2017-01-29 8 views


//i want to get the two dates which is already saved in sql and then 
//calculating the remaining days 
//reading the data 
using (SqlDataReader read = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { 
    //loop throught the reader 
    while (read.Read()) { 
     // putting the salarydate value from database to first variable 
     String first =(read["salarydate"].ToString()); 
     // putting the expirydate value from database to second variable 
     String Second = (read["expiredate"].ToString()); 

     //converting the first fron string to datetime and then saving it to another 
     //datetime variable name salaryDate 
     DateTime salaryDate = DateTime.ParseExact(first, "MM/dd/yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 

     //converting the second fron string to datetime and then saving it to another 
     //datetime variable name expireDate 
     DateTime expireDate = DateTime.ParseExact(Second, "MM/dd/yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 
     //timepaning between two 
     TimeSpan t1 = expireDate - salaryDate; 

     //storing the days from t1 to daysleft which means days remaining 
     int daysleft = t1.Days; //days left 

     //this message box is not showing 
     //i also want to save the difference in sql and when that difference become 
     //zero , i want to put condition on that .. 
     MessageBox.Show(daysleft.ToString(),"Days Left"); 

コードにはどのような問題がありますか? – FeliceM


ここにあります: エラー: 文字列が有効ではありませんDateTime。 –


文字列はどのように見えますか?それをデバッグします。 – LarsTech




ほとんどの場合、DBから "dd/MM/yyyy"という文字列が得られ、 "MM/dd/yyyy"でその文字列をフォーマットしようとするよりも、言語設定によって異なります。

