// Setup the visualization, assuming that you have a div with id 'chart'
var width = 300,
height = 300,
div = d3.select('#chart'),
svg = div.append('svg')
.attr('width', width)
.attr('height', height);
// Array of states, each one containing one or more counties. In this example,
// the states are rectangles, but you get the idea
var states = [
width: 300,
height: 300,
name: 'Fake State',
counties: [
{x: 5, y: 5, width: 95, height: 290, fill: '#b4a0a0'},
{x: 100, y: 5, width: 150, height: 290, fill: '#b4c0a0'},
{x: 250, y: 5, width: 45, height: 290, fill: '#a4a0c0'}
// Create a group for each state, with class state
var gstates = svg.selectAll('g.state')
.classed('state', true);
// Add the state background, in this case, a transparent rectangle
.classed('state', true)
.attr('width', function(d) { return d.width; })
.attr('height', function(d) { return d.height; })
.attr('fill', '#444')
.attr('fill-opacity', 0.0);
// For each group, add rectangles for each county, binding them to the
// county array of each state.
.data(function(d) { return d.counties; })
.classed('county', true)
.attr('x', function(d) { return d.x; })
.attr('y', function(d) { return d.y; })
.attr('width', function(d) { return d.width; })
.attr('height', function(d) { return d.height; })
.attr('fill', function(d) { return d.fill; })
.on('mouseover', function() {
d3.select(this).attr('fill-opacity', 0.5);
.on('mouseout', function() {
d3.select(this).attr('fill-opacity', 0.9);
.on('click', function() {
// Retrive the parent group of each county, and then select
// the shape corresponding to the state and alter its properties
// you can also access the state data
var parent = d3.select(d3.select(this).node().parentNode),
state = parent.select('rect.state');
// Output 'Fake State'
state.attr('fill-opacity', 1.0);
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