Fortran Eispackルーチン(固有値と固有ベクトルを計算し、値がMatlabのものと異なるかどうかをチェックする)を使うコードを書いていましたが、プログラムがハングアップするqzhesサブルーチンを呼び出します。サブルーチンを呼び出してプログラムをクラッシュし、行列を渡します
program qz
INTEGER:: divm, i, divg
INTEGER(kind=4) :: dimen
LOGICAL :: matz
REAL(kind = 8), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: ma
REAL(kind = 8), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: tabm
REAL(kind = 8), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: ga
REAL(kind = 8), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: tabg
REAL(kind = 8), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: zet
divm = 1
divg = 2
dimen = 20
matz = .TRUE.
OPEN(divm, FILE='Em.txt')
DO i=1,dimen
READ (divm,*) tabm
OPEN(divg, FILE='Gje.txt')
DO i=1,dimen
READ (divg,*) tabg
call qzhes(dimen, ma, ga, matz, zet)
OPEN(divm, FILE='Em2.txt')
DO i=1,dimen
tabm = ma(1:dimen,i)
WRITE (divm,*) tabm
OPEN(divg, FILE='Gje2.txt')
DO i=1,dimen
tabg = ga(1:dimen,i)
WRITE (divg,*) tabg
end program qz
...//EISPACK subrotines//...
subroutine qzhes (n, a, b, matz, z)
!! QZHES carries out transformations for a generalized eigenvalue problem.
! Discussion:
! This subroutine is the first step of the QZ algorithm
! for solving generalized matrix eigenvalue problems.
! This subroutine accepts a pair of real general matrices and
! reduces one of them to upper Hessenberg form and the other
! to upper triangular form using orthogonal transformations.
! it is usually followed by QZIT, QZVAL and, possibly, QZVEC.
! Licensing:
! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
! Modified:
! 18 October 2009
! Author:
! Original FORTRAN77 version by Smith, Boyle, Dongarra, Garbow, Ikebe,
! Klema, Moler.
! FORTRAN90 version by John Burkardt.
! Reference:
! James Wilkinson, Christian Reinsch,
! Handbook for Automatic Computation,
! Volume II, Linear Algebra, Part 2,
! Springer, 1971,
! ISBN: 0387054146,
! LC: QA251.W67.
! Brian Smith, James Boyle, Jack Dongarra, Burton Garbow,
! Yasuhiko Ikebe, Virginia Klema, Cleve Moler,
! Matrix Eigensystem Routines, EISPACK Guide,
! Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6,
! Springer Verlag, 1976,
! ISBN13: 978-3540075462,
! LC: QA193.M37.
! Parameters:
! Input, integer (kind = 4) N, the order of the matrices.
! Input/output, real (kind = 8) A(N,N). On input, the first real general
! matrix. On output, A has been reduced to upper Hessenberg form. The
! elements below the first subdiagonal have been set to zero.
! Input/output, real (kind = 8) B(N,N). On input, a real general matrix.
! On output, B has been reduced to upper triangular form. The elements
! below the main diagonal have been set to zero.
! Input, logical MATZ, should be TRUE if the right hand transformations
! are to be accumulated for later use in computing eigenvectors.
! Output, real (kind = 8) Z(N,N), contains the product of the right hand
! transformations if MATZ is TRUE.
implicit none
integer (kind = 4) n
real (kind = 8) a(n,n)
real (kind = 8) b(n,n)
integer (kind = 4) i
integer (kind = 4) j
integer (kind = 4) k
integer (kind = 4) l
integer (kind = 4) l1
integer (kind = 4) lb
logical matz
integer (kind = 4) nk1
integer (kind = 4) nm1
real (kind = 8) r
real (kind = 8) rho
real (kind = 8) s
real (kind = 8) t
real (kind = 8) u1
real (kind = 8) u2
real (kind = 8) v1
real (kind = 8) v2
real (kind = 8) z(n,n)
! Set Z to the identity matrix.
if (matz) then
z(1:n,1:n) = 0.0D+00
do i = 1, n
z(i,i) = 1.0D+00
end do
end if
! Reduce B to upper triangular form.
if (n <= 1) then
end if
nm1 = n - 1
do l = 1, n - 1
l1 = l + 1
s = sum (abs (b(l+1:n,l)))
if (s /= 0.0D+00) then
s = s + abs (b(l,l))
b(l:n,l) = b(l:n,l)/s
r = sqrt (sum (b(l:n,l)**2))
r = sign (r, b(l,l))
b(l,l) = b(l,l) + r
rho = r * b(l,l)
do j = l + 1, n
t = dot_product (b(l:n,l), b(l:n,j))
b(l:n,j) = b(l:n,j) - t * b(l:n,l)/rho
end do
do j = 1, n
t = dot_product (b(l:n,l), a(l:n,j))
a(l:n,j) = a(l:n,j) - t * b(l:n,l)/rho
end do
b(l,l) = - s * r
b(l+1:n,l) = 0.0D+00
end if
end do
! Reduce A to upper Hessenberg form, while keeping B triangular.
if (n == 2) then
end if
do k = 1, n - 2
nk1 = nm1 - k
do lb = 1, nk1
l = n - lb
l1 = l + 1
! Zero A(l+1,k).
s = abs (a(l,k)) + abs (a(l1,k))
if (s /= 0.0D+00) then
u1 = a(l,k)/s
u2 = a(l1,k)/s
r = sign (sqrt (u1**2 + u2**2), u1)
v1 = - (u1 + r)/r
v2 = - u2/r
u2 = v2/v1
do j = k, n
t = a(l,j) + u2 * a(l1,j)
a(l,j) = a(l,j) + t * v1
a(l1,j) = a(l1,j) + t * v2
end do
a(l1,k) = 0.0D+00
do j = l, n
t = b(l,j) + u2 * b(l1,j)
b(l,j) = b(l,j) + t * v1
b(l1,j) = b(l1,j) + t * v2
end do
! Zero B(l+1,l).
s = abs (b(l1,l1)) + abs (b(l1,l))
if (s /= 0.0) then
u1 = b(l1,l1)/s
u2 = b(l1,l)/s
r = sign (sqrt (u1**2 + u2**2), u1)
v1 = -(u1 + r)/r
v2 = -u2/r
u2 = v2/v1
do i = 1, l1
t = b(i,l1) + u2 * b(i,l)
b(i,l1) = b(i,l1) + t * v1
b(i,l) = b(i,l) + t * v2
end do
b(l1,l) = 0.0D+00
do i = 1, n
t = a(i,l1) + u2 * a(i,l)
a(i,l1) = a(i,l1) + t * v1
a(i,l) = a(i,l) + t * v2
end do
if (matz) then
do i = 1, n
t = z(i,l1) + u2 * z(i,l)
z(i,l1) = z(i,l1) + t * v1
z(i,l) = z(i,l) + t * v2
end do
end if
end if
end if
end do
end do
私のミス、と改めて確認することができます。サブルーチンコードを編集して追加します。が動作を停止するようにプロンプトを表示すると、プログラムがクラッシュします。 –
それは唯一の出力ですか、それともその行の前に何かを印刷しましたか? –
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