IDを持たない入力フィールドにテキストを入力しようとしています。要素を調べると、次のようになります。VBA - IEオートメーション - .getelements
<input title="Affected Customer(s)" class="custom-input ng-pristine ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-touched" role="combobox" aria-expanded="false" aria-required="true" aria-owns="typeahead-78-1606" aria-autocomplete="list" required="" type="text" placeholder="Enter customer name, email, login ID or corporate ID" entity="incident" field-name="customer.loginId" potentially-required-field="" auto-focus="" typeahead="user as user.firstName + ' ' + user.lastName for user in getList('person', $viewValue)" typeahead-loading="person.isLoading" typeahead-wait-ms="500" typeahead-on-select="onCustomerSelect($model)" typeahead-template-url="views/create/custom-add-user-dropdown.html" typeahead-min-length="3" prevent-click-event="" ng-model="person.ngModel">
Sub Automate_IE_Load_Page()
'This will load a webpage in IE
Dim i As Long
Dim URL As String
Dim IE As Object
Dim objElement As Object
Dim objCollection As Object
Dim aEle As HTMLLinkElement 'special object variable for an <a> (link) element
'Create InternetExplorer Object
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
'Set IE.Visible = True to make IE visible, or False for IE to run in the background
IE.Visible = True
'Define URL
URL = "https://ewpg-app-1041.hydro.mb.ca/ux/smart-it/#/create/incident"
'Navigate to URL
IE.navigate URL
' Wait while IE loading...
'IE ReadyState = 4 signifies the webpage has loaded (the first loop is set to avoid inadvertently skipping over the second loop)
Do While IE.readyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop 'Do While
Do Until IE.readyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop 'Do Until
objIE.Document.getElementsByName("customer.loginId")(0).Value = "test"
'click create new
'for each <a> element in the collection of objects with class of 'result__a'...
For Each aEle In objIE.Document.getElementsByName("Affected Customer(s)")
'...get the href link and print it to the sheet in col C, row y
result = aEle
'repeat times the # of ele's we have in the collection
'Unload IE
Set IE = Nothing
Set objElement = Nothing
Set objCollection = Nothing
End Sub
ライン「objIE.Document.getElementsByName(」customer.loginIdは「)(0).Valueの= 『テスト』は」私にエラーを与えます実行時エラー424 - オブジェクトが必要です。
をああ...なるほど。私は今日働くことを試みるときにそれを試みます。ありがとうございました。 –
あなたのコードを試しましたが、それでも私には実行時エラー424 - オブジェクトが期待されています。 –
それは動作するようになった!!!!!!! objIE.document.getElementsByClassName( "カスタム入力ng-pristine ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-touched")(0).Value = "test" なぜ以前はうまくいかなかったのかわかりません。 –