using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;
using System.IO;
namespace MKML_Labels
/// <summary>
/// Contains code to generate a Word document that can
/// be used to print &/or save the labels.
/// </summary>
public class Labels
#region Fields
public enum DestinationType : short
Invalid = 0,
private DestinationType destType;
private string saveFilePath;
private const int BOLD = 1;
private const int UNBOLD = 0;
// L7160 is an Avery type, 21 labels per A4 sheet, 63.5x38.1 mm. See e.g. Amazon ASIN: B0082AWFP8
private const string LABEL_TYPE = "L7160";
// The following constants depend on the label type
private const int NUM_COLUMNS = 6; // Number of columns on a sheet of labels, 3 labels and 3 separators
private const int NUM_ROWS = 7; // Number of rows on a page (or sheet of labels)
private const int NAME_COLUMN_WIDTH = 130;
private const float NAME_FONT_SIZE = 14.0F;
private const float NUMBER_FONT_SIZE = 18.0F;
private const float TEXT_FONT_SIZE = 10.0F;
#region Constructor
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dest">One of the DestinationType enum values</param>
/// <param name="path">Full path to the saved file (Word document containing the labels). May be empty if Save not chosen</param>
public Labels(DestinationType dest, string path)
destType = dest;
saveFilePath = path;
#region Public Methods
/// <summary>
/// Print the labels
/// Copied and amended from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18056117/miscrosoft-word-label-printing-utility-issue
/// </summary>
/// <param name="creditors">List of creditors</param>
/// <exception cref=">ApplicationException">Thrown when a Word error occurs</exception>
public void PrintLabels(List<Creditor> creditors)
Application wordApp;
wordApp = new Application();
Document wordDoc = null;
Object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
wordDoc = wordApp.Documents.Add();
// This adds one page full of a table with space for 21 labels. See below if more pages are necessary
// I don't know WHY we need 2 documents, but I can't get it to work with only one.
var newDoc = wordApp.MailingLabel.CreateNewDocument(LABEL_TYPE, "", Type.Missing, false, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
wordApp.Visible = false;
// Close the empty, original document
((_Document)wordDoc).Close(false, missing, missing);
var table = newDoc.Content.ConvertToTable().Tables[1];
int column = -1;
int row = 1;
// When row > n * 7, need to add new rows, because we have started a new page
foreach (Creditor c in creditors)
column += 2;
if (column > NUM_COLUMNS)
column = 1;
if (row > NUM_ROWS)
// After filling the first page, add a new row as required
// Create an inner table in the cell, with the name in bold and the number right-justified
var innertable = table.Cell(row, column).Range.ConvertToTable();
innertable.Columns[2].Cells[1].Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = WdParagraphAlignment.wdAlignParagraphLeft;
innertable.Columns[1].Cells[1].SetWidth(NAME_COLUMN_WIDTH, WdRulerStyle.wdAdjustFirstColumn);
innertable.Columns[1].Cells[1].Range.Text = c.Name;
innertable.Columns[1].Cells[1].Range.Font.Bold = BOLD;
innertable.Columns[1].Cells[1].Range.Font.Color = WdColor.wdColorBlack;
innertable.Columns[1].Cells[1].Range.Font.Size = NAME_FONT_SIZE;
innertable.Columns[2].Cells[1].Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = WdParagraphAlignment.wdAlignParagraphRight;
innertable.Columns[2].Cells[1].Range.Text = c.LineNumber;
innertable.Columns[2].Cells[1].Range.Font.Bold = UNBOLD;
innertable.Columns[2].Cells[1].Range.Font.Color = WdColor.wdColorPink;
innertable.Columns[2].Cells[1].Range.Font.Size = NUMBER_FONT_SIZE;
// Add constants and text for optional data
// reference and phone are never in CFS data, and are optional in the Centre Manager database
Cell cell = innertable.Cell((row + 1), 1);
cell.Range.Font.Bold = UNBOLD;
cell.Range.Font.Color = WdColor.wdColorBlack;
cell.Range.Font.Size = TEXT_FONT_SIZE;
cell.Range.Text = "Ref. No.: " + c.Reference;
cell = innertable.Cell((row + 2), 1);
cell.Range.Text = "Tel. No.: " + c.Phone;
if (destType == DestinationType.Save || destType == DestinationType.Both)
// Save and close the document
// It seems necessary to use a file name without an extension, if the format is specified
WdSaveFormat format = (Path.GetExtension(saveFilePath) == ".docx") ? WdSaveFormat.wdFormatDocument : WdSaveFormat.wdFormatDocument97;
string saveFile = Path.GetDirectoryName(saveFilePath) + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(saveFilePath);
format, missing, missing,
false, missing, missing, missing, missing,
missing, missing, missing, missing, missing,
missing, missing);
((_Document)newDoc).Close(false, missing, missing);
if (destType == DestinationType.Print || destType == DestinationType.Both)
// Print the labels
System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog pDialog = new System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog();
if (pDialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
wordApp.ActivePrinter = pDialog.PrinterSettings.PrinterName;
((_Document)newDoc).Close(false, missing, missing);
if (destType == DestinationType.Open)
// Don't close the document, the user is editting it
wordApp.Visible = true;
// Does not catch ApplicationException, allow it to be passed to the caller
catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException eCOM)
throw new ApplicationException("Word document create failed", eCOM);
このクラスを作成するために、Miscrosoft Word Label Printing Utility issueのコードを使用し、私は債権のクラスを投稿していないが、あなたは簡単に使用されている性質を再現することができます。
h Microsoft Officeの場合は、[MailingDocument](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.office.interop.word.mailinglabel%28v=office.15%29.aspx)をご覧ください。ここにいくつかのコードがありますhttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/18056117/miscrosoft-word-label-printing-utility-issue –
@PeterBillこれでインポートできるナゲットはありますか? – Grace
私は以下の答えが役立つことを願っています。 –