2016-05-29 27 views

こんにちは、私はこのエラーをserver.jsに入れています。だから私はスタックフローで多くの答えを読むことを試みたが、私は答えを得られなかった。だから親切に、このコードを編集したり、何が問題なのか教えてください。 Error is this.get()はコールバック関数が必要ですが、ルートで[オブジェクト未定義]を取得しました。(匿名関数)get []


'use strict'; 

var controller = require('./look.controller'); 
var express = require('express'); 
var router = express.Router(); 
var auth = require('../../auth/auth.service'); 

router.post('/scrapeUpload', auth.isAuthenticated(), controller.scrapeUpload); 
router.post('/upload', auth.isAuthenticated(), controller.upload); 

router.put('/:id', auth.isAuthenticated(), controller.update); 

router.get('/getAllLooks', controller.allLooks); 
router.get('/getUserLooks', controller.userLooks); 
router.get('/:lookId', controller.singleLook); 
router.get('/popLooks/:id', controller.popLooks); 

router.delete('/:id', controller.delete); 

module.exports = router;


* express 
* Copyright(c) 2009-2013 TJ Holowaychuk 
* Copyright(c) 2013 Roman Shtylman 
* Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson 
* MIT Licensed 

'use strict'; 

* Module dependencies. 
* @private 

var debug = require('debug')('express:router:route'); 
var flatten = require('array-flatten'); 
var Layer = require('./layer'); 
var methods = require('methods'); 

* Module variables. 
* @private 

var slice = Array.prototype.slice; 
var toString = Object.prototype.toString; 

* Module exports. 
* @public 

module.exports = Route; 

* Initialize `Route` with the given `path`, 
* @param {String} path 
* @public 

function Route(path) { 
    this.path = path; 
    this.stack = []; 

    debug('new %s', path); 

    // route handlers for various http methods 
    this.methods = {}; 

* Determine if the route handles a given method. 
* @private 

Route.prototype._handles_method = function _handles_method(method) { 
    if (this.methods._all) { 
    return true; 

    var name = method.toLowerCase(); 

    if (name === 'head' && !this.methods['head']) { 
    name = 'get'; 

    return Boolean(this.methods[name]); 

* @return {Array} supported HTTP methods 
* @private 

Route.prototype._options = function _options() { 
    var methods = Object.keys(this.methods); 

    // append automatic head 
    if (this.methods.get && !this.methods.head) { 

    for (var i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { 
    // make upper case 
    methods[i] = methods[i].toUpperCase(); 

    return methods; 

* dispatch req, res into this route 
* @private 

Route.prototype.dispatch = function dispatch(req, res, done) { 
    var idx = 0; 
    var stack = this.stack; 
    if (stack.length === 0) { 
    return done(); 

    var method = req.method.toLowerCase(); 
    if (method === 'head' && !this.methods['head']) { 
    method = 'get'; 

    req.route = this; 


    function next(err) { 
    if (err && err === 'route') { 
     return done(); 

    var layer = stack[idx++]; 
    if (!layer) { 
     return done(err); 

    if (layer.method && layer.method !== method) { 
     return next(err); 

    if (err) { 
     layer.handle_error(err, req, res, next); 
    } else { 
     layer.handle_request(req, res, next); 

* Add a handler for all HTTP verbs to this route. 
* Behaves just like middleware and can respond or call `next` 
* to continue processing. 
* You can use multiple `.all` call to add multiple handlers. 
* function check_something(req, res, next){ 
*  next(); 
* }; 
* function validate_user(req, res, next){ 
*  next(); 
* }; 
* route 
* .all(validate_user) 
* .all(check_something) 
* .get(function(req, res, next){ 
*  res.send('hello world'); 
* }); 
* @param {function} handler 
* @return {Route} for chaining 
* @api public 

Route.prototype.all = function all() { 
    var handles = flatten(slice.call(arguments)); 

    for (var i = 0; i < handles.length; i++) { 
    var handle = handles[i]; 

    if (typeof handle !== 'function') { 
     var type = toString.call(handle); 
     var msg = 'Route.all() requires callback functions but got a ' + type; 
     throw new TypeError(msg); 

    var layer = Layer('/', {}, handle); 
    layer.method = undefined; 

    this.methods._all = true; 

    return this; 

    Route.prototype[method] = function(){ 
    var handles = flatten(slice.call(arguments)); 

    for (var i = 0; i < handles.length; i++) { 
     var handle = handles[i]; 

     if (typeof handle !== 'function') { 
     var type = toString.call(handle); 
     var msg = 'Route.' + method + '() requires callback functions but got a ' + type; 
     throw new Error(msg); 

     debug('%s %s', method, this.path); 

     var layer = Layer('/', {}, handle); 
     layer.method = method; 

     this.methods[method] = true; 

    return this; 


'use strict'; 

var _ = require('lodash'); 
var Look = require('./look.model'); 
var path = require('path'); 
var express = require('express'); 
var utils = require('../../utils/utils.js'); 

exports.allLooks = function(req, res) { 
     createTime: -1 
    .exec(function(err, looks) { 
     if (err) { 
     return handleError(res, err); 
     if (!looks) { 
     return res.send(404); 
     return res.status(200) 

exports.userLooks = function(req, res) { 
    var userEmail = req.query.email; 
    email: { 
     $in: userEmail 
    createTime: -1 
    .exec(function(err, looks) { 
    if(err) { 
     return handleError(res, err); 
    return res.status(200) 

exports.scrapeUpload = function(req, res) { 
    var random = utils.randomizer(32, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'); 

    utils.downloadURI(req.body.image, '../client/assets/images/uploads/' + random + '.png', function(filename) { 

    var newLook = new Look(); 
    newLook.title = req.body.title; 
    newLook.image = filename.slice(9); 
    newLook.email = req.body.email; 
    newLook.linkURL = req.body.linkURL; 
    newLook.description = req.body.description; 
    newLook.userName = req.body.name; 
    newLook._creator = req.body._creator; 
    newLook.createTime = Date.now(); 
    newLook.upVotes = 0; 
    newLook.save(function(err, item) { 
     if (err) { 
     console.log('error occured in saving post'); 
     } else { 
     console.log('Success post saved'); 

exports.upload = function(req, res) { 
    var newLook = new Look(); 
    var fileimage = req.middlewareStorage.fileimage; 

    newLook.image = '/assets/images/uploads/' + fileimage; 
    newLook.email = req.body.email; 
    newLook.linkURL = req.body.linkURL; 
    newLook.title = req.body.title; 
    newLook.description = req.body.description; 
    newLook.userName = req.body.name; 
    newLook._creator = req.body._creator; 
    newLook.createTime = Date.now(); 
    newLook.upVotes = 0; 

    newLook.save(function(err, look) { 
    if(err) { 
     console.log('error saving look'); 
     return res.send(500); 
    } else { 

exports.singleLook = function(req, res) { 
    Look.findById(req.params.lookId, function(err, look) { 
    if(err) { 
     return handleError(res, err); 
    if(!look) { 
     return res.send(404); 
    return res.json(look); 

exports.update = function(req, res) { 
    if(req.body._id) { 
    delete req.body._id; 
    Look.findById(req.params.id, function(err, look) { 
    if(err) { 
     return handleError(res, err); 
     if(!look) { 
     return res.send(404); 
     var updated = _.merge(look, req.body); 
     updated.save(function(err) { 
     if(err) { 
      return handleError(res, err); 
     return res.json(look); 

exports.delete = function(req, res) { 
    Look.findById(req.params.id, function(err, look) { 
    if(err) { 
     return handleError(res, err); 
    if(!look) { 
     return res.send(404); 
    look.remove(function(err) { 
     if(err) { 
     return handleError(res, err); 
     return res.send(200); 

function handleError(res, err) { 
    return res.send(500, err); 


仮説: 'controller.popLooks_or_whatever'プロパティの1つが' undefined'と評価されます。 – user2864740


私は初心者です。あなたはそれを修正できますか? –


私は、 'router.get( '/ someroute'、undefined);'と同等のものによってエラーが引き起こされていると思われます。これは、コントローラメソッドの1つ(例えば、 'popLooks')が存在しないか、使用されているものとは異なる名前を持つ場合に起こります。コントローラー(コールバック)関数ではなく、 'controller.popLooks' - >' undefined'となります。質問にはおそらく 'look.controller.js'も含まれているはずです。 – user2864740



あなたはrouter.get('/popLooks/:id', controller.popLooks);




あなたはlook.controllerにおける関数定義が欠落しています。そのファイルを貼り付けてください。スタックトレースはindex.jsの16行目の問題を示しています。それは[Object undefined]として評価されるように


がアップロードされました。チェックしてください –


user2864740 as missing popLooks –


私はどこにエラーがありますが、それを修正する方法がありますか? –
