2017-04-24 8 views



<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript"> 
    $(document).ready(function() { 
     //Dropdownlist Selectedchange event 
     $("#INVORG").change(function() { 
       type: 'POST', 
       url: '@Url.Action("GetDEPTCODE")', // we are calling json method 
       dataType: 'json', 
       data: { id: $("#INVORG").val() }, 
       // here we are get value of selected INVORG and passing same value 
       success: function (states) { 
        // states contains the JSON formatted list 
        // of states passed from the controller 
        $.each(states, function (i, state) { 
         $("#DEPTCODE").append('<option value="' + state.Value + '">' + 
         state.Text + '</option>'); 
         // here we are adding option for States 
       error: function (ex) { 
        alert('Failed to retrieve states.' + ex); 
      return false; 




using Json 

     public JsonResult GetDEPTCODE(string id) 
      List<SelectListItem> states = new List<SelectListItem>(); 

//I got Error Code, can you please define my wrong code and correct thanks 

      states = from u in _db.USERGROUPs where u.INVORG == id 
        select(new SelectListItem {Text =u.INVORG, Value = u.DEPTCODE}); 


     return Json(new SelectList(states, "Value", "Text")); 

    public ActionResult GetDEPTCODE(string id) 
     List<SelectListItem> items= new List<SelectListItem>(); 
     return Json(new { data = items}, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); 


$("#INVORG").change(function() { 
      type: 'GET', 
      url: '@Url.Action("GetDEPTCODE")', // we are calling json method 
      dataType: 'json', 
      data: { id: $("#INVORG").val() }, 
      // here we are get value of selected INVORG and passing same value 
      success: function (data) { 
       // states contains the JSON formatted list 
       // of states passed from the controller 
       $.each(data["data"], function (key, value) { 


      error: function (ex) { 
       alert('Failed to retrieve states.' + ex); 
     return false; 

こんにちは先生 –


は、この[リンク]を参照してください表示されませんinvorgの下で動作しませんでしたあなたのコード、(https://dotnetfiddle.net/1bPZym) – Learner


この回答はあなたの元の質問に投稿されました。あなたは全体の質問を変更できますか? @ThePrograMMER – Learner
