「コール中に不適切な引数ラベルがあります(rest: '、expected' restaurant: ')」エラーが発生します。ここにコードがあります。パラメータは正しいですが、正しい型を渡していますか?これはクラスメソッドなのでこれですか?コールが不正な引数ラベルを取得する理由
class func save(restaurant: Restaurant, toCloud: Bool) -> Bool {
var rest:RestaurantMO
var saved:Bool = false
if let appDelegate = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate) {
rest = RestaurantMO(context: appDelegate.persistentContainer.viewContext)
rest.name = restaurant.name
rest.item = restaurant.item
rest.location = restaurant.location
rest.isVisited = restaurant.isVisited
// Core Data Exercise - Solution
rest.phone = restaurant.phone
let entity =
NSEntityDescription.entity(forEntityName: "Restaurant",
in: appDelegate.persistentContainer.viewContext)!
_ = NSManagedObject(entity: entity,
insertInto: appDelegate.persistentContainer.viewContext)
print("Saving data to context ...")
saved = true
if toCloud {
saveRecordToCloud(rest:RestaurantMO) <--- ERROR: Incorrect argument label in call (have 'rest:', expected 'restaurant:')
class func saveRecordToCloud(restaurant:RestaurantMO!) -> Void {
// Prepare the record to save
let record = CKRecord(recordType: "Restaurant")
record.setValue(restaurant.name, forKey: "name")
record.setValue(restaurant.item, forKey: "item")
record.setValue(restaurant.location, forKey: "location")
record.setValue(restaurant.phone, forKey: "phone")
let imageData = restaurant.image! as Data
// Resize the image
let originalImage = UIImage(data: imageData)!
let scalingFactor = (originalImage.size.width > 1024) ? 1024/originalImage.size.width : 1.0
let scaledImage = UIImage(data: imageData, scale: scalingFactor)!
// Write the image to local file for temporary use
let imageFilePath = NSTemporaryDirectory() + restaurant.name!
let imageFileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: imageFilePath)
try? UIImageJPEGRepresentation(scaledImage, 0.8)?.write(to: imageFileURL)
// Create image asset for upload
let imageAsset = CKAsset(fileURL: imageFileURL)
record.setValue(imageAsset, forKey: "image")
// Get the Public iCloud Database
let publicDatabase = CKContainer.default().publicCloudDatabase
// Save the record to iCloud
publicDatabase.save(record, completionHandler: { (record, error) -> Void in
// Remove temp file
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: imageFileURL)
'saveRecordToCloud(レストラン:REST)' – WeiJay
残りはparamはに渡されるパラメータは、非オプションであるようにメソッド宣言に感嘆符を削除しますか? – jdog