInterestAmount() 
      return (Interest); 

     public float newBalanceWithInterest() 
      Balance = (getBalance() + (getBalance() * Interest/100)); 

      return (Balance); 

     public void SavingsOverdraft() 
      if(Balance < 0) 
       System.out.println("Sorry, this account is not permitted to have an overdraft facility"); 



public class CheckingAccount extends BankAccount 
     private float Overdraft; 

     public CheckingAccount(String CustomerNameIn, String AccountNumberIn, float BalanceIn, float OverdraftIn) 

      super (CustomerNameIn, AccountNumberIn, BalanceIn); 

      Overdraft = OverdraftIn; 

     public float getOverdraftAmount() 

     public void setOverdraft() 
      if (Balance < Overdraft) 
       System.out.println("Sorry, the overdraft facility on this account cannot exceed £100"); 




は、Javaを学んでいる間、先端:学び、コーディングスタイル規則を使用します。たとえば、メソッド名と変数名は小文字で始まらない。したがって、あなたの** SavingsOverdraft()**メソッドは** savingsOverdraft()**、** **バランス**は**残高**などでなければなりません。 –




public int getOverdraftAmount() { 
    return 0; 


public void Withdraw(float WithdrawAmountIn) 
     if(WithdrawAmountIn < 0) 
      System.out.println("Sorry, you can not withdraw a negative amount, if you wish to withdraw money please use the withdraw method"); 
     else if (Balance - WithdrawAmountIn < -getOverdraftAmount()) { 
      System.out.println("Sorry, this withdrawal would exceed the overdraft limit"); 
      Balance = Balance - WithdrawAmountIn; 

私は残念ながら言及を忘れた1つの問題は、貯蓄は当座貸越手当を持っていないので、0未満になることはできませんが、当座預金口座は-100に行くことができます! – Phil


右。したがって、普通預金口座の残高限度が0であり、当座預金口座の限度額が100である場合、両者は同じ論理を使用することができます。 0の限度は当座貸越能力なしと同じです。 –


Thannkあなたは大変です – Phil




public class SavingsAccount extends BankAccount 

     private float Interest; 

     public SavingsAccount(String CustomerNameIn, String AccountNumberIn, float InterestIn, float BalanceIn) 
      super (CustomerNameIn, AccountNumberIn, BalanceIn); 
      Interest = InterestIn; 

     public float getInterestAmount() 
      return (Interest); 

     public float newBalanceWithInterest() 
      Balance = (getBalance() + (getBalance() * Interest/100)); 

      return (Balance); 

     public void SavingsOverdraft() 
      if(Balance < 0) 
       System.out.println("Sorry, this account is not permitted to have an overdraft facility"); 

     public void Withdraw(float WithdrawAmountIn) 
      if(WithdrawAmountIn < 0) 
       System.out.println("Sorry, you can not withdraw a negative amount, if you wish to withdraw money please use the withdraw method"); 
      else if (WithdrawAmountIn>Balance) 
       System.out.println("Sorry, you don't have this much in your account."); 
       Balance = Balance - WithdrawAmountIn; 



public class CheckingAccount extends BankAccount 
     private float Overdraft; 

     public CheckingAccount(String CustomerNameIn, String AccountNumberIn, float BalanceIn, float OverdraftIn) 

      super (CustomerNameIn, AccountNumberIn, BalanceIn); 

      Overdraft = OverdraftIn; 

     public float getOverdraftAmount() 

     public void setOverdraft() 
      if (Balance < Overdraft) 
       System.out.println("Sorry, the overdraft facility on this account cannot exceed £100"); 

     public void Withdraw(float WithdrawAmountIn) 
      if(WithdrawAmountIn < 0) 
       System.out.println("Sorry, you can not withdraw a negative amount, if you wish to withdraw money please use the withdraw method"); 
      else if (Balance-WithdrawAmountIn<getOverdraftAmount() 
       System.out.println("Sorry, you cannot withdraw this much"); 
       Balance = Balance - WithdrawAmountIn; 