2016-09-30 10 views


#include "stdafx.h" 
    #include <iostream> 
    #include <stdint.h> 
    #include <cmath> 

    //finds where each column is a 0 or a 1 
    int binaryDigit(uint16_t y, uint16_t power) 
    if ((y/(pow(2, power))) > 1) 
    return 1; 
    return 0; 

    int difference(uint16_t y, int x, uint16_t power) 
    if (x == 1) 
    return y - pow(2, power); 
    return y; 

    //takes a decimal byte and turns it into binary 
    int main() 
    using namespace std; 
    cout << "Please insert a number between 0 and 255 so that I can convert it to binary: "; 
    uint16_t userValue(0), power(7); 
    cin >> userValue; 

    int firstDigit = binaryDigit(userValue, power); 
    uint16_t userValue2 = difference(userValue, firstDigit, power); 

    int secondDigit = binaryDigit(userValue2, power); 
    uint16_t userValue3 = difference(userValue2, secondDigit, power); 

    int thirdDigit = binaryDigit(userValue3, power); 
    uint16_t userValue4 = difference(userValue3, thirdDigit, power); 

    int fourthDigit = binaryDigit(userValue4, power); 
    uint16_t userValue5 = difference(userValue4, thirdDigit, power); 

    int fifthDigit = binaryDigit(userValue5, power); 
    uint16_t userValue6 = difference(userValue5, thirdDigit, power); 

    int sixthDigit = binaryDigit(userValue6, power); 
    uint16_t userValue7 = difference(userValue6, thirdDigit, power); 

    int seventhDigit = binaryDigit(userValue7, power); 
    uint16_t userValue8 = difference(userValue7, thirdDigit, power); 

    int eigthDigit = binaryDigit(userValue8, power); 

    cout << "The number " << userValue << " in binary is "; 
    cout << firstDigit << secondDigit << thirdDigit << fourthDigit << " " << fifthDigit << sixthDigit << seventhDigit << eigthDigit << endl; 

    return 0; 

エラーメッセージはありますか? – HazemGomaa


'<<' and '>>'演算子を読むことをお勧めします。あなたの人生をはるかに簡単にしてください。 – user4581301


これは実際にエラーコードではありません。それはちょうど第5列の周りに間違ったバイナリの言葉を出力します – Electickid2020




#include <bitset> 
#include <iostream> 

using namespace std; 

int main() 
    int userValue = 0; 

    cout << "Please insert a number between " << INT_MIN << " and " << INT_MAX << " so that I can convert it to binary: "; 
    cin >> userValue; 

    cout << bitset<32>(userValue) << endl; 

    return 0; 

std::string intToBinaryString(int x) 
    // a useful class that allows easy concatenation 
    std::stringstream ss; 

    // create an integer that only has a 1 bit in its top position. 
    unsigned int mask = 1 << (sizeof(int) * 8 - 1); 

    // for each bit in x, starting at the top, check to see if its non zero... 

    for(int i = 0; i <sizeof(int) * 8; ++i) 
     // see if x's (top - i)'th bit is non zero 
     bool nonZeroBit = x & mask; 

     // assign the (top - i)'th "bit" of ss to be '1' if non zero and '0' otherwise 
     ss << (nonZeroBit ? '1' : '0'); 

     // shift the mask down by 1. 
     mask >>= 1; 

    // What we get on the first iteration is 
    // mask = 10000...0000 
    // & x = 10101...0010 
    // ----------------------------- 
    // nonZero = 10000...0000 = true 
    // the second iteration is 
    // mask = 01000...0000 
    // & x = 10101...0010 
    // ----------------------------- 
    // nonZero = 00000...0000 = false 
    // the third iteration is 
    // mask = 00100...0000 
    // & x = 10101...0010 
    // ----------------------------- 
    // nonZero = 00100...0000 = true 
    // ... 
    // then we just add these results into ss 

    // finally, convert it into a normal string 
    return ss.str(); 



前回の答えで触れたように、 ' 'を使うのがずっと速くて簡単です。 – FluorescentGreen5
