2011-01-14 18 views

私はasp.net MVCで開発された自分のWebサイトを公開しようとしています。asp.net MVCでパブリッシュが失敗するMVC

パブリッシングフォルダbin/es/.svn/tmp/prop-base ... パブリッシュフォルダbin/es/.svn/tmp/props ..を公開しています。 公開フォルダbin/es/.svn/tmp/text-base ... ビルド:1成功または最新、0失敗、0スキップ==== ====== ==========公開:0は1が、失敗した0私は取得していますこれらの行の前に==========


Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_allcaps.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_allcaps.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_bold.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_bold.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_columns.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_columns.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_complete.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_complete.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_direction.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_direction.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_double_underline.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_double_underline.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_dropcaps.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_dropcaps.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_fit.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_fit.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_flip.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_flip.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_font_default.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_font_default.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_heading_1.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_heading_1.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_heading_2.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_heading_2.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_heading_3.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_heading_3.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_heading_4.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_heading_4.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_heading_5.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_heading_5.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_heading_6.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_heading_6.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_horizontalrule.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_horizontalrule.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_indent.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_indent.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_indent_remove.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_indent_remove.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_inverse.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_inverse.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_italic.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_italic.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_kerning.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_kerning.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_left_to_right.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_left_to_right.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_letter_omega.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_letter_omega.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_letterspacing.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_letterspacing.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_linespacing.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_linespacing.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_list_bullets.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_list_bullets.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_list_numbers.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_list_numbers.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_lowercase.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_lowercase.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_lowercase_a.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_lowercase_a.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_mirror.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_mirror.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_padding_bottom.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_padding_bottom.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_padding_left.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_padding_left.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 

Unable to add 'Content/images/icons/silk/text_padding_right.png' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'Content\images\icons\silk\text_padding_right.png'. The system cannot find the file specified. 





Visual Studioで(ソリューションエクスプローラで右クリックしてDeleteを右クリックして)ファイルを削除すると、そのファイルへの参照がすべて削除されます。


プロジェクトファイルからそれらを削除します。これを行うには、.csprojを開き、<ItemGroup>を探します。そこから、ディスクに存在しない<Content Include="" />をすべて削除します。


私はこの種のソリューションを導入すれば、ファイルのアップロードなどの内部機能に何らかの影響を与えますか? –


フォルダ名 'bin/es/.svn/tmp/prop-base'など.svnフォルダはバージョン管理用であり、公開されていないはずです。 –


@Artem K.もし彼らが異なるバージョンのコントロールから来たら、何が起こるのでしょう?私はあなたのコメントを得ることができませんでした。 –
