にファイルの内容を読み込み、new String(byte[])
package Testers;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.List;
public class FileReading {
* Uses a BufferedReader object
* Reads a line of a file
* @param file the file to read
* @return line the line that is read
* @throws IOException if the file cannot be found, cannot be read or the input stream cannot be closed
public String readLine(File file) throws IOException{
String line = "";
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
line = reader.readLine();
return line;
* Uses static methods in the Files class of NIO
* Reads everything in a file, and puts it in a String
* @param file the file to read
* @return a String representing the contents of the file
* @throws IOException "if an I/O error occurs reading from the stream" (Files.readAllBytes javadoc)
public String readFileContents(File file) throws IOException {
String filecontents = "";
filecontents = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(file.toURI())));
return filecontents;
* Uses static methods in the Files class of NIO
* Gets each individual line in a file, puts it in a list (List<String>)
* A line is usually defined by {@code System.getProperty("line.separator");}
* @param file the file to read each line from
* @return {@code List<String>} representing each line
* @throws IOException "if an I/O error occurs reading from the file or a malformed or unmappable byte sequence is read" (readAllLines javadoc)
public List<String> obtainWordsByLine(File file) throws IOException{
List<String> lines = null;
lines = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(file.toURI()));
return lines;
* Obtains each word in a file by reading the contents from a file and splitting it by a character
* @param file the file to read. {@link #readFileContents(File)}
* @param split the character to split by
* @return an array of each word
* @throws IOException thrown from method {@link #readFileContents(File)}
public String[] obtainWordsBySplit(File file, char split) throws IOException{
return obtainWordsBySplit(file, String.valueOf(split));
* Obtains each word in a file by reading the contents from a file and splitting it by a string
* @param file the file to read. {@link #readFileContents(File)}
* @param split the string to split by
* @return an array of each word
* @throws IOException thrown from method {@link #readFileContents(File)}
public String[] obtainWordsBySplit(File file, String split) throws IOException{
String contents = readFileContents(file);
return contents.split(split);
* Checks if a string exists in a String[]
* @param word the word to look for. Assumes that each string in the String[] could EQUAL the word, rather than if it CONTAINS the word. Use {@link #doesWordExist(String, String, boolean)} to see if it CONTAINS it.
* To obtain a string from a String[], use {@link #toParsableString(String[])}
* @param contents the array to search for each string in.
* @param ignoreCase whether to ignore case or not
* @return If the word is exactly the same (including case) returns true. If the word is a different case and {@code ignoreCase} is true, returns true. Otherwise, if it gets to the end and cannot find the word, returns false.
public boolean doesWordExist(String word, String[] contents, boolean ignoreCase){
for(int i = 0; i < contents.length; i++){
String w = contents[i];
if(w.equals(word)) return true;//Word exists
else if (w.equalsIgnoreCase(word)){ //Word exists in different case
if(ignoreCase) return true;
else continue;
else continue; //That word isn't it!
return false; //Word does not exist
* Checks if a string exists in another string. Check is using the CONTAINS method.
* You can always use this method for a {@code String[]} or {@code List<String>}
* @param word the word to look for
* @param contents the contents to look for the word in
* @param ignoreCase whether to ignore case or not
* @return If the word is exactly the same (including case) returns true. If the word is a different case and {@code ignoreCase} is true, returns true. Otherwise returns false.
public boolean doesWordExist(String word, String contents, boolean ignoreCase){
return containsIgnoreCase(word, contents);
return word.contains(contents);
* Checks if a string exists in a list of strings.
* This method is for simplicity. It turns {@code words} into a {@code String[]} and calls {@link #doesWordExist(String, String[], boolean)}.
* @param word the string to look for
* @param words the list of strings to look at
* @param ignoreCase whether to ignore case or not
* @return If the word is exactly the same (including case) returns true. If the word is a different case and {@code ignoreCase} is true, returns true. Otherwise, if it gets to the end and cannot find the word, returns false.
public boolean doesWordExist(String word, List<String> words, boolean ignoreCase){
String[] w = new String[words.size()];
String contents = "";
for(int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++){
contents = contents + words.get(i) + " ";
w = contents.split(" ");
return doesWordExist(word, w, ignoreCase);
* Turns a String array into a string that can be parsed for the contains method, or other similar methods.
* This doesn't just have to be used for files, it can be used for anything
* @param array The array to turn into a string
* @return the String representing the array
public String toParsableString(String[] array){
String parseString = "";
for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
parseString = parseString + array[i] + " ";
return parseString;
* Checks if a string contains another string, ignoring case
* @param word the string to look for
* @param contents the string to look for the other string in
* @return If it does contain the word, returns true. Otherwise returns false. Ignoring case.
private boolean containsIgnoreCase(String word, String contents) {
String w = word.toLowerCase();
String c = contents.toLowerCase();
return c.contains(w);