2017-05-12 7 views


this FFMpeg libをプロジェクトに追加してインポートしました。

私はthis answerからいくつかのコードを参照してください、私はそれを使用する方法については不明だ:

#import "avformat.h" 

// Some code goes here 

* avformat_open_input(AVFormatContext **ps, const char *filename, AVInputFormat *fmt, AVDictionary **options) 
int openInputValue = avformat_open_input(&pFormatCtx, utf8FilePath, inputFormat, nil); 
NSLog(@"%s - %d # openInputValue = %d", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, openInputValue); 

私は現在、FLACファイルを保持NSDataを取る関数にこのコードを持っています。 avformat_open_inputが正しい呼び出しである場合、どのように変数を設定しますか?正しい電話でない場合はどうなりますか?

This questionは重複のように思えるが、それは本当に良い答えを持っていません。




デコードにはthis code、実際にはWAVヘッダ/ボディにはthis codeを使用して実装できました。追加ボーナスとして



// FlacToWavConverter.m 
// SuperpoweredMQAExample 
// Created by Tony Lawrence on 5/18/17. 
// Copyright © 2017 imect. All rights reserved. 

#import "FlacToWavConverter.h" 
#import "avformat.h" 
#import "avcodec.h" 
#import "avutil.h" 
#import "swresample.h" 
#import "file.h" 

@implementation FlacToWavConverter 

+(NSURL*)convertFlacToWav:(NSData*)data { 

    //const char* input_filename = [filePath UTF8String]; 
    int buffer_size = 16384; 

    // This call is necessarily done once in your app to initialize 
    // libavformat to register all the muxers, demuxers and protocols. 

    // A media container 
    AVFormatContext* container = avformat_alloc_context(); 

    //Make a custom IO context so that we can read from memory instead of a file... 
    unsigned char* iobuffer = av_malloc(buffer_size); 
    struct buffer_data bd = { 0 }; 
    bd.ptr = (uint8_t*)data.bytes; 
    bd.size = data.length; 
    AVIOContext* ioContext = avio_alloc_context(iobuffer, buffer_size, 0, &bd, &read_packet, NULL, NULL); 

    container->pb = ioContext; 

    if (avformat_open_input(&container, "arbitrary", NULL, NULL) < 0) { 
     NSLog(@"Could not open file"); 

    if (avformat_find_stream_info(container, NULL) < 0) { 
     NSLog(@"Could not find file info"); 

    int stream_id = -1; 

    // To find the first audio stream. This process may not be necessary 
    // if you can gurarantee that the container contains only the desired 
    // audio stream 
    int i; 
    for (i = 0; i < container->nb_streams; i++) { 
     if (container->streams[i]->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) { 
      stream_id = i; 

    if (stream_id == -1) { 
     NSLog(@"Could not find an audio stream"); 

    // Extract some metadata 
    AVDictionary* metadata = container->metadata; 

    // Find the apropriate codec and open it 
    AVCodecContext* codec_context = container->streams[stream_id]->codec; 

    AVCodec* codec = avcodec_find_decoder(codec_context->codec_id); 

    if (avcodec_open2(codec_context, codec, NULL) < 0) { 
     NSLog(@"Could not find open the needed codec"); 

    NSMutableData *pcmFile = [NSMutableData new]; 

    AVPacket packet; 
    int8_t buffer[buffer_size]; 

    while (1) { 

     //buffer_size = AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE; 

     // Read one packet into `packet` 
     if (av_read_frame(container, &packet) < 0) { 
      break; // End of stream. Done decoding. 

     // Decodes from `packet` into the buffer 
     if (avcodec_decode_audio3(codec_context, (int16_t*)buffer, &buffer_size, &packet) < 1) { 
      break; // Error in decoding 

     // Send the buffer contents to the audio device 
     [pcmFile appendBytes:buffer length:buffer_size]; 



    //fprintf(stdout, "Done playing. Exiting..."); 

    NSURL *file = [FlacToWavConverter getAndCreatePlayableFileFromPcmData:pcmFile]; 

    NSLog(@"Got a playable file maybe? %@", [file absoluteString]); 

    return file; 

+(NSURL *) getAndCreatePlayableFileFromPcmData:(NSData *)data 
    NSArray *dirPaths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES); 
    NSString *docsDir = [dirPaths objectAtIndex:0]; 
    NSString *wavFilePath = [docsDir stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"output.wav"]; 

    //NSLog(@"PCM data : %@",data); 

    FILE *fout; 

    short NumChannels = 2; 
    short BitsPerSample = 16; 
    int SamplingRate = 44100; 
    int numOfSamples = [data length]; 

    int ByteRate = NumChannels*BitsPerSample*SamplingRate/8; 
    short BlockAlign = NumChannels*BitsPerSample/8; 
    int DataSize = NumChannels*numOfSamples*BitsPerSample/8; 
    int chunkSize = 16; 
    int totalSize = 46 + DataSize; 
    short audioFormat = 1; 

    if((fout = fopen([wavFilePath cStringUsingEncoding:1], "w")) == NULL) 
     printf("Error opening out file "); 

    fwrite("RIFF", sizeof(char), 4,fout); 
    fwrite(&totalSize, sizeof(int), 1, fout); 
    fwrite("WAVE", sizeof(char), 4, fout); 
    fwrite("fmt ", sizeof(char), 4, fout); 
    fwrite(&chunkSize, sizeof(int),1,fout); 
    fwrite(&audioFormat, sizeof(short), 1, fout); 
    fwrite(&NumChannels, sizeof(short),1,fout); 
    fwrite(&SamplingRate, sizeof(int), 1, fout); 
    fwrite(&ByteRate, sizeof(int), 1, fout); 
    fwrite(&BlockAlign, sizeof(short), 1, fout); 
    fwrite(&BitsPerSample, sizeof(short), 1, fout); 
    fwrite("data", sizeof(char), 4, fout); 
    fwrite(&DataSize, sizeof(int), 1, fout); 


    NSMutableData *pamdata = [NSMutableData dataWithData:data]; 
    NSFileHandle *handle; 
    handle = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForUpdatingAtPath:wavFilePath]; 
    [handle seekToEndOfFile]; 
    [handle writeData:pamdata]; 
    [handle closeFile]; 

    NSLog(@"Saved wav: %@", wavFilePath); 

    return [NSURL URLWithString:wavFilePath]; 

struct buffer_data { 
    uint8_t *ptr; 
    size_t size; ///< size left in the buffer 

static int read_packet(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size) 
    struct buffer_data *bd = (struct buffer_data *)opaque; 
    buf_size = FFMIN(buf_size, bd->size); 
    //printf("ptr:%p size:%zu\n", bd->ptr, bd->size); 
    /* copy internal buffer data to buf */ 
    memcpy(buf, bd->ptr, buf_size); 
    bd->ptr += buf_size; 
    bd->size -= buf_size; 
    return buf_size; 
