私はいくつかの基本的な宿題をしています。それは正直なところ私が知っているものです。しかし、私は少しそれをジャズアップし、私が行方不明の何かが予期しないエラーを引き起こすことを決めた。 アイデアは、ユーザーが何かしたいかどうかを尋ねるwhileループを使用することです。彼らがyesと言う限り、ループは保持している操作を続けます(この場合、小数点を整数に丸めます)。しかし、私が「はい」とか本当に何かを入力するとすぐに、ループはそこで壊れて、丸め部分には続きません。while bufferedInputの後にループが壊れる
public class DecimalRounder {
//Main class method that starts and ends the program. It is prepared to throw an IO exception if need be.
public static void main(String args[])throws IOException
//Main initializes a new reader to take input from System.in
InputStreamReader rawInput = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
//Main then initializes a new buffer to buffer the input from System.in
BufferedReader bufferedInput = new BufferedReader(rawInput);
//Main initializes other used variable
double castInput = 0.0;
String contin = "yes";
//Program then sets up loop to allow user to round numbers till content
while (contin == "yes")
//Program asks user if they'd like to round.
System.out.println("Would you like to round? Type yes to continue... ");
contin = bufferedInput.readLine();
//If user says yes, rounding begins. ERROR FOUND HERE?
if (contin == "yes") //INPUT "yes" DOESN'T MATCH?
//Program then requests a decimal number
System.out.println("Please enter a decimal number for rounding: ");
String givenLine = bufferedInput.readLine();
//rawInput is worked on using a try catch statement
try {
//givenLine is first parsed from String into double.
castInput = Double.parseDouble(givenLine);
//castInput is then rounded and outputted to the console
System.out.println("Rounded number is... " + Math.round(castInput));
//Branch then ends restarting loop.
}catch(Exception e){
//If the data entered cannot be cast into a double, an error is given
System.err.println("That is not a roundable number: " + e.getMessage());
//And branch ends restarting loop.
System.out.println("Have a nice day!");
使用 'のequals()'ファンタスティック文字列 – Ramanlfc