2017-12-16 4 views



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    <p>Class is dead,” says Foucault; however, according to Reicher, it is not so much class that is dead, but rather the absurdity, and some would say the paradigm, of class. However, the subject is interpolated into a postpatriarchialist dialectic theory that includes consciousness as a totality." Lorizzle ipsum bling bling sit amizzle, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nizzle sapien velizzle, bling bling volutpat, suscipit , gravida vel, arcu. Check it out hizzle that's the shizzle. We gonna chung erizzle. Fo izzle dolor fo turpis tempizzle tempor. Gangsta boom shackalack mofo et turpizzle. Sizzle izzle tortor. Pellentesque uhuh ... yih!</p> 
    <p>Tendrils of gossamer clouds! Globular star cluster explorations permanence of the stars dream of the mind's eye dispassionate extraterrestrial observer, of brilliant syntheses, how far away, Flatland, Sea of Tranquility rogue! Stirred by starlight how far away! Radio telescope hydrogen atoms something incredible is waiting to be known. Science? Consciousness across the centuries made in the interiors of collapsing stars.</p> 
    <p>As a patch of light, Orion's sword quasar cosmic ocean. Kindling the energy hidden in matter muse about, stirred by starlight and billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions.</p> 
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とCSS ...

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予想される出力は何ですか?イメージを含めることができますか? –






それはそれでした。私は今、かなり愚かな気分です。長い週だった:p – phuzisham


私は同じ事にこだわっていることを覚えているので私は知っていた。しかし、受け入れられた答えではありませんか? –


私はあなたの答えをプラスしようとしましたが、十分なポイントがありません。私は受け入れられた答えとしてそれを設定するための任意のオプションが表示されませんでした。私に知らせる方法があれば。これは私の最初の投稿です。 – phuzisham



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    <div class="col-sm-8" id="aboutCol"> 
     <p>Class is dead,” says Foucault; however, according to Reicher, it is not so much class that is dead, but rather the absurdity, and some would say the paradigm, of class. However, the subject is interpolated into a postpatriarchialist dialectic theory that includes consciousness as a totality." Lorizzle ipsum bling bling sit amizzle, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nizzle sapien velizzle, bling bling volutpat, suscipit , gravida vel, arcu. Check it out hizzle that's the shizzle. We gonna chung erizzle. Fo izzle dolor fo turpis tempizzle tempor. Gangsta boom shackalack mofo et turpizzle. Sizzle izzle tortor. Pellentesque uhuh ... yih!</p> 
     <p>Tendrils of gossamer clouds! Globular star cluster explorations permanence of the stars dream of the mind's eye dispassionate extraterrestrial observer, of brilliant syntheses, how far away, Flatland, Sea of Tranquility rogue! Stirred by starlight how far away! Radio telescope hydrogen atoms something incredible is waiting to be known. Science? Consciousness across the centuries made in the interiors of collapsing stars.</p> 
     <p>As a patch of light, Orion's sword quasar cosmic ocean. Kindling the energy hidden in matter muse about, stirred by starlight and billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions.</p> 
    <div class ="col-sm-4" id="profPic"> 
     <img class="profPics" src="/images/profile.jpg" alt="Profile Picture"> 
