2016-04-11 17 views


void firstFunc(entry) { 
    this function returns list of entries that are stored in an array 

void secondFunc() { 
    while (loop x number of times) { 
     firstFunc(the value here gets updated with the next entry every loop); 
     compare the updated entry with another local parameter that is set within this method; 
     if lesser { do something; } 

void thirdFunc() { 
    while (loop x number of times) { 
     firstFunc(the value here gets updated with the next entry every loop); 
     compare the updated entry with another local parameter that is set within this method; 
     if greater { do something; } 

をここで、「firstFuncは」 "にし、「secondFunc」で1回2回(ループとされますthirdFunc ")。私が欲しいのは、このようなものです:

void firstFunc(entry) { 
    this function returns list of entries that are stored in an array 

while (loop x number of times) { 
     firstFunc(the value here gets updated with the next entry every loop); 

void secondFunc() { 
    while (loop x number of times) { 
     use the value next updated value from firstFunc; 
     compare the updated entry with another local parameter that is set within this method; 
     if lesser { do something; } 

void thirdFunc() { 
    while (loop x number of times) { 
     use the value next updated value from firstFunc; 
     compare the updated entry with another local parameter that is set within this method; 
     if greater { do something; } 



'firstFunc'の結果を保存して、後で同じ引数を与えても、前回の結果を再利用するのですか? – JesseTG


上記の値は "secondFunc"で反復され、 "thirdFunc"の先頭から値が再取得されます。これは時間がかかりすぎている。私はちょうど "thirdFunc"の最初から再度iterateしたくない。 – Sara


secondFuncとthirdFuncのbの値は決して変更されません...何を再度尋ねていますか? – Pemdas




memoArr = [] 
while (loop x number of times) { 
    memoArr[x] = firstFunc(the value here gets updated with the next entry every loop); 

