私は "BaseSensor"ホストクラスのさまざまなミックスインに様々なstd::tuples
#include <iostream> // std::cout std::endl
#include <string> // std::string
#include <map> // std::map
#include <tuple> // std::map
using namespace std;
struct BaseSensorData
BaseSensorData(const string & _sensorName)
: sensorName(_sensorName)
const string sensorName;
class TrendSensor //mixin for BaseSensor
TrendSensor(BaseSensorData * bsd , std::tuple<size_t , double > && tp)
cout << "TrendSensor: " << std::get<0>(tp) << " " << bsd->sensorName << " " << std::get<1>(tp) << endl;
typedef struct{ double trough; double peak; } Edges;
class EdgeSensor //mixin for BaseSensor
EdgeSensor(BaseSensorData * bsd , std::tuple<size_t , double > && tp)
cout << "EdgeSensor: " << std::get<0>(tp) << " " << bsd->sensorName << " " << std::get<1>(tp) << endl;
class CO2Threshold// : public ThresholdData
std::map<std::string , double>thresholds;
CO2Threshold(const double & _toxicThres , const double & _zeroThres , const double &)
thresholds["toxic"] = _toxicThres;
thresholds["zero"] = _zeroThres;
cout << "CO2Threshold: " << _toxicThres << " " << thresholds["zero"] << endl;
class O2Threshold// : public ThresholdData
std::map<std::string , double>thresholds;
O2Threshold(const double & _toxicThres , const double & _lowThres , const double & _elecChemThres)
thresholds["toxic"] = _toxicThres;
thresholds["low"] = _lowThres;
thresholds["elecchem"] = _elecChemThres;
cout << "O2Threshold: " << _toxicThres << " " << thresholds["low"] << " " << thresholds["elecchem"] << endl;
template<typename ThresholdMixin> //CO2Threshold , O2Threshold , or others ...
class ThresholdSensor : public ThresholdMixin //mixin for BaseSensor
ThresholdSensor (BaseSensorData * bsd
, std::tuple<size_t , double , double , double , double> && tp)
: ThresholdMixin
, std::get<3>(tp)
, std::get<4>(tp)
cout << "ThresholdSensor: " << std::get<0>(tp) << " " << bsd->sensorName << " "
<< std::get<1>(tp) << " " << std::get<2>(tp) << " " << std::get<3>(tp) << " " << std::get<4>(tp)
<< endl;
template<typename ... SensorType>
class BaseSensor : public BaseSensorData , public SensorType ... //to my BaseSensor class
size_t windowSize;
template<typename ... Args>
BaseSensor(const string& _sensorName , Args && ... args)
: BaseSensorData(_sensorName)
, SensorType(this , std::forward<Args>(args))...
, windowSize(0U)
std::tuple<Args...> arr[sizeof...(SensorType)] = { args ... }; //line A
/*for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof...(SensorType); ++i)
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof...(Args); ++i)
// do stuff
cout << "BaseSensor: " << /*_windowSize << " " << */sensorName << " " << endl;
int main() {
BaseSensor<ThresholdSensor<O2Threshold> , TrendSensor, EdgeSensor>bs
, std::make_tuple<size_t , double , double , double , double>(54U , 2.5f , 10000.3f , 400.5f , 200.3f)
, std::make_tuple<size_t , double >(53U , 6.5f)
, std::make_tuple<size_t , double >(52U , 3.5f)
/*BaseSensor<ThresholdSensor<CO2Threshold> , TrendSensor, EdgeSensor>bs5
, std::make_tuple<size_t , double , double , double , double>(54U , 2.5f , 10000.3f , 400.5f , 200.3f)
, std::make_tuple<size_t , double >(53U , 6.5f)
, std::make_tuple<size_t , double >(52U , 3.5f)
//BaseSensor<ThresholdSensor<CO2Threshold> > bs2{string("test"),11U , 12.5f};
//BaseSensor<TrendSensor> bs3{string("test"), 8U , 10.5f};
//BaseSensor<EdgeSensor> bs4{string("test"), 6U , 18.5f};
だから、「BaseSensor」内のすべてのミックスイン(すなわち「SensorTypes ...」)のタプルは「Argsの...」パラメータパックを介して転送されます。これはうまく動作しますが、私はBaseSensor::BaseSensor()
私は同時にどのように拡大することができますSensorType ...
とArgs ...
とタプルに従って "args"を分類しますか?上記のコードでは は、私がg ++ v4.7.1およびC++ 11が有効で、次を得る:
varcon.cpp:104:64: error: could not convert ‘args#0’ from ‘std::tuple<long unsigned int, double, double, double, double>’ to ‘std::tuple<std::tuple<long unsigned int, double, double, double, double>, std::tuple<long unsigned int, double>, std::tuple<long unsigned int, double> >’
varcon.cpp:104:64: error: could not convert ‘args#1’ from ‘std::tuple<long unsigned int, double>’ to ‘std::tuple<std::tuple<long unsigned int, double, double, double, double>, std::tuple<long unsigned int, double>, std::tuple<long unsigned int, double> >’
varcon.cpp:104:64: error: could not convert ‘args#2’ from ‘std::tuple<long unsigned int, double>’ to ‘std::tuple<std::tuple<long unsigned int, double, double, double, double>, std::tuple<long unsigned int, double>, std::tuple<long unsigned int, double> >’
varcon.cpp:108:59: error: incomplete type ‘std::tuple_size<std::tuple<std::tuple<long unsigned int, double, double, double, double>, std::tuple<long unsigned int, double>, std::tuple<long unsigned int, double> >&>’ used in nested name specifier
あなたのコードは、g ++ 4.9.2と私のclang ++ 3.5でコンパイルします。コンパイルされたプログラムの出力は、(#復帰すると致命的なエラーになります) "O2Threshold:10000.3 400.5 200.3#ThresholdSensor:54 testSensor 2.5 10000.3 400.5 200.3#TrendSensor:53 testSensor 6.5#EdgeSensor:52 testSensor 3.5#BaseSensor:testSensor ") – max66
@ max66こんにちは。実際、私のコードはうまくコンパイルされました。私はコンストラクタボディの行のコメントを外さなくてはなりませんでした。これは今更新されました – nass
私は参照してください...しかし、私のg ++と私のclang ++は、ラインA( 'arr'宣言)でもコンパイルします。 "未使用の変数 'arr'" – max66