Option Base 1
Private Type PathsArray
Nodes() As String
End Type
' Instantiate the global array
Dim Paths(1 To 1) As PathsArray
Function SETTWENTY()
' Increase size of the array, preserving the current elements already inside it
ReDim Preserve Paths(1 To UBound(Paths) + 1)
' Make the inner array be 20 elements long
ReDim Preserve Paths(UBound(Paths)).Nodes(1 to 20)
' Return something random
GETPATH = UBound(Paths)
End Function
Function SETTHIRTY()
' Increase size of the array, preserving the current elements already inside it
ReDim Preserve Paths(1 To UBound(Paths) + 1)
' Make the inner array be 30 elements long
ReDim Preserve Paths(UBound(Paths)).Nodes(1 to 30)
' Return something random
GETPATH = UBound(Paths)
End Function
詳細な説明をいただきありがとうございます。私はあなたの助けを借りて問題を整理することができました! – Steve