2016-08-14 18 views

いずれかの方法でドラッグして、それぞれのカラム・サイズに段階的にスナップ・サイズを変更するためのブート・ストラップ行のカラムを取得しようとしています。常に12列まで追加する必要があります。ドラッグ・サイズ変更のブートストラップ・カラムjQuery UI

See an example of what I'm trying to achieve


これを達成するために[gridstack.js]を使用しましたが、基本的なjQuery/jQuery UIを使用して列を正しく追加または減算するロジックを取得できません。


var oldColNum = 0; 
    var nextColFraction = 0; 

     handles: 'e', 
     containment: 'parent', 
     start: function (e, ui) { 
      var nextCol = $(this).nextAll('.column').get(0); 
      nextColFraction = $(nextCol).data('fraction'); 
      $(this).closest('.row').find('.column').css("width", ''); 
     resize: function (e, ui) { 

      // console.clear(); 

      * The Column currently being resized 
      var thisCol = ui.element; 
      oldColNum = thisCol.data('fraction'); 

      * The parenting row 
      var parentRow = thisCol.closest('.row'); 

      * The Other Columns 
      var nextCol = thisCol.nextAll('.column').get(0); 
      var otherCols = parentRow.find('.column').not(thisCol); 
      var otherColFractions = []; 
      otherCols.each(function() { 
      var totalOtherFractions = otherColFractions.reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b }, 0); 

      * Work out the percentage width it currently is 
      var cellPercentWidth = (100 * thisCol.outerWidth()/parentRow.outerWidth()); 

      * Change the class to the one that best suits the current size 
      var colNum = getClosest(gridSystem, cellPercentWidth); 

      console.log(colNum, ui.originalElement.data('fraction')); 

      if (colNum < ui.originalElement.data('fraction')) { 
        .addClass('col-md-' + nextColFraction) 
        .attr('data-fraction', nextColFraction); 

      if (colNum > ui.originalElement.data('fraction')) { 
        .addClass('col-md-' + nextColFraction) 
        .attr('data-fraction', nextColFraction); 

        .addClass('col-md-' + colNum) 
        .attr('data-fraction', colNum); 

      thisCol.css("width", ''); 

// Bootstrap grid system array 
var gridSystem = [ 
    {grid: 8.33333333, col: 1}, 
    {grid: 16.66666667, col: 2}, 
    {grid: 25, col: 3}, 
    {grid: 33.33333333, col: 4}, 
    {grid: 41.66666667, col: 5}, 
    {grid: 50, col: 6}, 
    {grid: 58.33333333, col: 7}, 
    {grid: 66.66666667, col: 8}, 
    {grid: 75, col: 9}, 
    {grid: 83.33333333, col: 10}, 
    {grid: 91.66666667, col: 11}, 
    {grid: 100, col: 12} 

// find the closest number from Bootstrap grid 
function getClosest(arr, value) { 
    var closest, mindiff = null; 

    for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { 
     var diff = Math.abs(arr[i].grid - value); 

     if (mindiff === null || diff < mindiff) { 
      // first value or trend decreasing 
      closest = i; 
      mindiff = diff; 
     } else { 
      return arr[closest]['col']; // col number 
    return null; 





$(function() { 

    var bsClass = "col-sm-1 col-sm-2 col-sm-3 col-sm-4 col-sm-5 col-sm-6 col-sm-7 col-sm-8 col-sm-9 col-sm-10 col-sm-11 col-sm-12"; 

    $(document).ready(function() { 
     handles: "e", 
     resize: function(e, ui) { 
      var thiscol = $(this); 

      var currentNumberBefore = parseInt(thiscol.attr('class').match(/col-sm-(\d+)/)[1]); 

      var container = thiscol.parent(); 

      var cellPercentWidth = 100 * ui.originalElement.outerWidth()/container.innerWidth(); 

      // ui.originalElement.css('width', cellPercentWidth + '%'); 

      var newColNum = getClosest(gridsystem, cellPercentWidth); 
      var thiscol = $(this); 

      thiscol.css("width", ''); 
      thiscol.find(".showClass").text('col-sm-' + newColNum); 

      var currentTopPosition = thiscol.position().top 

      var nextColumn = thiscol.next('.mb-grid-item'); 

      var nextTopPosition = nextColumn.position().top; 

      if(currentNumberBefore !== newColNum && nextColumn && nextTopPosition === currentTopPosition) { 
      try { 
       var nextNumber = nextColumn.attr('class').match(/col-sm-(\d+)/)[1]; 
       if(nextNumber) { 
       nextNumber = parseInt(nextNumber); 
       if((nextNumber+1) > 0) { 
        var nextColumnNumber 
        if(currentNumberBefore > newColNum) { 
        nextColumnNumber = nextNumber+1; 
        } else { 
        if(nextNumber-1 > 0) { 
         nextColumnNumber = nextNumber-1; 
        } else { 
         nextColumnNumber = nextNumber; 

        var nextClass = 'col-sm-' + nextColumnNumber.toString(); 
      } catch(err) { 
       console.log('err', err); 

      thiscol.removeClass(bsClass).addClass('col-sm-' + newColNum); 
    }); //ready end 


// Bootstrap grid system array 
var gridsystem = [{ 
    grid: 8.33333333, 
    col: 1 
}, { 
    grid: 16.66666667, 
    col: 2 
}, { 
    grid: 25, 
    col: 3 
}, { 
    grid: 33.33333333, 
    col: 4 
}, { 
    grid: 41.66666667, 
    col: 5 
}, { 
    grid: 50, 
    col: 6 
}, { 
    grid: 58.33333333, 
    col: 7 
}, { 
    grid: 66.66666667, 
    col: 8 
}, { 
    grid: 75, 
    col: 9 
}, { 
    grid: 83.33333333, 
    col: 10 
}, { 
    grid: 100, 
    col: 11 
}, { 
    grid: 91.66666667, 
    col: 12 
}, { 
    grid: 10000, 
    col: 10000 

// find the closest number from Bootstrap grid 
function getClosest(arr, value) { 
    var closest, mindiff = null; 

    for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { 
    var diff = Math.abs(arr[i].grid - value); 

    if (mindiff === null || diff < mindiff) { 
     // first value or trend decreasing 
     closest = i; 
     mindiff = diff; 
    } else { 
     // trend will increase from this point onwards 
     //return arr[closest]; //object 
     return arr[closest]['col']; // col number 
     //return arr[closest]['grid']; // col percentage 

    return null; 


getClosest関数は、要素が11 colsより大きい場合をカバーしません。

function getClosest(arr, value) { 
    var closest, mindiff = null; 

    for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { 
    var diff = Math.abs(arr[i].grid - value); 

    if (mindiff === null || diff < mindiff) { 
     // first value or trend decreasing 
     closest = i; 
     mindiff = diff; 
    } else { 
     // trend will increase from this point onwards 
     //return arr[closest]; //object 
     return arr[closest]['col']; // col number 
     //return arr[closest]['grid']; // col percentage 

    return null; 


function getClosest(arr, value) { 
    let closest, mindiff = null; 

    for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { 
    let diff = Math.abs(arr[i].grid - value); 

    if (i === arr.length - 1 && value >= 95) { 
     // No other matches, cap at last size 
     return arr[i]['col']; // col number 
    } else if (mindiff === null || diff < mindiff) { 
     // First value or trend decreasing 
     closest = i; 
     mindiff = diff; 
     } else { 
     return arr[closest]['col']; // col number 
    // Invalid 
    return null; 

助けてくれてありがとう!このものは私に頭痛を与え始めている –
