[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class|AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited=true, AllowMultiple=false)]
public class MyCustomFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
private MyCustomFilterMode _Mode = MyCustomFilterMode.Respect; // this is the default, so don't always have to specify
public MyCustomFilterAttribute()
public MyCustomFilterAttribute(MyCustomFilterMode mode)
_Mode = mode;
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
if (_Mode == MyCustomFilterMode.Ignore)
// Otherwise, respect the attribute and work your magic here!
public enum MyCustomFilterMode
Ignore = 0,
Respect = 1
public class MyBaseController : Controller
// I am the application's base controller with the filter,
// so any derived controllers will ALSO get the filter (unless they override/Ignore)
public class HomeController : MyBaseController
// Since I derive from MyBaseController,
// all of my action methods will also get the filter,
// unless they specify otherwise!
public ActionResult FilteredAction1...
public ActionResult FilteredAction2...
public ActionResult MyIgnoredAction... // I am ignoring the filter!
public class SomeSpecialCaseController : MyBaseController
// Even though I also derive from MyBaseController, I can choose
// to "opt out" and indicate for everything to be ignored
public ActionResult IgnoredAction1...
public ActionResult IgnoredAction2...
// Whoops! I guess I do need the filter on just one little method here:
public ActionResult FilteredAction1...
ありがとうDavid!まさに私が思いついたこと! –