<!DOCTYPE html>
//Set of variables
var nameCheck = /^[a-zA-Z\s]+$/;
//eliminates anything not relevant
var numberCheck = /^[0-9\.]+$/;
//eliminates anything not relevant
var totHours = 0;
//adds total gaming hours on one day
var dayHours = 0;
//how many on one such day set in i from 1-7
var averHours = 0;
//stores the average by dividing by the tothours by 7
var mostPerDay = 0;
//calculates day with most gamed
var mostOnDay = 0;
//Most hours on ONE day
var moreDays = " ";
//adds an s to the end of days if more than one
var mpd = 0;
//most per day
var ah = 0;
//average hours
var th = 0;
//total hours
var name = prompt("What is your name?");
//asks users name
//Make sure user inputs a name that includes letters and or spaces
while (name == "null" || isNaN(name) == false || !name.match(nameCheck)){
\t alert("Invalid Name!");
\t name = prompt("What is your name?");
//Greets the user by name
alert("Hello " + name);
//Ask how many hours gamed on a day
for (var i = 1; i <= 7; i++){
\t dayHours = prompt("How many hours have you gamed on day " + i + "?")
//Reask the question if the user inputs an invald answer
\t while (dayHours == null || isNaN(dayHours) || dayHours > 24 || !dayHours.match(numberCheck) || dayHours < 0){
\t \t alert("Incorrect! No letters or symbols, and make sure your input is under 24");
\t \t dayHours = prompt("How many hours have you gamed on day " + i + "?")
\t }
//Adds to total hours
totHours += Number(dayHours)
//Calculates days with most hours gamed
if (mostPerDay > dayHours){
else if (mostPerDay < dayHours){
\t mostPerDay = Number(dayHours);
\t mostOnDay = i;
else if (mostPerDay = dayHours){
\t mostOnDay += " and " + i;
\t mostPerDay = Number(dayHours);
//Adds 's' to the statistics if more than one day
if (isNaN(mostOnDay) == true){
\t moreDays = "s ";
//Divides the total hours by 7 to get average over those 7 days
aver = (totHours/7);
//Calculates and rounds to the value of 1
th = totHours.toFixed(1);
ah = aver.toFixed(2);
mpd = mostPerDay.toFixed(1);
//States calculated statistics
alert("\nTotal gaming hours this week " + th + "\nAverage gaming hours this week " + ah + "\nMost on one day" + moreDays + mostOnDay + " for " + mpd + " hours.");
//Comments on average hours per day gamed
if (averHours <= 2){
alert("Healthy amount of gaming this week")
else if (averHours <= 24){
\t alert("Unhealthy amount of gaming this week")