2012-03-23 20 views





Netbeans IDEには何らかの機能/ライブラリがありますか&私が利用しているプラ​​ットフォームですが、この機能を構築するのに役立つでしょうか?



NetBeansプラットフォームを使用してアプリケーションを開発しているのですか、それとも単にIDEとして使用していますか? – Marcelo


私はプラットフォームだけでなくIDEを開発しています。 – kevingreen


ネットビーンズのサービスはここにありますか?私は自動更新サービスがあることを知っていますが、私はそれが起動時に実行されると思います。そのためにLayout.xmlにいくつかの関係があります。 – kevingreen



は、ここで私はそれを実装する方法です。私は実装の方法を少し変えました。だから、この答えは正確に質問の言葉になっていません。私は "スリープ"機能を削除しましたが、私が提供しているコードを使用すれば簡単に実装できます。私はそれを部分的に実装しました、そして、私は以下のコードを示します。基本的には、Runnableを実装するいくつかのクラスを作成する必要があります。バックアップを実行する実際のコードは表示されません。とにかくプラットフォーム特有のものなので、あなたのように扱います。私たちはDerbyを使用しています。そのため、バックアップがどのように処理されるのでしょうか。



public class DatabaseBackupReminder extends Thread 

/*****************Variables ****************/ 
String backupFrequency; //How often to backup? Daily, Monthly, Weekly, or Never 
String backupTimeOfDay; //I don't use this, but the idea was to autobackup morning, 
         //day, or night 
boolean backupIsSet = false; //Have they set a schedule? 
Timestamp lastBackupRunTime; //Pulled from our Derby database to see when the backup was run 
Timestamp backupScheduleSetTime; //Pulled from the DB to see when the user set the schedule 
           //This is so, if they set it to daily, we will check 24hrs from the set date for 
           //backup validity 
Period periodSinceLastBackup; //Using the Joda library, we use this to calculate 
boolean backupEverRan; //We check to see if they've ever backed up 
            //Useful logic for clear dialog purposes. 
public enum enumBackupFrequencies {DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, NEVER} //use a valueOf with the backupFrequency. 
//We're using java 1.7, no Switch on strings, this is a workaround 
    Herd herd;//Herd is a custom datatype we use, it's basically a wrapper around a Derby table. 
    public DatabaseBackupReminder(String backupFrequency, String backupTimeOfDay, Timestamp lastBackupRunTime, Timestamp backupScheduleSetTime, Herd herd) 
    //Herd is a custom datatype we use, it's basically a wrapper around a Derby table. 
    boolean getBackupStillValid() //Checks based on lastBackupRunTime, and backupEverRan to see 
    //if we have a valid backup 

    public void promptForBackup(Period duration, boolean backupEverRunx) 
     //Take's the duration & has it ever run and displays a message. 
     //Something like "It's been 2 weeks, 1 days since your last backup" 
     //Not fully implemented, this was scrapped, but I'll explain how I think it should have worked below 

    public void run() 
    //Main thread for this reminder 
    public String timeSinceLastBackupString() 
    //Calls it based on objects values, not specific values, see method below 
    public String timeSinceLastBackupString(Period duration, boolean backupEverRunx) 
    //Constructs the string used in promptForBackup 

/********full method code**********/ 
public DatabaseBackupReminder(String backupFrequency, String backupTimeOfDay, Timestamp lastBackupRunTime, Timestamp backupScheduleSetTime, Herd herd) { 
    this.herd = herd; 
    if (backupFrequency == null) { 
     backupFrequency = ""; 
    if (backupTimeOfDay == null) { 
     backupTimeOfDay = ""; 
    if (backupScheduleSetTime == null) { 
     this.backupScheduleSetTime = new Timestamp(0); 
    } else { 
     this.backupScheduleSetTime = backupScheduleSetTime; 
    this.backupFrequency = backupFrequency; 
    this.backupTimeOfDay = backupTimeOfDay; 
    if (lastBackupRunTime == null) { 
     this.lastBackupRunTime = new Timestamp(0); 
    } else { 
     this.lastBackupRunTime = lastBackupRunTime; 
    periodSinceLastBackup = new Period(this.lastBackupRunTime.getTime(), Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()); 
    if (backupFrequency.trim().length() > 1) { 
     backupIsSet = true; 
    backupEverRan = false; 
    if (this.lastBackupRunTime.getTime() != 0) { 
     backupEverRan = true; 

boolean getBackupStillValid() { 
    if (lastBackupRunTime.getTime() > 0) { 
     backupEverRan = true; 

    } else { 
     return false; 
    if (backupFrequency.trim().length() > 1) { 
     backupIsSet = true; 


    if (backupIsSet) { 
     switch (enumBackupFrequencies.valueOf(backupFrequency.trim().toUpperCase())) { 
      case DAILY: 
       if (periodSinceLastBackup.getYears() > 1 || periodSinceLastBackup.getMonths() > 1 || periodSinceLastBackup.getWeeks() > 1 || periodSinceLastBackup.getDays() >= 1) { 

        return false; 
      case WEEKLY: 
       if (periodSinceLastBackup.getYears() > 1 || periodSinceLastBackup.getMonths() > 1 || periodSinceLastBackup.getWeeks() >= 1) { 
        return false; 

      case MONTHLY: 
       if (periodSinceLastBackup.getYears() > 1 || periodSinceLastBackup.getMonths() >= 1) { 
        return false; 

      case NEVER: 
    if (backupEverRan) { 
     return true; 
    } else { 
     return false; 


public void run() { 

    if (backupIsSet) { 
     switch (enumBackupFrequencies.valueOf(backupFrequency.trim().toUpperCase())) { 
      case DAILY: 
       if (periodSinceLastBackup.getYears() > 1 || periodSinceLastBackup.getMonths() > 1 || periodSinceLastBackup.getWeeks() > 1 || periodSinceLastBackup.getDays() > 1) { 

        promptForBackup(periodSinceLastBackup, backupEverRan); 

      case WEEKLY: 
       if (periodSinceLastBackup.getYears() > 1 || periodSinceLastBackup.getMonths() > 1 || periodSinceLastBackup.getWeeks() > 1) { 
        promptForBackup(periodSinceLastBackup, backupEverRan); 

      case MONTHLY: 
       if (periodSinceLastBackup.getYears() > 1 || periodSinceLastBackup.getMonths() > 1) { 
        promptForBackup(periodSinceLastBackup, backupEverRan); 

      case NEVER: 

public void promptForBackup(Period duration, boolean backupEverRun) { 
    int response; 
    long delay = 0; 

    response = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, timeSinceLastBackupString(duration, backupEverRun)); 
    if (response == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { 
     //TODO: open "how long to remind" dialog 
     BackupSnoozePanel snoozePanel = new BackupSnoozePanel(); 

     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, snoozePanel); 

     switch (snoozePanel.BackupDelayInterval.getSelectedIndex()) { 
      case 0: 
       delay = 5000; //5 seconds, for testing 
       //delay = 60 * 60 * 1000; // 1 hour 
      case 1: 
       delay = 10000; //10 seconds, for testing 
       //delay = 4 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 4 hours 
      case 2: 
       delay = 15000; //15 seconds, for testing 
       //delay = 8 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 8 hours 
      case 3: 
       delay = 20000; //20 seconds, for testing 
       ///delay = 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 12 hours 
      case 4: 
       delay = 0; //next boot 

    } else { 
     //TODO: run backup  
    try { 

     if (delay > 0) { 
     //TODO: Code to sleep this reminder. Thread.sleep(delay) probably 

    } catch (Exception ex) { 
     //TODO: something to handle exceptions 

}//end promptForBackup 

public String timeSinceLastBackupString(Period duration, boolean backupEverRunx) { 

    if (!backupEverRunx) { 
     return "The backup has never been run. Would you like to run one?"; 

    String durationString = "It has been "; 
    if (duration.getYears() >= 1) { 
     durationString += duration.getYears() + " years"; 
    if (duration.getMonths() >= 1) { 
     durationString += duration.getMonths() + " months"; 
    if (duration.getWeeks() >= 1) { 
     durationString += duration.getWeeks() + " weeks "; 
    if (duration.getDays() >= 1) { 
     durationString += duration.getDays() + " days"; 
    durationString += " since your last backup. Would you like to run one?"; 
    return durationString; 

public String timeSinceLastBackupString() { 
    return timeSinceLastBackupString(periodSinceLastBackup, backupEverRan); 



public class DatabaseBackupController 
String scheduleText; //Daily, Weekly, Monthy, or Never. It's set in our options panel. 
String timeText; //Time of day to run the backup, morning, day, or night. As 04:00-12:00 etc… 
Timestamp lastBackupRun; //Timestamp from DB (Herd is our abstracted class) from when it was last run. 
Timestamp lastBackupRunScheduleSetTime; //Timestamp from DB when the backup was set. 
Herd herd; //Herd is a custom datatype we use, it's basically a wrapper around a Derby table. 

/***********Method Headers**********/ 
public DatabaseBackupController(Herd herd) //Constructor 
//Sets global variables, based on values in DB 
public void setupBackupReminder() 
//calls DatabaseBackupReminder, passes global variables. 
public boolean checkBackupReminder() 
//Checks to make sure the current backup is valid within the duration since last backup 
public void runBackupPrompt() 
//When we are in fact going to backup, calls BackupRunner instance. 

/**********full method code****************/ 
    public DatabaseBackupController(Herd herd) { 
    this.herd = herd; 
    scheduleText = herd.getBackupSchedule(); 
    timeText = herd.getBackupTime(); 
    lastBackupRun = herd.getBackupScheduledLastRun(); 
    lastBackupRunScheduleSetTime = herd.getBackupScheduledDatetime(); 

public void setupBackupReminder() { 
    DatabaseBackupReminder dbReminder = new DatabaseBackupReminder(scheduleText, timeText, lastBackupRun, lastBackupRunScheduleSetTime, herd); 
    Thread dbBackupThread = new Thread(dbReminder); 

}//end setupBackupReminder 

public boolean checkBackupReminder() { 
    DatabaseBackupReminder dbReminder = new DatabaseBackupReminder(scheduleText, timeText, lastBackupRun, lastBackupRunScheduleSetTime, herd); 
    return dbReminder.getBackupStillValid(); 

public void runBackupPrompt() { 
    DatabaseBackupReminder dbReminder = new DatabaseBackupReminder(scheduleText, timeText, lastBackupRun, lastBackupRunScheduleSetTime, herd); 
    int response = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, dbReminder.timeSinceLastBackupString()); 
    if (response == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { 
     //NbPreferences.forModule(BackupSettingsPanel.class).putLong("databaseschedullastrun", Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()); 
     LoadStatusDialog lsd; 
     lsd = null; 
     lsd = new LoadStatusDialog(WindowManager.getDefault().getMainWindow(), false, true); 
     Thread br = new Thread(new BackupRunner(herd,lsd)); 
}//end class 

クラスDbBackupActionは、ローカルバックアップのアスペクトを処理します。ローカルでバックアップし、そのファイルを別のクラスのオフサイトに送信します。 これはrunnableを実装しているため、バックアップを非同期に処理し、プログラム全体がハングアップすることはありません。

class DbBackupAction implements Runnable { 

private boolean backupSuccess; 

public DbBackupAction() { 
    this.backupSuccess = false; 

public void runBackup() { 

public void run() { 
    Connection connection = JDBCUtils.getConnection(); 
    String dbName = NbPreferences.forModule(DatabasePanel.class).get("dbName", ""); 
    try { 
     DerbyUtils.backUpDatabase(connection, dbName); 
    } catch (SQLException ex) { 

* @return the backupSuccess 
public boolean isBackupSuccess() { 
    return backupSuccess; 

* @param backupSuccess the backupSuccess to set 
public void setBackupSuccess(boolean backupSuccess) { 
    this.backupSuccess = backupSuccess; 


class BackupRunner implements Runnable { 

Herd herd; 
LoadStatusDialog lsd; 

BackupRunner(Herd herd, LoadStatusDialog lsd) { 
    this.herd = herd; 
    this.lsd = lsd; 

public void run() { 

    DbBackupAction dba = new DbBackupAction(); 
    Thread dbaThread = new Thread(dba); 

    while (dbaThread.isAlive()) { 
     try { 
     } catch (InterruptedException ex) { 

    if (dba.isBackupSuccess()) { 

     RemoteBackupAction rba = new RemoteBackupAction(); 
     Thread rbaThread = new Thread(rba); 
     while (rbaThread.isAlive()) { 
      try { 
      } catch (InterruptedException ex) { 

     if (rba.isBackupSuccess()) { 

      herd.setBackupScheduledLastRun(new Timestamp(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis())); 
      HerdService hs = new HerdDaoService(); 

      EventBus.publish(new RefreshStartScreenEvent()); 

RemoteBackupActionがバックアップオフサイトをFTPingを扱うDbBackupAction & & RemoteBackupActionを使用しています。

class RemoteBackupAction implements Runnable { 

Thread thread; 
LoadStatusDialog lsd; 
File backupFile; 
Pref pref; 
private boolean backupSuccess; 

public RemoteBackupAction() { 
    backupSuccess = false; 

public void runThread() { 

       backupSuccess = true; 

       try { 
       } catch (SQLException ex) { 
          "This option is not available when working offline."); 
        System.out.println("SQLExcption: " + ex); 
        backupSuccess = false; 
       } catch (Exception ex) { 
          "Unable to connection to ftp site for remote backup."); 
        System.out.println("IOExcption: " + ex); 
        backupSuccess = false; 


public void startOffsiteBackup() { 
    pref = CentralLookup.getDefault().lookup(Pref.class); 
    System.out.println("pref.isOnline(): " + pref.isOnline()); 
    if (!pref.isOnline()) { 
       "This option is not available when working offline."); 

    File[] files = DerbyUtils.getListOfBackups(); 
    if ((files == null) || (files.length < 1)) { 
       "There are no backup files available for upload. " 
       + "Please create a local backup."); 
    Backup[] backups = new Backup[files.length]; 
    if (files.length > 0) { 
     Date[] dates = new Date[files.length]; 
     String[] herdCodes = new String[files.length]; 
     SimpleDateFormat inFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm"); 
     for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { 
      try { 
       String[] splitFileName = files[i].getName().split("_"); 
       herdCodes[i] = splitFileName[0]; 
       dates[i] = inFormat.parse(splitFileName[1].split("//.")[0]); 
       backups[i] = new Backup(herdCodes[i], files[i], files[i].getName(), dates[i]); 
      } catch (ParseException ex) { 
    } else { 
     System.out.println("no backup files yet"); 

    Arrays.sort(backups, Collections.reverseOrder()); 

    if (backups[0] != null) { 

     this.backupFile = backups[0].getFile(); 
    } else { 
     // Cancel button selected 


* @return the backupSuccess 
public boolean isBackupSuccess() { 
    return backupSuccess; 

public void run() { 

自分の答えを受け入れるのは悪い形ですか?成功の定義を変えたので、これが適切に問題をカバーしてくれることを願っています。私はまだコードが元の問題を解決するために使用できると思います。 – kevingreen


いいえ、あなた自身の答えを受け入れることは悪くないです。 –


@JoachimRohde haha​​、cool。私はとにかくやった。これはかなり特定のreqのセットと思われます。 – kevingreen
