2016-04-11 5 views



<div id='container'> 

    <div class='one-third'> 
     <a><img src='http://gratisography.com/pictures/264_1.jpg'><h3>Headline</h3></a><p>Medieval texts date the arrival of the Vikings in the British Isles to the 790s A.D., when fierce raiders from Scandinavia suddenly appeared along the coasts, plundering rich monasteries and terrorizing local communities. </p> 

    <div class='one-third'> 
     <a><img src='http://gratisography.com/pictures/264_1.jpg'><h3>Headline</h3><p>Medieval texts date the arrival of the Vikings in the British Isles to the 790s A.D., when fierce raiders from Scandinavia suddenly appeared along the coasts, plundering rich monasteries and terrorizing local communities. </p> 

    <div class='one-third'> 
     <a><img src='http://gratisography.com/pictures/264_1.jpg'><h3>Headline</h3><p>Medieval texts date the arrival of the Vikings in the British Isles to the 790s A.D., when fierce raiders from Scandinavia suddenly appeared along the coasts, plundering rich monasteries and terrorizing local communities. </p> 



.one-third { 
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  • .one-third {}
  • display: blockからdisplay: inline-block追加:.one-third {}float: left;あなた
  • はこちら
  • JSFiddleをしかし、あなたが求めてきました問題に対処するために、それがするだけで解決することができます


.one-third { 
    max-width: 30%; 
    display: block; 
    float: left; 
    padding: 5% 0 0 2.5%; 

.one-third img { 
    width: 100%; 

.one-third h3 { 
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<div id='container'> 
    <div class='one-third'> 
      <img src='http://gratisography.com/pictures/264_1.jpg'> 
     <p>Medieval texts date the arrival of the Vikings in the British Isles to the 790s A.D., when fierce raiders from Scandinavia suddenly appeared along the coasts, plundering rich monasteries and terrorizing local communities. </p> 
    <div class='one-third'> 
      <img src='http://gratisography.com/pictures/264_1.jpg'> 
     <p>Medieval texts date the arrival of the Vikings in the British Isles to the 790s A.D., when fierce raiders from Scandinavia suddenly appeared along the coasts, plundering rich monasteries and terrorizing local communities. </p> 
    <div class='one-third'> 
      <img src='http://gratisography.com/pictures/264_1.jpg'> 
     <p>Medieval texts date the arrival of the Vikings in the British Isles to the 790s A.D., when fierce raiders from Scandinavia suddenly appeared along the coasts, plundering rich monasteries and terrorizing local communities. </p> 

Simon、あなたのJSFiddleは私がそれをしたい方法で動作します。しかし、私がサブライムを通してそれを実行すると、divはゆっくりと滑り落ちます。私はこれの下に底のセクションを持っていて、それの上にもセクションがあります。これと関係があるかどうかはわかりません。浮動小数点のために私はクリアしなければなりませんでした。どちらもボトムセクションのために、ページを這わせません。あなたのコードがなぜ機能し、私のコード(あなたのものとまったく同じ)のアイデアはありませんか? – jwdwsn


テンプレートの余白のために、他のコードやウェブサイトを見ずにはるかに多くのことを言うことはできません。 –


サイモン、私は明らかにしました。コンテナにも問題が解決したようです。助けてくれてありがとう。 – jwdwsn



ページを十分に縮小すると、最終的にh3の単語 "見出し"の幅がページ幅の1/3より大きくなり、インラインブロック要素の折り返しが強制的に開始されます。



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.one-third img { 
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<div id='container'> 

    <div class='one-third'> 
     <img src='http://gratisography.com/pictures/264_1.jpg'> 
    <p>Medieval texts date the arrival of the Vikings in the British Isles to the 790s A.D., when fierce raiders from Scandinavia suddenly appeared along the coasts, plundering rich monasteries and terrorizing local communities.</p> 

    <div class='one-third'> 
     <img src='http://gratisography.com/pictures/264_1.jpg'> 
    <p>Medieval texts date the arrival of the Vikings in the British Isles to the 790s A.D., when fierce raiders from Scandinavia suddenly appeared along the coasts, plundering rich monasteries and terrorizing local communities.</p> 

    <div class='one-third'> 
     <img src='http://gratisography.com/pictures/264_1.jpg'> 
    <p>Medieval texts date the arrival of the Vikings in the British Isles to the 790s A.D., when fierce raiders from Scandinavia suddenly appeared along the coasts, plundering rich monasteries and terrorizing local communities.</p> 



.one-thirdルールにbox-sizing: border-box;を追加しよう。これはまた、要素の幅全体にマージンとパディングを含めることにも役立ちます。



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#container { 
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<div id='container'> 

    <div class='one-third'> 
     <img src='http://gratisography.com/pictures/264_1.jpg'> 
    <p>Medieval texts date the arrival of the Vikings in the British Isles to the 790s A.D., when fierce raiders from Scandinavia suddenly appeared along the coasts, plundering rich monasteries and terrorizing local communities.</p></a> 

    <div class='one-third'> 
     <img src='http://gratisography.com/pictures/264_1.jpg'> 
     <p>Medieval texts date the arrival of the Vikings in the British Isles to the 790s A.D., when fierce raiders from Scandinavia suddenly appeared along the coasts, plundering rich monasteries and terrorizing local communities.</p></a> 

    <div class='one-third'> 
     <img src='http://gratisography.com/pictures/264_1.jpg'> 
     <p>Medieval texts date the arrival of the Vikings in the British Isles to the 790s A.D., when fierce raiders from Scandinavia suddenly appeared along the coasts, plundering rich monasteries and terrorizing local communities.</p> 


クレジットがクローズする必要があり、さらにあなたの<a>タグに気付いため@Marc Audetに行く必要があります。デモのために、私は親のちょうど33%それぞれにdivを設定しています正しいHTMLマークアップのために。


あなたがする必要があるのはここfloat: left;.one-third

を追加している作業JSFiddleです: https://jsfiddle.net/05x1p2ch/


ミックスに「フロート」プロパティを追加しません。これは解決するよりも多くの問題を引き起こすでしょう。 – jbutler483



<div id='container'> 

    <div class='one-third'> 
     <a><img src='http://gratisography.com/pictures/264_1.jpg'><h3>Headline</h3></a><p>Medieval texts date the arrival of the Vikings in the British Isles to the 790s A.D., when fierce raiders from Scandinavia suddenly appeared along the coasts, plundering rich monasteries and terrorizing local communities. </p> 
    </div><div class='one-third'> 
     <a><img src='http://gratisography.com/pictures/264_1.jpg'><h3>Headline</h3><p>Medieval texts date the arrival of the Vikings in the British Isles to the 790s A.D., when fierce raiders from Scandinavia suddenly appeared along the coasts, plundering rich monasteries and terrorizing local communities. </p> 
    </div><div class='one-third'> 
     <a><img src='http://gratisography.com/pictures/264_1.jpg'><h3>Headline</h3><p>Medieval texts date the arrival of the Vikings in the British Isles to the 790s A.D., when fierce raiders from Scandinavia suddenly appeared along the coasts, plundering rich monasteries and terrorizing local communities. </p> 


