2016-11-03 1 views


医者は引退しています。彼女の患者は退職通知を受ける必要があります。 「彼女の患者」を構成する人々は、過去2年間に他のどの医師よりも多くの時間を捉えています。それが失敗した場合(すなわち、過去2年間に彼女と他の医者がそれぞれ2回ずつ見られた場合)、直近に彼女を見に行った場合、彼女は "彼女の患者"です。



select patient_id, last_name, first_name, post_fromdate, performing_md_id, performing_md_name, category_desc, procedure_code 
from [table] 
where post_fromdate >= ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-24) 
and category_desc like '%WELL%' --specific visit type 
and patient id in ([list of patients]) 
group by patient_id, last_name, first_name, post_fromdate, performing_md_id, performing_md_name, category_desc, procedure_code 
order by patient_id, post_fromdate desc 






スキーマ、サンプルデータ、および希望する結果を投稿します。 –


関連するテーブルのクエリ・ポスト・スキーマにはcount(visits)が必要です。 – donlys


これは災害です:これはすべて一つのテーブルにあります。このDBシステムは、すべての方法で解決策を縛られています。ここの持ち主でさえ、どこに情報があるか分かりません。 – sleddog




Select patient, 
sum(case when doc = 'retiring_doc' then 1 else 0 end) as [This DOC Visit Count], 
max(case when doc = 'retiring_doc' then visit_date end) as [This DOC Last Visit], 
sum(case when doc != 'retiring_doc' then 1 else 0 end) as [Other Doc Visit Count], 
max(case when doc != 'retiring_doc' then visit_date end) as [Other Doc Last visit] 
from from doc_patient_visit_table 
group by patient 
having sum(case when doc = 'retiring_doc' then 1 else 0 end) > sum(case when doc != 'retiring_doc' then 1 else 0 end) 
OR (sum(case when doc = 'retiring_doc' then 1 else 0 end) = sum(case when doc != 'retiring_doc' then 1 else 0 end) 
AND [This DOC Last Visit] > [Other Doc Last visit]) 

それは完全に意味があります。私はそれをオールド '大学の試してみましょう。あなたのご意見ありがとうございます! – sleddog



select patient,[This Doc] as [This DOC Visit Count], [Other Doc] as [Other Doc Visit Count] 
into #visit_counts 
from (select patient, case when doctor = 'retiring doc' then 'This Doc' else 'Other Doc' end as Doc, visit_date from doc_patient_visit_table) P 
Pivot (count(visit_date) for Doc in ([This Doc],[Other Doc])) Pvt 

select patient,[This Doc] as [This DOC Last Visit], [Other Doc] as [Other Doc Last visit] 
into #visit_times 
from (select patient, case when doctor = 'retiring doc' then 'This Doc' else 'Other Doc' end as Doc, visit_date from doc_patient_visit_table) P 
Pivot (max(visit_date) for Doc in ([This Doc],[Other Doc])) Pvt 

select patient, [This DOC Visit Count], [Other Doc Visit Count], [This DOC Last Visit], [Other Doc Last visit] 
from #visit_counts t1 
join #visit_times t2 on t1.patient = t2.patient 
where [This DOC Visit Count] > [Other Doc Visit Count] or ([This DOC Visit Count] = [Other Doc Visit Count] and [This DOC Last Visit] > [Other Doc Last visit]) 


select patient_id, 
     max(doctor_id) keep (dense_rank last order by ct, last_visit) as primary_doctor_id 
from (
     select patient_id, doctor_id, count(*) as ct, max(visit_date) as last_visit 
     from  visits 
     group by patient_id, doctor_id 
group by patient_id 