2017-11-10 20 views




import sys 
import pygame 

from settings import Settings 
from ship import Ship 
import game_functions as gf 

def run_game(): 
    #Initialize pygame, settings, and screen object 
    ai_settings = Settings() 
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(
     (ai_settings.screen_width, ai_settings.screen_height)) 
    pygame.display.set_caption("Alien Invasion") 

    #Draw the ship 
    ship = Ship(ai_settings, screen) 

    #Start the main loop for the game. 
    while True: 
     #Watch for keyboard and mouse events 
     gf.update_screen(ai_settings, screen, ship) 



import pygame 

class Ship(): 
    def __init__(self, ai_settings, screen): 
     """Initialize teh ship and set its starting position""" 
     self.screen = screen 
     self.ai_settings = ai_settings 

    #Load teh ship image and get its rect 
    self.image = pygame.image.load('ship.bmp') 
    self.rect = self.image.get_rect() 
    self.screen_rect = screen.get_rect() 

    #Start each new ship at the bottom center of the screen 
    self.rect.centerx = self.screen_rect.centerx 
    self.rect.bottom = self.screen_rect.bottom 

    # Store a decimal value for the ship's center. 
    self.center = float(self.rect.centerx) 

    # Movement flag 
    self.moving_right = False 
    self.moving_left = False 

def update(self): 
    """Update the ship's postion based on the movement flag""" 
    # Update the ship's center value, not the rect. 
    if self.moving_right and self.rect.right < self.screen_rect.right: 
     self.center += self.ai_settings.ship_speed_factor 
    if self.moving_left and self.rect.left > 0: 
     self.center -= self.ai_settings.ship_speed_factor 

    # Update rect object from self.center 
    self.rect.centerx = self.center 

def blitme(self): 
    """Draw the ship at its current location""" 
    self.screen.blit(self.image, self.rect) 


import sys 

import pygame 

def check_keydown_events(event, ship): 
    """Responds to keypresses""" 
    if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: 
     ship.moving_right = True 
    elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: 
     ship.moving_left = True 

def check_keyup_events(event, ship): 
    """Respoinds to key releases""" 
    if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: 
     ship.moving_right = False 
    elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: 
     ship.moving_left = False 

def check_events(ship): 
    """Respond to keypresses and mouse events.""" 
    for event in pygame.event.get(): 
     if event.type == pygame.QUIT: 

    elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: 
     check_keydown_events(event, ship) 

    elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: 
     check_keyup_events(event, ship) 

def update_screen(ai_settings, screen, ship): 
    """Update images on the screen and flip to the new screen""" 
    #Redraw the screen during each pass through the loop 

#Make the most recently drawn screen visible. 


class Settings(): 
    """A Class to store all settings for ALein INvasion""" 
    def __init__(self): 
     """Initialize the game's settings""" 
     #screen settings 
     self.screen_width = 1200 
     self.screen_height = 800 
     self.bg_color = (255,255,255) 

    # Ship Settings 
    self.ship_speed_factor = 1.5 

これはPython Crash Courseのプロジェクトです。 この特定のプロジェクトには、

の画面中央にロケットで始まるゲームがあります。 4つの矢印キーを使用して、プレーヤーがロケットを上下左右に動かせるようにします。ロケットが決して端を越えて移動しないようにするか、または 画面を確認してください。


あなたは「何かをつぶすことなく正しく動作させることができないようだ」と言っています - それがどうしたら上手くいくのか、何を期待するのかを説明してください。ああ、 'game_fuction.py'では、あなたの' elif'sが間違ってインデントされています - それはタイプミスですか? –


あなたはkeydownを操作します。つまり、キーがすでに*ダウンしているときは、イベントは呼び出されません。これにより、*連続的な*移動が防止されます。たとえば、keydown(すなわち、whileループのように更新され続ける)のような動きを初期化し、キ​​ーアップでそれを壊すことができます。 – CermakM





# from your game_function.py 
def check_keydown_events(event, ship): 
    """Responds to keypresses""" 
    if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: 
     ship.moving_right = True 
    elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: 
     ship.moving_left = True 
    elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: 
     ship.moving_down = True 
    elif event.key == pygame.K_UP: 
     ship.moving_up = True 

def check_keyup_events(event, ship): 
    """Respoinds to key releases""" 
    if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: 
     ship.moving_right = False 
    elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: 
     ship.moving_left = False 
    elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: 
     ship.moving_down = False 
    elif event.key == pygame.K_UP: 
     ship.moving_up = False 

2)実際の動きを処理するために、あなたのオリジナルの船クラス: これはおそらくのようなものです。これは次のようになります :

# Movement flag 
self.moving_right = False 
self.moving_left = False 
self.moving_down = False 
self.moving_up = False 

def update(self): 
    """Update the ship's postion based on the movement flag""" 
    # Update the ship's center value, not the rect. 
    if self.moving_right and self.rect.right < self.screen_rect.right: 
     self.center += self.ai_settings.ship_speed_factor 
    if self.moving_left and self.rect.left > 0: 
     self.center -= self.ai_settings.ship_speed_factor 
    if self.moving_down and self.rect.bottom > self.screen_rect.bottom: 
     self.center -= self.ai_settings.ship_speed_factor 
    if self.moving_up and self.rect.top < self.screen_rect.top: 
     self.center -= self.ai_settings.ship_speed_factor 

    # Update rect object from self.center - might need to be changed now to handle 
    # movement in two directions properly. 
    if self.moving_up or self.moving_down: 
     self.rect.centery = self.center 
    if self.moving_left or self.moving_right: 
     self.rect.centerx = self.center 

私はこのような試みをしましたが、船を連続的に上下させようとすると、それは許されません – CholoBoy


これはおそらく、現在xとyを持たないself.centerで起こることをリファクタリングする必要があるためです。これらを個別に処理する必要があります。あなたが試したことを私に見せてください。私はすべての変更を行い、あなたに実用的なバージョンを与えることができるかどうかを見ていきます。 –


[OK]を、私はそれを割れてきました - このソリューションは、現在取り組んでいる:


class Settings: 
    """A Class to store all settings for ALien INvasion""" 
    def __init__(self): 
     """Initialize the game's settings""" 
     #screen settings 
     self.screen_width = 1200 
     self.screen_height = 800 
     self.bg_color = (255,255,255) 

    # Ship Settings 
    ship_speed_factor = 1.5 


import sys 

import pygame 

def check_keydown_events(event, ship): 
    """Responds to keypresses""" 
    if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: 
     ship.moving_right = True 
    elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: 
     ship.moving_left = True 
    elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: 
     ship.moving_down = True 
    elif event.key == pygame.K_UP: 
     ship.moving_up = True 

def check_keyup_events(event, ship): 
    """Responds to key releases""" 
    if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: 
     ship.moving_right = False 
    elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: 
     ship.moving_left = False 
    elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: 
     ship.moving_down = False 
    elif event.key == pygame.K_UP: 
     ship.moving_up = False 

def check_events(ship): 
    """Respond to keypresses and mouse events.""" 
    for event in pygame.event.get(): 
     if event.type == pygame.QUIT: 
     elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: 
      check_keydown_events(event, ship) 
     elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: 
      check_keyup_events(event, ship) 

def update_screen(ai_settings, screen, ship): 
    """Update images on the screen and flip to the new screen""" 
    #Redraw the screen during each pass through the loop 

    #Make the most recently drawn screen visible. 


import pygame 

class Ship: 
    def __init__(self, ai_settings, screen): 
     """Initialize teh ship and set its starting position""" 
     self.screen = screen 
     self.ai_settings = ai_settings 

     #Load the ship image and get its rect 
     self.image = pygame.image.load('ship.bmp') 
     self.rect = self.image.get_rect() 
     self.screen_rect = screen.get_rect() 

     #Start each new ship at the bottom center of the screen 
     self.rect.centerx = self.screen_rect.centerx 
     self.rect.bottom = self.screen_rect.bottom 

     # Store a decimal value for the ship's x and y center. 
     self.centerx = float(self.rect.centerx) 
     self.centery = float(self.rect.centery) 

     # Movement flag 
     self.moving_right = False 
     self.moving_left = False 
     self.moving_down = False 
     self.moving_up = False 

    def update(self): 
     """Update the ship's postion based on the movement flag""" 
     # Update the ship's center value, not the rect. 
     if self.moving_right and self.rect.right < self.screen_rect.right: 
      self.centerx += self.ai_settings.ship_speed_factor 
     if self.moving_left and self.rect.left > 0: 
      self.centerx -= self.ai_settings.ship_speed_factor 
     if self.moving_down and self.rect.bottom < self.screen_rect.bottom: 
      self.centery += self.ai_settings.ship_speed_factor 
     if self.moving_up and self.rect.top > self.screen_rect.top: 
      self.centery -= self.ai_settings.ship_speed_factor 

     # Update rect object from self.center - might need to be changed now to handle 
     # movement in two directions properly. 
     if self.moving_up or self.moving_down: 
      self.rect.centery = self.centery 
     if self.moving_left or self.moving_right: 
      self.rect.centerx = self.centerx 

    def blitme(self): 
     """Draw the ship at its current location""" 
     self.screen.blit(self.image, self.rect) 


import sys 
import pygame 

from settings import Settings 
from ship import Ship 
import game_functions as gf 

def run_game(): 
    #Initialize pygame, settings, and screen object 
    ai_settings = Settings() 
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(
     (ai_settings.screen_width, ai_settings.screen_height)) 
    pygame.display.set_caption("Alien Invasion") 

    #Draw the ship 
    ship = Ship(ai_settings, screen) 

    #Start the main loop for the game. 
    while True: 
     #Watch for keyboard and mouse events 
     gf.update_screen(ai_settings, screen, ship) 



