import java.util.Scanner;
Scanner scannerName = new Scanner(System.in);
を。スキャナからデータを取得するには、まずユーザに必要なデータを入力してから、Scannerの.next ___メソッドの1つを使用して入力を取得し、変数に格納します。どのAPIを使用するかは教えてもらえません.Java APIのScannerページをチェックし、自分で調べることができるかどうかを確認してください。
System.out.println("Enter your name");
String userLoginString = scannerName.next____();
System.out.println("Enter your password");
String userPasswordString = scannerName.next____();
if (userLoginString.equals(bossName) && userPasswordString.equals(bossPassword)) {
// print the boss menu
else if (userLoginString.equals(workerName) && userPasswordString.equals(workerPassword)) {
// print the user menu
論理& &(「と」)演算子は、正しいメニューがユーザーの資格情報が一致した場合にのみ表示されるようになります格納された資格情報ユーザーが正しい名前(上司または従業員)を入力したにもかかわらず間違ったパスワード(またはその逆)を入力した場合、中括弧内のステートメントは実行されません。
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Depot {
public static void main(String[] arguments){
// you need to initialize these to some value or else there is
// nothing to compare them with. I tried some dummy values and
// your code worked as expected, as long as the user entered the
// correct values in the prompt.
String bossName;
String bossPassword;
String workerName;
String workerPassword;
// you can just use one Scanner for the whole program, since they are
// both just reading input from the standard input stream. Replace the
// other Scanners with "input" and close "input" at the end
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter your name: ");
// not needed
Scanner authenticate = new Scanner(System.in);
String userName = authenticate.nextLine();
System.out.println("Your username is " + userName);
System.out.println("Enter your password: ");
String passWord = authenticate.nextLine();
System.out.println("Your password is " + passWord);
if (userName.equals(bossName) && passWord.equals(bossPassword)) {
// this could be declared at the top of the program instead of
// redeclaring in the if...else
int selection;
Scanner bossMenu = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("1. Setup Worker Schedule");
System.out.println("2. View Worker Schedule");
System.out.println("3. Move Worker");
System.out.println("4. Quit");
do {
selection = bossMenu.nextInt();
if (selection == 1) {
else if (selection == 2) {
else if (selection == 3) {
else {
} while(selection != 4); // this is usually here
else if (userName.equals(workerName) && passWord.equals(workerPassword)) {
// this could be declared at the top of the program instead of
// redeclaring in the if...else
int selection;
// don't need this one, just use "input" Scanner
Scanner userMenu = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("1. View Worker Schedule");
System.out.println("2. Quit");
do {
selection = userMenu.nextInt();
if (selection == 1) {
} while(selection != 2); // this is usually here
// you would close the "input" Scanner here
を! BossとWorkerを実装するより良い方法は、継承と多相を使うことです。ボスとワーカーの共通の特徴を持つ抽象スーパークラスから始めましょう。これをEmployeeスーパークラスと呼んでいます。それはfirstNameの、lastNameの、およびパスワードのインスタンス変数を持っている、とあなたはそれぞれにゲッターとセッターを追加する必要があります
// abstract class, CANNOT be instantiated but can be used as the supertype
// in an ArrayList<Employee>
public abstract class Employee {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String password;
public Employee() {
// don't have to do anything, just need this so you can instantiate
// a subclass with a no-arg constructor
// constructor that takes only the name of the Employee
public Employee(String firstName, String lastName) {
this(firstName, lastName, null);
// constructor that takes name and password
public Employee(String firstName, String lastName, String password) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.password = password;
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
// and so on, for the lastName and password....
// you must implement this specifically in any subclass!
public abstract void getMenu();
public class Boss extends Employee {
// notice we don't need the instance variables in the class declaration,
// but they are here since they are part of Employee
public Boss() {
// don't need to do anything here, just allows no-arg constructor
// to be called when creating a Boss
// just calls the superclass constructor, could do more if you want
public Boss(String firstName, String lastName) {
super(firstName, lastName);
// just calls the superclass constructor, could do more if you want
public Boss(String firstName, String lastName, String password) {
super(firstName, lastName, password);
public void getMenu() {
// put the print statment for Boss's menu here
// don't need to re-implement other methods, we can use them since
// they are part of the superclass
import java.util.Scanner;
public class EmployeeTester {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
// can make workers and bosses able to be processed polymorphically
// by assinging their references to Employee variables, since
// and Employee is the supertype of each, a Worker "is an" Employee
// and a Boss "is an" Employee.
Employee worker1 = new Worker("Bob", "Worker");
Employee worker2 = new Worker("Sue", "Bush", "Password1");
Employee worker3 = new Worker();
Employee boss1 = new Boss("Jenny", "Boss");
Employee boss2 = new Boss("Bill", "OtherBoss", "Password2");
Employee boss3 = new Boss();
// if you're going to have a lot of workers and bosses, and you don't
// need named variables for each because their info will be included
// in their constructors, you could do this
Employee[] employees = {new Worker("Bob", "Bailey", "myPassword"),
new Worker("Sue", "Sarandon", "123Seven"),
new Boss("Jenny", "Strayhorn", "hardPassword"),
new Boss("Billy", "MeanGuy", "pifiaoanaei")};
// then, you could iterate through this list to check if a password
// entered matches a firstName, lastName, and password combination
// for ANY type of employee in the array, then call the getMenu()
// method on that employee, like so: (This could all be in a loop
// if you wanted to process multiple Employees...)
System.out.println("Enter firstName:");
// you figure out which Scanner method to use!
String firstName = input._____();
System.out.println("Enter lastName:");
String lastName = input._____();
System.out.println("Enter password:");
String password = input._____();
// figure out what get____() method of the Employee class
// needs to be called in each case, and what it should be
// compared to with the .equals() method.
for (int i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) {
if (employees[i].get______().equals(______) &&
employees[i].get______().equals(______) &&
employees[i].get______().equals(______)) {
// if all of those conditions are true, print the menu
// for this employee
// you could do more stuff here....
// breaks out of the loop, no need to check for anymore employees
ログイン情報を収集します。通常は、ユーザ名がその人が上司かワーカーかを示すかどうかに応じてメニューを表示するために 'if'ステートメントを使います。実際にはオブジェクト指向を使用し、操作を別のクラスに分けることもできます。ログインの一部が役割を選択していない限り、あなたはBossである人に関する情報を保持する必要があります。 – KevinO
クイック返信をありがとう。ログイン情報は、Bossの場合は1つのユーザー名とパスワード、Workerの場合は1つのユーザー名とパスワードでハードコードすることができます。あなたはどこから始めるべきかわからないので私に例を示すことができますか? –