電子メールが正しくないときにエラーを設定しようとしています。文字列が空であるかどうかを確認するとき、フォームは適切なメッセージで警告します。しかし、電子メールが正規表現と一致するかどうかを確認しているとき、それは機能しません。何か案は?Regex in React email validation
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router';
// Our custom input component, which uses label, id and tabIndex properties
var MyInput = React.createClass({
render: function() {
// Get the error message by calling a function, passed to this
// component through getError property
var errorMessage = this.props.getError(this.props.id);
return (
<fieldset className={"form-fieldset ui-input first " + (errorMessage ? "erroneous" : "")}>
<input type="text" name={this.props.id} id={this.props.id} tabIndex={this.props.tabIndex} />
<label htmlFor={this.props.id}>
<span data-text={this.props.label}>{this.props.label}</span>
<span className="error">{errorMessage ? errorMessage : null}</span>
// Form
var SendForm = React.createClass ({
getError: function (fieldName) {
return this.state[fieldName+"Error"];
setError: function (fieldName, error) {
var update = {};
update[fieldName+"Error"] = error;
getInitialState: function() {
return {
isMailSent: false,
errorMessage: null,
componentDidMount: function() {
// This will be called right when the form element is displayed
validateForm: function(){
var hasErrors = false;
if ($('#company').val().length < 1){
this.setError("company", "Please enter your company name");
hasErrors = true;
} else this.setError("company", null)
if ($('#industry').val().length < 1){
this.setError("industry", "Please enter the industry");
hasErrors = true;
} else this.setError("industry", null)
if ($('#firstName').val().length < 1){
this.setError("firstName", "Please enter your first name");
hasErrors = true;
} else this.setError("firstName", null)
if ($('#lastName').val().length < 1) {
this.setError("lastName", "Please enter your last name");
hasErrors = true;
} else this.setError("lastName", null)
if ($('#email').val() == '') {
this.setError("email", "Please enter your email address");
hasErrors = true;
} else this.setError("email", null)
if ($('#email').val() !== /^[a-zA-Z0-9][email protected]+[a-zA-Z0-9]+.+[A-z]/) {
this.setError("email", "Please enter a valid email address");
hasErrors = true;
} else this.setError("email", null)
if ($('#phone').val().length < 1) {
this.setError("phone", "Please enter your phone number");
hasErrors = true;
} else this.setError("phone", null)
return !hasErrors;
handleSubmit: function (e) {
// Check if data is valid
if (!this.validateForm()) {
//return if not valid
// Get the form.
var form = $('form');
// Serialize the form data.
var formData = $(form).serialize();
var self = this;
// Submit the form using AJAX.
type: 'POST',
url: 'email-handler.php',
data: formData
}).done(function(response) {
// Update the state, notifying that mail was sent
// This value will be used in the form when rendering
self.setState({isMailSent: true})
// Hide the form
}).fail(function(data) {
// Make sure that the formMessages div has the 'error' class.
self.setState({errorMessage : "Something went wrong. Please try again."});
render: function(){
return (
<div className="companyForm">
<h2 className="header compFormHead">Form</h2>
{ this.state.isMailSent ?
<div className="success">Thank you for submission. Someone will be in contact with you shortly.</div>
: null }
<div className="container formCont">
<form method="post" acceptCharset="utf-8" autoComplete="off" onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
<MyInput id="company" label="Company" tabIndex="1" getError={this.getError}/>
<MyInput id="industry" label="Industry" tabIndex="2" getError={this.getError}/>
<div className="two-column">
<MyInput id="firstName" label="First Name" tabIndex="3" getError={this.getError}/>
<MyInput id="lastName" label="Last Name" tabIndex="4" getError={this.getError}/>
<div className="two-column">
<MyInput id="email" type="email" label="Email" tabIndex="5" getError={this.getError}/>
<MyInput id="phone" label="Phone" tabIndex="6" getError={this.getError}/>
{this.state.errorMessage ? <div className="fail">{this.state.errorMessage}</div> : null}
<div className="form">
<input type="submit" name="submit" className="btn btn-primary" value="APPLY" tabIndex="7" />
export default SendForm;
これに変更したときにReactがエラーをスローする –
RegExpコンストラクタを試してみてください。 –
最終的には分かりませんでした) –