2012-03-17 11 views


function register_user(){ 

<script type='text/javascript'> 
     function alldone() { 
     $().toastmessage('showToast', { 
      text  : 'You have been registered, please confirm your account', 
      sticky : true, 
      position : 'middle-center', 
      type  : 'error', 
      closeText: '', 
      close : function() { 
       console.log("toast is closed ..."); 


     function regdoneconfail() { 
     $().toastmessage('showToast', { 
      text  : 'You have been registered, but could not be added to the database for confirmation. Please contact an admin', 
      sticky : true, 
      position : 'middle-center', 
      type  : 'error', 
      closeText: '', 
      close : function() { 
       console.log("toast is closed ..."); 


       function confsendfail() { 
     $().toastmessage('showToast', { 
      text  : 'The confirmation mail could not be sent, please contact an admin to confirm your account', 
      sticky : true, 
      position : 'middle-center', 
      type  : 'error', 
      closeText: '', 
      close : function() { 
       console.log("toast is closed ..."); 


         function noreg() { 
     $().toastmessage('showToast', { 
      text  : 'Your account could not be registered. Please contact an admin', 
      sticky : true, 
      position : 'middle-center', 
      type  : 'error', 
      closeText: '', 
      close : function() { 
       console.log("toast is closed ..."); 



//no scripts 
$noreg = 'Your account could not be registered. Please contact an admin'; 
$confsendfail = 'The confirmation mail could not be sent, please contact an admin to confirm your account'; 
$regdoneconfail = 'You have been registered, but could not be added to the database for confirmation. Please contact an admin'; 
$alldone = 'You have been registered, please confirm your account'; 
//Including the mysqli connect file 
include 'includes/mysqli_connect_new.php'; 
//Loading up the security library 
//Fireup the blowfish algorithm 
$gen = new org\codeangel\security\passwords\DefaultPasswordGenerator; 

//Setting error array 
$action = array(); 
$action['result'] = null; 
$text = array(); 

//Defining variables for ease of use 
$name = mysqli_real_escape_string($friend_zone, $_POST['name']); 
$username = mysqli_real_escape_string($friend_zone, $_POST['username']); 
$password = mysqli_real_escape_string($friend_zone, $_POST['password']); 
$repeatpassword = mysqli_real_escape_string($friend_zone,$_POST['repeatpassword']); 
$email = mysqli_real_escape_string($friend_zone, $_POST['email']); 
$security_question = 'wgat'; 
$security_answer = 'what'; 
$captcha = mysqli_real_escape_string($friend_zone, $_POST['captcha']); 
$date = date("Y-m-d"); 
$user_level = 0; 
$user_pattern = '/[^A-Za-z0-9]/'; 
$name_pattern = '/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/'; 

//Check to see if empty 
if(empty($name)){ $action['result'] = 'error'; array_push($text,'<div id="errors">Please type in your name</div><br>'); } 
if(empty($username)){ $action['result'] = 'error'; array_push($text,'<div id="errors">Please tpye in a username of your choice</div><br>'); } 
if(empty($email)){ $action['result'] = 'error'; array_push($text,'<div id="errors">you have to type in your email dude, its necessary!</div><br>'); } 
if(empty($password)){ $action['result'] = 'error'; array_push($text,'<div id="errors">Please type in a password</div><br>'); } 
if(empty($repeatpassword)){ $action['result'] = 'error'; array_push($text,'<div id="errors">Please repeat the password</div><br>'); } 
if(empty($captcha)) { $action['result'] = 'error'; array_push($text,'<div id="errors">You need to type in the captcha answer</div><br>'); } 

//Checking for invalid characters 
if(!empty($username)){ if(preg_match($user_pattern, $username)){ $action['result'] = 'error'; array_push($text,'<div id="errors">>Username contains invalid letters</div><br>'); } } 
if(!empty($name)){ if(preg_match($name_pattern, $name)){ $action['result'] = 'error'; array_push($text,'<div id="errors">>Name has invalid letters</div><br>'); } } 

//Checking if the entered passwords are matching 
if(!empty($password) && $repeatpassword){ if($password != $repeatpassword){ $action['result'] = 'error'; array_push($text,'<div id="errors">Passwords do not match</div><br>'); } } 

//checks length 
if(!empty($username)){ if(strlen($username) < 6){ $action['result'] = 'error'; array_push($text,'<div id="errors">Username has to be more than 6 letters</div><br>'); } } 
if(!empty($name)){ if(strlen($name) < 5){ $action['result'] = 'error'; array_push($text,'<div id="errors">Name has more than 5 letters</div><br>'); } } 
if(!empty($password) && $repeatpassword){ if(strlen($password) < 7){ $action['result'] = 'error'; array_push($text,'<div id="errors">Passwords needs to have more than 7 letters</div><br>'); } } 

//Checks if email and username is taken or not! 
$username_check = $friend_zone->prepare("SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = ?"); 
$username_check->bind_param("s", $username); 
$username_rows = $username_check->num_rows; 

if($username_rows > 0){ $action['result'] = 'error'; array_push($text,'<div id="errors">Sorry, the username is already taken.</div><br>'); } } 

$email_check = $friend_zone->prepare("SELECT email FROM users WHERE email = ?"); 
$email_check->bind_param("s", $email); 
$email_rows = $email_check->num_rows; 

if($email_rows > 0){ $action['result'] = 'error'; array_push($text,'<div id="errors">The emain address is in use, Click <a href="forgot_password.php">here</a> if you forgot your password</div><br>'); } } 

//Checking the captcha? 
if($captcha != 'Marshall'){ $action['result'] = 'error'; array_push($text,'<div id="errors">The captcha answer you typed in is wrong!</div><br>'); } } 

if($action['result'] != 'error'){ 

//encrypting using Cyth security library 
$password = $gen->genPassword($password); 

//$add = "INSERT INTO users (name, username, password, email, security_answer, date, user_level, security_question) VALUES ('$name', '$username', '$password', '$email', '', '$date', '$user_level', '')"; 
//$result = mysqli_query($link, $add); 
$register = $friend_zone->prepare("INSERT INTO users (name, username, password, email, security_answer, date, user_level, security_question) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); 
$register->bind_param('sssssiis', $name, $username, $password, $email, $security_answer, $date, $user_level, $security_question); 


//Time to prepare a random key and add it to confirmation table ;P 
$key = $username . $email . $date; 
$key = sha1($key); 

$user_info = $friend_zone->prepare("SELECT username, email FROM users WHERE username = ?"); 
$user_info->bind_param("s", $username); 
$user_info->bind_result($check_id, $check_email); 


$user_id = $check_id; 
$user_email = $check_email; 

$confirm_add = $friend_zone->prepare("INSERT into CONFIRM(user_id, username, key) VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); 
$confirm_add->bind_param('iss', $user_id, $username, $key); 

echo "Possibly awesome"; 
//Send the mail 

$to  = $user_email; 
// subject 
$subject = 'FreeFX Account Confirmation'; 

// message 
$message =" 
<title>Account confirmation</title> 
<p>Hello $username, you need to confirm your account before you can start using the entire features of our website.<br> 
<a href='www.likeageek.net/confirm.php?username=$username&key_code=$key'>CLICK HERE</a>to confirm your account</p> 
<a href='www.likeageek.net/confirm.php'>Click here</a> and enter the following details in<br> 
Username : $username 
Key : $key 

// To send HTML mail, the Content-type header must be set 
$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; 
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; 

// Additional headers 
$headers .= 'To: $user_email; <$user_email;>' . "\r\n"; 
$headers .= 'From: FreeFX Dudes <[email protected]>' . "\r\n"; 

if (mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) { 
    echo "<script type='text/javascript'> alldone() </script> <noscript> $alldone </noscript>"; 
} else { echo "<script type='text/javascript'> confsendfail() </script> <noscript> $confsendfail </noscript>"; } 

} else { echo "<script type='text/javascript'> regdoneconfail() </script> <noscript> $regdoneconfail </noscript>"; } 


} else { echo "<script type='text/javascript'> noreg() </script> <noscript> $noreg </noscript>"; } 
} else { 

<script type='text/javascript'> 
     function showstickyerror() { 
     $().toastmessage('showToast', { 
      text  : '<?php echo implode($text); ?>', 
      sticky : true, 
      position : 'middle-center', 
      type  : 'error', 
      closeText: '', 
      close : function() { 
       console.log("toast is closed ..."); 


<?php echo "<div class='wrapbg'> 
<span class='corners-top'><span></span></span> 
<div id='content'><br/> 
<hr class='hr1'> 
<span class='corners-bottom'><span></span></span> 



fatal error: Call to a member function bind_param() on a non-object 
書類を作成し、私はこのエラーを持っていますconfirmadd 何が問題になっているのですか、なぜこれが起こっているのかわかりません。 以前と同じように多くのクエリを実行しましたが、すべてエラーなしで動作します。


テーブル名が小文字で、クエリで訂正されましたが、まだエラーが返されます –


これは、以前の 'prepare'メソッドがfalseを返した可能性が高い場合です。 '$ confirm_add'が実際にオブジェクトであることを確認しましたか? – Josh


そのブール(false) 私はなぜ、任意のアイデアを知っていないのですか? –



まず、準備中の文を何らかのエラー処理でラップして、何が起きているのか、そしてMySQLが表示しているエラーを確認する必要があります。 MySQLのエラーは通常、かなり有益で、クエリのどこで失敗しているかを伝えます(通常、問題の発見に役立ちます)。

この場合、私はそれが問題の原因となっている「キー」列であると確信しています。あなたが列名としてそれを使用する場合、「キー」はMySQLの意味でreserved wordであるあなたは、バッククォート

INSERT into CONFIRM (user_id, username, `key`) VALUES(?, ?, ?) 



activation_keyにキー名を変更しました まだ同じエラーです:\、エラーをエコーし​​ようとしても、 –


@MarshallMathewsテスト版のスキーマに対していくつかの実際の値を使ってサンプルクエリを手動で実行しようとしましたか? – liquorvicar


ok同期が外れています 私はuser_infoクエリでst0re_resultを実行しましたが、まだ修正されていません –
