MVCアーキテクチャを使用して1ページのCRUDアプリケーションを構築する。読み書きはできますが、更新と削除は機能しません。削除関数はREQUEST_METHOD GETに結びつけなければならないと私は理解していますが、スイッチステートメント内の正しい位置にあるかどうか、条件付きの場合はより大きいGETになければなりません。私はなぜ更新がうまくいかないのか分かりません。PHPの更新と削除の機能が動作しない
class Model {
private $connection;
function __construct($conn) {
# intialize sql connection variable
$this->connection = $conn;
# generic read from database functionality
public function read($table, $fields = '*', $limit = 1000, $sort = 'ASC', $id = null, $id_field = null) {
$sql = "";
$fieldString = '';
# create string from $fields array
if(is_array($fields)) $fieldString = implode(',', $fields); // the $fields array is in the format ['FIELD_1_NAME', 'FIELD_2_NAME', 'FIELD_3_NAME'] which is converted to the sting 'FIELD_1_NAME, FIELD_2_NAME, FIELD_3_NAME' for the SQL query
else $fieldString = $fields;
if(is_null($id)) {
# get all values from MyTable, use fields array to get requested # fields and sort parameter to sort
$sql = "SELECT $fieldString FROM $table LIMIT $limit";
} else {
# get a single value by id
$sql = "SELECT $fieldString FROM $table WHERE $id_field = $id";
# SQL String test
# echo($sql);
if($result = $this->connection->query($sql)) {
$results = [];
# Generating Results as an array of Objects
while ($row= $result->fetch_object()) {
$results[] = $row;
return $results;
} else {
return false;
# generic write to database functionality
public function write($table, $fields, $args) {
# create string from $args array
$argString = implode('\',\'', $args); // the $args array is in the format ['VALUE_1', ' VALUE_2', ' VALUE_3'] which is converted to the sting "'VALUE_1', 'VALUE_2', 'VALUE_3'" for the SQL query
# create string from $fields array
$fieldString = implode(',', $fields); // the $fields array is in the format ['FIELD_1_NAME', 'FIELD_2_NAME', 'FIELD_3_NAME'] which is converted to the sting 'FIELD_1_NAME, FIELD_2_NAME, FIELD_3_NAME' for the SQL query
# creating the sql query
$sql = "INSERT INTO $table ($fieldString) VALUES('$argString')";
# SQL String test
public function update($table, $fields, $args, $id) {
# update DB implementation
$argString = implode('\',\'', $args);
$fieldString = implode(',', $fields);
$sql = "UPDATE $table SET ($fieldString) VALUES('$argString') WHERE id=$id";
echo $sql;
public function delete($id) {
# delete DB implementation
$sql = "DELETE FROM Players WHERE id=$id";
class Controller {
# instance of model class injected into the controller
private $model;
function __construct($model) {
$this->model = $model;
# request handler method is responsible for handling all http requests
public function requestHandler($server, $get, $post, $session) {
# call method based on request, an example is shown below
# example API format :
# url for get request format for get by id: index.php?get=users&id=1
# url for get request format for get all: index.php?get=users&limit=10
# use your own API here
# handling GET requests
if($server['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') {
# replace the url parameters based on your API parameters
if(!empty($get["get"])) {
switch ($get["get"]) {
case 'players':
echo $this->getPlayers($get["id"], $get["limit"], $get["sort"]);
case 'delete':
echo $this->deletePlayer($get["id"]);
echo 'Error: Invalid Request';
# handling POST requests
elseif($server['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
# if the ID_FIELD is empty it’s a create request
if(empty($post['id'])) {
# replace FIELD NAMES as per your field names in the database
echo $this->addPlayer(['Player_Name', 'Age', 'City', 'Country', 'Gender', 'Handedness', 'Broom', 'Position', 'Team', 'Favorite_Color', 'Headshot'], [$post['Player_Name'], $post['Age'], $post['City'], $post['Country'], $post['Gender'], $post['Handedness'], $post['Broom'], $post['Position'], $post['Team'], $post['Favorite_Color'], $post['Headshot']]);
# if the ID_FIELD is not empty then it’s an update request
else {
echo $this->updatePlayer(['Player_Name', 'Age', 'City', 'Country', 'Gender', 'Handedness', 'Broom', 'Position', 'Team', 'Favorite_Color', 'Headshot'], [$post['Player_Name'], $post['Age'], $post['City'], $post['Country'], $post['Gender'], $post['Handedness'], $post['Broom'], $post['Position'], $post['Team'], $post['Favorite_Color'], $post['Headshot']]);
# change function name to one that represents your table name
private function getPlayers($id, $limit = 1000, $sort) {
# get data from the model
# replace TABLE_NAME with the table that is to be read
# replace ID_FIELD with the name of the ID Field
$data = $this->model->read('Players', '*', $limit, $sort, $id, 'id');
# process/transform data or apply application logic
# return data as JSON string
return json_encode($data);
# change function name to one that represents your table name
private function addPlayer($fields, $values) {
# replace TABLE_NAME with the table that is to be read
return $this->model->write('Players', $fields, $values);
# implement update and delete
private function updatePlayer($table, $fields, $values, $id) {
return $this->model->update($table, $fields, $values, $id);
private function deletePlayer($id) {
return $this->model->delete('Players', $id);
'$ fieldString'にはすべての列名が含まれていますが、なぜそれが機能しないのですか?それぞれのものをリストするのではなく、 '$ fieldString'を使う方法はありますか? – SepticReVo
実際には '$ sql =" UPDATE $ table SET($ fieldString)= VALUES( '$ argString')WHERE id = $ id ";'と言うべきでしょうか? – SepticReVo
いいえ、SQL文について詳しく調べてください。 –