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<blockquote class="quote">The art of cosmetic dermatology allows me to weave together my love of art with my passion for medicine. I truly enjoy helping my patients look amazing through every stage of life, ensuring their inner being is reflected in their outer being. I love that I have the opportunity to live and serve the wonderful people of the San Diego community. It is a privilege to build meaningful and lasting relationships with my patients.</blockquote>
<p>Melanie Palm, MD, MBA, is a board-certified dermatologist serving the San Diego, California area. With over ten years of dermatology experience in both Chicago and San Diego, she founded Art of Skin MD in Solana Beach, CA, to bring to life her vision of an environment where patients receive a superior medical and cosmetic experience from a team of caring professionals in a beautiful, state-of-the-art clinic. In addition to Art of Skin MD, Dr. Palm is an assistant clinical professor at the University of California, San Diego, and an affiliate staff physician at Scripps Encinitas Memorial Hospital. She is a medical author, clinical investigator, physician trainer and contributing dermatology expert for various national media outlets. Her vast experience, extensive training, artistic eye and gentle touch contribute to the exceptional care she provides to her patients.</p>
私はBLOCKQUOTEに書式を意味されているため、背景位置の幅が32%より大きくなければなりません消える。上のコードに示すように、画像は浮動小数点型のdivにあります。ブロッククォートと追加のテキストがその周りを流れます。 (より多くのコンテンツとはいえ) 実際の例を次に示します。 https://artofskinmd.com/about/dr-palms-bio-page/ あなたは絵の隣にBLOCKQUOTEが失われていることがわかりますインデントと、ページ上の他のブロック引用符が持つ引用符の背景。 – Cynthia
問題は、ブロッククォートが医師の画像の背後にあることです。なぜなら、その画像にfloatプロパティが使用されているからです。今私は答えを編集し、フィドルで更新しました –
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