2017-07-13 6 views


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     <meta charset="UTF-8"> 
     <meta name="description" content="Official Dark Matter Studios site"> 
     <meta name="keywords" content="HTML, Studio, Game, Dark Matter"> 
     <meta name="author" Content="Matt Jones"> 

     <title> Dark Matter Studios </title> 


<ol id = "HorizNav" style = "list-style-type:none"> 
<li class = "horiznavli"> HomePage </li> 
<li class = "horiznavli"> About </li> 
<li class = "horiznavli"> Games </li> 
<li class = "horiznavli" id = "spaced"> Conact Us </li> 

<h1 id="title_screen"> Dark Matter Studios</h1> 
    <div id="wrapper"> 

    <h1> What is Dark Matter Studios all about? </h1> 

     <p> Dark Matter studios is an independent game development dedicated to producing quality games out of a passion and love for gaming.<br> 
     Born from the frustration of anti-consumerism, microtransactions and DLC eccentric practices held by many AAA companies </p>  

    <h1> WHAT WE'RE ALL ABOUT </h1> 

    <p> Dark Matter Studios was founded around the principle of honesty and integrity with our fans. After all, without them we wouldn't get anywhere! Though Dark Matter studios holds itself responible the following standards: </p> 

    <ol style="list-style-type: circle"> 
    <li> Honesty with our customers. </li> 
    <li> No Microtransactions or overpriced DLC</li> 
    <li> We are honest with our customers, we don't promise things and not deliver</li> 
    <li> We promise high quality games, with no graphical downgrades on release</li> 
    <li> We stick to our word, we do not mislead our customers to gain a quick buck off them</li> 




投稿するHTMLコードもありますかここで試してみてください –


別のulで 'about'を付けて、それを右に浮かべてください –


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    padding:20px 32px 20px; 
    border-color: #333333; 
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    background-color: grey; 


    position: relative; 
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コード専用の回答は避けてください。代わりに、あなたのコードが何をしているのか、それがどのようにして問題を解決するのかを説明してください。 – Mistalis



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    <li><a href="#home">Home</a></li> 
    <li><a href="#news">Games</a></li> 
    <li><a href="#contact">Contact</a></li> 
    <li style="float:right"><a href="#about">About</a></li> 


