と入力し、数字(1から9、 0を含む)。もし私がHashSet
を得ます;サイズは今6です(そして、私はすべての数字1-9を得る必要があります。& 0、すなわち、サイズ10)。今私はそれを3倍にして、私は2736
public long digitProcessSystem(long N) {
// changing the passed in number into String
String number = Long.toString(N);
//splitting the String so that I can investigate each digit
String[] arr = number.split("");
// Storing the digits(which are Strings now) into HashSet
Set<String> input = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(arr));
// Count starts for incremental purpose later.
count =1;
//When I get all digits; 1-9, & 0, I need to return the last number that concluded the condition
while (input.size() == 10) {
return N;
// The compiler telling me to delete the else but as a new Java user so far my understanding is that I can use `else` with `while`loops.Correct me if I'm missing something.
else {
// Increment starts following the rule; N*1, N*2,N*3,...till size is 10
N = N*count;
// doing everything over
String numberN = Long.toString(N);
String[] arr1 = number.split("");
// need to change the previous `input`so that the new updated `HashSet` gets passed in the while loop to look for size 10.This is error because I'm using same name `input`. But I don't want to create a new `set` , I need to update the previous `set` which I don't know how.
Set<String> input = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(arr1));
// increments count
他に構文エラーが出ています。トークンを削除すると言っています。なぜでしょうか?@Elliott –
おそらく、その 'while'は' if'だったはずです。 –
しかし、私は条件を得るまでループしたいと思います。@ Elliott –