PHPを使用してデータベースからAdobe InDesignにインポートするXMLドキュメントを作成しています。私は最後のものではなく、各エントリの後にカンマを追加できるようにしたい。私はimplode()
function getAssocXML ($company) {
$retVal = "";
// Connect to the database by creating a new mysqli object
require_once "DBconnect.php";
$staffResult = $mysql->query("
SELECT company,
FROM staff
WHERE company = '$company'
AND title
LIKE '%Associate%'
AND archive = 0
if ($staffResult->num_rows >= 1 && $staffResult->num_rows < 4) {
$retVal = $retVal;
for ($i = 0; $i < $staffResult->num_rows; $i++) {
// Move to row number $i in the result set.
// Get all the columns for the current row as an associative array -- we named it $aRow
$staffRow = $staffResult->fetch_assoc();
// Write a table row to the output containing information from the current database row.
$retVal = $retVal . "<staff>";
$retVal = $retVal . "<name>" . $staffRow['fName'] . " " . $staffRow['lName'] . "</name>";
$retVal = $retVal . "<contact>" . staffContact($staffRow['contact1'], $staffRow['contact2']) . "</contact>";
$retVal = $retVal . "</staff>";
$retVal = $retVal . " — Associate
if ($staffResult->num_rows > 4) {
$retVal = $retVal;
$retVal = $retVal . "<staffHeader>Associates: </staffHeader>";
for ($i = 0; $i < $staffResult->num_rows; $i++) {
// Move to row number $i in the result set.
// Get all the columns for the current row as an associative array -- we named it $aRow
$staffRow = $staffResult->fetch_assoc();
// Write a table row to the output containing information from the current database row.
$retVal = $retVal . "<staff>";
$retVal = $retVal . "<name>" . $staffRow['fName'] . " " . $staffRow['lName'] . "</name>";
$retVal = $retVal . "<contact>" . staffContact($staffRow['contact1'], $staffRow['contact2']) . "</contact>";
$retVal = $retVal . "</staff>";
$retVal = $retVal . "
return $retVal;
print getAssocXML(addslashes($aRow['company']));
'join'はPHP関数の' implode'のエイリアスです。 –