2017-03-25 5 views


function generate() { 
var vc = 178890; 
var edition = [ 
    [223987, 543238], 
    [998732, 215588], 
    [776490, 366591] 
var module = [ 
    [322547, 226789], 
    [632788, 129874], 
    [399872, 112256], 
    [200876, 679032], 
    [666634, 188897], 
    [877334, 766952], 
    [222990, 777778], 
    [229347, 543832] 
var i; 
var sum = 0; 
var name = $('#name').val(); 
var addr = $('#address').val(); 
for (i = 0; i < name.length; i++) { 
    sum += name.charCodeAt(i); 
for (i = 0; i < addr.length; i++) { 
    sum += addr.charCodeAt(i); 
var s = 12*(sum + Math.floor(sum*67/12472)); 
if ($('#product').val() === 'avs') { 
    s += 886; 
} else { 
    s += 288; 
    if ($('#timed').prop('checked')) { 
     reg = moment($('#regdate').val(), 'MM/DD/YYYY'); 
     exp = moment($('#expdate').val(), 'MM/DD/YYYY'); 
     var date_re = /^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{4}$/; 
     var valid = true; 
     $('#invalidreg').html(reg.creationData().input.search(date_re) >= 0 && reg.isValid() ? '' : (valid = false, ' invalid date')); 
     if (exp.creationData().input.search(date_re) >= 0 && exp.isValid()) { 
      if (reg.isSameOrAfter(exp)) { 
       $('#invalidexp').html('expiration date should be after registration date'); 
       valid = false; 
      else { 
     } else { 
      $('#invalidexp').html('invalid date'); 
      valid = false; 
     if (!valid) { 
     var epoch = moment('1800-12-28'); 
     s += 3*exp.diff(epoch, 'days') - 2*reg.diff(epoch, 'days') - 34; 
$('#versioncode').html(vc + s); 
var row = $('#edition tr:nth-child(1)'); 
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { 
    row.find('td:nth-child(2)').html(edition[i][0] + s); 
    row.find('td:nth-child(3)').html(edition[i][1] + s); 
    row = row.next(); 
row = $('#modules tr:nth-child(1)'); 
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { 
    row.find('td:nth-child(2)').html(module[i][0] + s); 
    row.find('td:nth-child(3)').html(module[i][1] + s); 
    row = row.next(); 



このコードを書いた人はごめんなさい、それを維持しなければならない人にはさらに残念です。それは混乱です。それを正しく説明すると、それを書き換えるよりも時間がかかります。 – Gerrit0




function generate() { 

    // Random (arrays of) magic numbers (probably the key to the universe) 

    var vc = 178890; 
    var edition = [ 
     [223987, 543238], 
     [998732, 215588], 
     [776490, 366591] 
    var module = [ 
     [322547, 226789], 
     [632788, 129874], 
     [399872, 112256], 
     [200876, 679032], 
     [666634, 188897], 
     [877334, 766952], 
     [222990, 777778], 
     [229347, 543832] 

    // Retrieving the values of Name & Address form inputs as "name" and "addr" with an 
    // external library called jQuery 

    var name = $('#name').val(); 
    var addr = $('#address').val(); 

    // Beginning of a block to calculate "sum" (set sum to zero) - the next couple of lines 
    // seem straightforward, I just have no idea what objective these incantations have. 

    var i; 
    var sum = 0; 

    // Iterate over all the letters in the "name", retrieve the letter's 
    // character code and increase sum by the value of that character code 

    for (i = 0; i < name.length; i++) { 
     sum += name.charCodeAt(i); 

    // Iterate over all the letters in the "addr", retrieve the letter's 
    // character code and increase sum by the value of that character code 

    for (i = 0; i < addr.length; i++) { 
     sum += addr.charCodeAt(i); 

    // Do some more magic number cacluations with sum, to retrieve a value "s" 

    var s = 12*(sum + Math.floor(sum*67/12472)); 

    // If the value of the "product" input is avs, increase the value of s by magic number 886 

    if ($('#product').val() === 'avs') { 
     s += 886; 
    } else { 

    // Otherwise, increase it by 288 

     s += 288; 

    // If the "timed" checkbox has been selected ... 

     if ($('#timed').prop('checked')) { 

    // Use the external library "moment" to normalize the input data from "regdate" and "expdate" fields 

      reg = moment($('#regdate').val(), 'MM/DD/YYYY'); 
      exp = moment($('#expdate').val(), 'MM/DD/YYYY'); 

    // As we don't trust the "moment" date validation, we#re also going to use a regex to check the 
    // validity of "regdate" 

    // The regex checks if the date is formatted with slashes, such as: 23/12/2004 

      var date_re = /^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{4}$/; 

    // Somewhere in the murky depths further down there's probably a global check, if the input data 
    // is valid, so we need a global flag for it. 

      var valid = true; 

    // Now we apply the regex we defined earlier and use moment's own "isValid" method to check if the 
    // "reg" date is actually valid. 

    // If it's not, we inject an error message into the HTML element "invalidreg" and set the global 
    // valid flag to false 

    // If "reg" is a valid date, nothing happens. 

     $('#invalidreg').html(reg.creationData().input.search(date_re) >= 0 && reg.isValid() ? '' : (valid = false, ' invalid date')); 

    // Now we also validate the "exp" date in the same manner ... 

     if (exp.creationData().input.search(date_re) >= 0 && exp.isValid()) { 

    // ... but we also check, if it is the same as the "reg" date. If they are the same, we output 
    // an error message into the "invalidexp" HTML element and set the "valid" flag to false 

    // If they are not the same, we reset the contents of that HTML element. 

      if (reg.isSameOrAfter(exp)) { 
       $('#invalidexp').html('expiration date should be after registration date'); 
       valid = false; 
      } else { 

    // If "exp" is not valid we display an error message in the "invalidexp" HTML 
    // element (and set the valid flag to false) 

     } else { 
      $('#invalidexp').html('invalid date'); 
      valid = false; 

    // If the global flag is false (ie "exp" or "reg" date are invalid or the same) .. 

     if (!valid) { 

    // Call a "clear" method (not defined in this fragment of code) and cease further processing 
    // by calling a return 


    // If everything is valid (*yay*) - define a new magic date on the 28/12/1800 
    // (who know's why this particular date) 

     var epoch = moment('1800-12-28'); 

    // And we're back to magic number caclulations on the value of "s" 
    // where we are adding 3 times the difference between the magic epoch date and the "exp" date 
    // and then subtracting 2 times the difference between the epoch and the "reg" date. 
    // Oh, and subtractign 34 ... the *bleeep* knows why. 

     s += 3*exp.diff(epoch, 'days') - 2*reg.diff(epoch, 'days') - 34; 

// We now wet an HMTL element "serialnum" to the 67 times the value of "sum" 
// (which we calculated earlier) 


// The version code is the value of vc (you can find it right at the top of this script ... it's 178890) 
// plus the value of s. We display this value in an HTML element "versioncode" 

$('#versioncode').html(vc + s); 

// We now grab a new variable and set it to the first row in an HTML table element. 

var row = $('#edition tr:nth-child(1)'); 

// For the first three rows of the table (starting with the row we just defined), we set the values of 
// the 2nd and 3rd table cells to a random number calculation of "s" and "edition" 
// (edition is defined right at the top of the script) 

for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { 
    row.find('td:nth-child(2)').html(edition[i][0] + s); 
    row.find('td:nth-child(3)').html(edition[i][1] + s); 
    row = row.next(); 

// Same thing for a different table, and with the "module" magic number. 

row = $('#modules tr:nth-child(1)'); 
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { 
    row.find('td:nth-child(2)').html(module[i][0] + s); 
    row.find('td:nth-child(3)').html(module[i][1] + s); 
    row = row.next(); 