私はこのようになりますいくつかのデータを分析するJupyterノートブックを作ってるんだ:Jupyterノート - Pythonのコード
# Import relevant packages/modules
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats
# Import relevant csv data file
data = pd.read_csv("C:/Users/Hanna/Desktop/Sheridan College/Statistics for Data Science/Assignment 1/MATH37198_Assignment1_Individual/IGN_game_ratings.csv")
# Part a: Determine the z-score of "Super Mario Kart" and print out result
superMarioKart_zscore = data[data['Game']=='Super Mario Kart'] ['Score'].stats.zscore()
print("Z-score of Super Mario Kart: ", superMarioKart_zscore)
# Part b: The top 20 (most common) platforms
# Part c: The average score of all the Shooter games
averageShooterScore = data[data['Group']=='Game']['Score'].mean()
# Print output
print("The average score of all the Shooter games is: ", averageShooterScore)
# Part d: The top two platforms witht the most perfect scores (10)
# Part e: The probability of a game randomly selected that is an RPG
# First find the number of games in the list that is an RPG
numOfRPGGames = 0
for game in data['Game']:
if data['Genre'] == 'RPG':
numOfRPGGames += 1
# Divide this by the total number of games to find the probablility of selecting one
print("The probability of selecting a game that is an RPG is: ", numOFRPGGames/totalNumGames)
# Part f: The probability of a game randomly selected with a score less than 5
# First find the number of games in the list with a score less than 5 using a for loop:
numScoresLessThan5 = 0
for game in data['Game']:
if data['Score'] < 5:
numScoresLessThan5 += 1
# Divide this by the total number of games to find the probablility of selecting one
print("The probability of selecting a game with a score less than 5 is: ", numScoresLessThan5/totalNumGames)
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