varに格納された引数を渡そうとしているときに問題が発生しています。 問題は、ダイナミックに検索されたdiv idを変数に格納し、それを.moveToObject関数に渡すことです。ハードコードされた文字列の代わりに動的な引数を関数に渡す方法
But the function throws back error ;
Error: invalid selector: No selector specified
Wanted to know how we can pass arguments stored in variables into various functions.
For instance in the code below , we are retiring sectionId via execute , storing it in sectionId variable .
then using it later on in moveToObject.
all functions seems to work when we are giving arguments inside "" quotes, but in our case we cannot do this. Please help us out how we can achieve this.
it('drag and drop should work', function() {
var sectionId = "";
// load page, then call function()
return driver
.execute(function() {
sectionId = window.document.getElementById('Section1');
.moveToObject(sectionId) -- -- > errors out here